Mother Knows Best

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Wei Changze POV

(when Wei Ying left with the Jiang's to go see Boashan Sanren for judgement)

Wei Changze watched his son leave with the young Jiang heir. His heart was torn in half. The two loves of his life needed him and he could not be there for both. He knew Wei Ying would be safe with the Jiangs so he had decided to stay by his wife's side, unwilling to leave her alone after the attempt on her life. Besides, if the person who attacked her found out she was still alive, they might make another attempt to finish what they started.

Jiang Yanli brought him his meals and changes of clothes. She made sure he took breaks to bathe and sleep. Wei Changze could see why A-Ying loved her like a sister. The young woman was caring and thoughtful beyond what was expected of her. She definitely took after her father while Jiang Cheng was more like his mother.

That woman was fiercer than a cobra. He knew not many people liked her but everyone respected her. Her husband, his friend, Jiang Fengmian, was a strong leader and an outstanding negotiator. With the two of them working together to help their A-Ying, Wei Changze was confident things would work out in favor of their family.

When Wei Ying told him he was not sure about Lan Wangji's innocence, he could sense his son holding back. There was something A-Ying did not want to give a voice to and it did not sit right with Wei Changse.

He knew what his wife thought of the younger Twin Jade. She had told him how she had spoken with the young man wearing an eyepatch, hiding in the shadows after their son's performance in Caiyi. He had wanted to laugh it off but he knew his wife. Once she got a hold of an idea, she would not let anyone talk her out of it. It was sort of like talking to the Gusu Rules rock.

Now, Wei Changze could only pray that his wife was right. That Lan Wangji would not hurt their son. That, if Hanguang-jun was the one his beloved believed him to be, Wei Ying would be protected by not only the Jiangs but by the Second Jade himself.

On the second day after Wei Ying left, Wei Changze asked Jiang Yanli to watch over his wife while he went for a walk before retiring for the evening. He even had extra guards posted outside the medical building to protect both women.

At first, he simply wandered his way through Lotus Pier with an unassuming pace. He pretended to admire the lotus flowers in full bloom and the exercises on the practice field, all with a smile and a nod at people he passed by. As he made his way deeper into the sect compound, he made sure to maintain his casual appearance. Not many people would question a sect leader, and a friendly one at that, wandering around but he did not want to take any chances.

As soon as he had the opportunity, he slid inside Jiang Fengmian's office completely undetected. The room was warm and inviting for a place of business. Artifacts of past battles and family heirlooms decorated the small space. Wei Changze recognized most of them as he made his way to the simple desk in the middle of the room.

He glanced through the papers stacked neatly and found nothing unusual. Everything was in order and typical of being on a clan leader's desk.

"Damnit." Wei Changze whispered.

If there was nothing here, that meant he would have to search Yu Ziyuan's office as well. And that would be a little more difficult to gain access to. She always had one of her two personal attendants guarding it as if it was a treasury instead of an office. Getting past her was going to be....difficult.

Making sure he was not spotted, Wei Changze exited Jiang Fengmian's office and headed for his wife's. Just as he had suspected, Jinzhu was standing motionless outside the door.

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