Know Your Enemy

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I just want to take this moment to share a little something. The quote above not only pertains to this chapter but also my life as well. Through Wattpad, I have connected with so many people from all over the world. Some are authors, others are readers. Many are both. My life has changed in so many ways because of this amazing community of people.  

But there is a special group of ladies in particular that have touched my heart and I just wanted to let them know how much I appreciate each and every one of them for supporting me, being there for me when I have a rough day, and sharing their lives with me. You all know who you are. 

So thank you to everyone who reads, votes, and comments on not only this book but all my stories. And a great big thank you to the best writing partner anyone could possibly ask for! Thank you, Charlie, for your patience, understanding, and friendship. See you in two and a half weeks partner!

Wei Ying POV

After leaving Hanshi, Lan Zhan and Wei Ying returned to Jingshi to clean up before dinner. The blue flowers Wei Ying had picked the night before were all sitting in small vases, cups, or bowls around the room. Their fragrance was fading but that was alright with Wei Ying because he simply loved his husband-to-be's sandalwood scent which was slowly returning.

During their meal in the dining hall, Wei Ying tried to follow the rule of not talking while eating but he just couldn't do it. He kept chatting to Lan Zhan but at least he kept his voice down. Lan Zhan was listening intently to every word he said. It was evident in the way his eyes came back to Wei Ying's after each bite of food he lifted from his bowl. Wei Ying loved that his jade was paying attention to him but he wished his handsome mate would respond with even just a few words between bitefuls.

Mealtimes were meant to be a time to gather and share stories, to commune with your fellow clansmen and family. It was a time to laugh and be thankful for everything you had. Silence was lonely and cold. It kept you separated from the people around you, even if they were sitting right beside you.

Wei Ying kept glancing around the large room, hoping to meet some friendly faces that might at least smile back at him. But most eyes were turned down. The rest were looking at him but they were anything but friendly.

Wei Ying felt Lan Zhan take his hand, their fingers naturally intertwining and curling around the other hand. He took another bite of the bland dish in front of him before pushing it away with a gentle nudge.

"Wei Ying is not hungry?" Lan Zhan asked, his golden eyes wavering ever so slightly.

"It's okay. I'm just still getting used to the food here, that's all. I'm fine." Wei Ying answered.

He stared at his jade's perfect face and gave him a smile of reassurance. But when Lan Zhan let go of his hand and pulled it away, Wei Ying's heart dipped inside his chest. Watching Lan Zhan place the bowl back in front of him, Wei Ying knew he had to eat the food that tasted like bamboo leaves in order to keep his promise he made earlier that day.

"Lan Zhan, I-I didn't mean to offend you o-or your home. I'm sor..." he began to apologize but stopped when he looked up into Lan Zhan's sparkling gold orbs and saw.....


Wei Ying watched in disbelief as Lan Zhan reached inside his billowing sleeve and pulled out a small vial filled with red spice. Silver eyes wide with amazement stared as the youngest jade pulled the covering off and tapped the oil on top of the tasteless rice and vegetables until they were covered in the red spice.

Wei Ying's gaze shifted from the bowl to Lan Zhan, back to the bowl, and back to Lan Zhan. His mouth started to water at the aroma of the spice. He could already feel the heat of the spice and he hadn't even had one taste of it yet.

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