Lessons in Love

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Lan Zhan POV

Lan Zhan might be silent most of the time, but he was an expert at reading people. Jiang Cheng looked horrified, Jiang Fengmian also, but there...was something else definitely. And Madam Yu was livid.

Although he had to ask himself, when was she not? Her range of emotions began at anger and worked themselves up through furious to incandescent rage, and he wondered if her needle was broken, the one that allowed the more harmless feelings to exist.

"Wei WuXian is underage. He cannot marry now." She bit out, her purple eyes flashing with fire.

"The marriage will take place on his eighteenth birthday, the winter solstice. I believe six months is more than enough time to understand clan rules." Baoshen Sanren agreed smoothly.

"Once they are married, they will not get time to visit. I would like them to spend two months in Lotus Cove before that, so my children can spend some time with the Wei heir. He is like a brother to them, after all." Her purple lips stretched into a thin, evil smile.

XiChen came to stand next to Lan Zhan.

"Didi, please...tell me this is your own decision? I cannot stand by and see you punished for something I know you did not do. And I will have to answer to our father and our clan. Uncle Qiren will not be happy."

Lan Zhan had not thought about what it would feel like to lie to his brother. Not only did that infraction go against his sect rules, engraved upon ancient stone, but in his heart of hearts, he felt terrible. How could he lie to the one person who meant so much to him? The one who had given him the love of an absent mother, raised him as his own? And what would happen when his Xiongzhang found out Lan Zhan had lied? Would he be understanding of his baby brother? Or would he be incredibly hurt, as Lan Zhan feared?

And what about his entire clan? He was the Second Jade, highly respected, accomplished in every field, accused of a crime he did not commit, yet by accepting this "punishment", he was essentially admitting to it, and in that, his brother was so right.

Wei Ying came and stood by him, while the adults were still arguing. So close, he could smell that wonderful lotus scent...so close, Wei Ying could slip his hand into Lan Zhan's bigger one and offer a well of comfort.

"Don't worry...everything will be okay." Wei Ying whispered in a low voice.

Those six words soothed like no others, and Lan Zhan felt calmer. His breath evened out as he consciously relaxed, forcing himself to show no outward signs of his inner turmoil.

Wei Ying squeezed his hand once more before letting go of his hand and turning to face the now shouting adults.

"I would like to return to my mother as soon as possible." His quiet voice had the same effect as cold water on a sizzling fire.

"It's getting quite late." Madam Yu said, in the silence that followed. "Won't the Great Immortal one offer us refuge until the morning?" She smiled in a calculating way, sure her point of view was irrefutable.

"No, thank you." Baoshen Sanren hugged her grandson. "Watch out for that one." She whispered so faintly, only Lan Zhan heard what she told Wei Ying. "Pay close attention to your surroundings. The truth will come out."

He nodded ever so subtly.

"Give my regards to your parents for me." She said out loud, more for the benefit of those others present.

She turned and left with a wave, disappearing in the same manner as she had arrived.

Zidian crackled dangerously, Madam Yu exuding a particularly savage mood. Wei Ying discreetly stepped behind Lan Zhan, and this time, it was Lan Zhan's hand that found its way into the other's sleeve.

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