Of Sound Heart and Mind

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Lan Zhan POV

When they woke up, it was the beginning of a new day. Wei Ying woke up and yawned. Next to him, Lan Zhan was already awake.

The carriages were parked on the side of the road, and Lan Zhan couldn't help the slight upturning of his mouth at the cute sight of a bunny waking up right next to him.

They were alone in the carriage, XiChen having already left to check on their breakfast.

"Good morning, Lan Zhan." Wei Ying yawned and then almost absentmindedly reached up to kiss his cheek.

Lan Zhan felt warm all over, his ears heating up. Wei Ying snuggled closer, and Lan Zhan could feel a pull on his core, a quiet sort of happiness that came from deep within himself.

He thought back to their mind blowing kiss, excitement growing in the pits of his stomach, as goosebumps broke out across his skin.

Was it possible to feel like this? As if he was flying, soaring to the heavens whenever Wei Ying was so close to him like this. The feeling that something very powerful was growing inside of him, that thought kept popping up at random times, and yet all he could think about was the way those soft, pink lips felt when he kissed this beautiful man. How his heart had opened up with an intensity never felt before, not even when he had kissed his dancer.

He felt ashamed now, with Wei Ying practically in his lap, and him comparing kisses with the other man.

He should not be thinking about his, no, the dancer any longer. Now that he was engaged to be married to Wei Ying, no one else would exist in his mind like that. But wasn't it strange that the dancer had disappeared just like that? He was part of a troupe so it was quite possible they had travelled to another destination and the dancer had forgotten about him.

That last part made him feel sad. To be a forgotten memory in someone's mind...taken out and dusted off like an old book lifted from a high shelf. Wasn't that what he was going to do, too?


Lan Zhan resolved to burn that book, no matter how tempting it was to look at. His whole attention would be to look after Wei Ying now, his husband-to-be. It would be grossly unfair to be with one man, while pining after another.

"I'm starving!" Wei Ying yawned again. "Should prolly get up and stretch my legs."

He stood up rather unsteadily, and Lan Zhan caught him before he fell down.


Lan Zhan jumped off the edge of their carriage and took hold of Wei Ying's slim waist, effortlessly swinging him onto the ground in a display of shocking strength, lowering him gently so his feet rested next to him.

Lan Zhan thought it was adorable the way he blushed, burrowing into his side.

He spotted XiChen walking towards them, and alerted the man at his side.

"Xiongzhang." He murmured.

Wei Ying stood to attention immediately.

"Did you rest well, Didi?" He asked, pointedly ignoring the younger man.

They both bowed and greeted him.


"Then come. Breakfast is simple but adequate." He smiled at his brother, but it faltered when he saw their joined hands.

Lan Zhan didn't care. He had made his mind up that he was going to take care of Wei Ying, and that was exactly what he was going to do.

He walked past his brother, aiming for the fireside, and sat down in front of it, pulling Wei Ying next to him. He handed him a bowl of congee after spooning it out for him and then he filled a bowl for his brother, before serving himself last.

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