Medicinal Magic

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"But my son is innocent! He doesn't know anything about demonic cultivation!!"

Wei Ying heard the woman's words as Jiang Cheng forcefully turned him back towards the carriage. His body froze, his mind only hearing the last two words on repeat.

Demonic Cultivation.

He looked back. What was the woman talking about? Did her son disappear because someone suspected him of practicing the demonic arts? Who would have taken him? And where? What would they do to him?

Wei Wuxian had a hundred questions piling up in his mind. He needed to talk to that woman but Jiang Cheng was pushing him back to the carriage.

"Jiang Cheng, what are you doing!" he growled. "I need to talk to her!"

"No. You don't. Not now. Not with 'them' standing right there." he said as he nodded towards the two jades who were also speaking with the woman.

Wei Ying stopped fighting and allowed Jiang Cheng to lead him back to the carriage. The two sat in complete silence, not even daring to look at the other. A few minutes passed before Jiang Fengmian and Madam Yu returned to the carriage, as well. With the crack of a whip that startled Wei Ying, the two carriages continued on their way.

No one said anything. Jiang Cheng and his father watched Wei Wuxian carefully. Jiang Cheng placed his hand on top of Wei Wuxian's and felt his still present fever. Wei Ying patted the top of his brother's hand in reassurance before gently removing it from his own. The Jiang heir gave him a look of displeasure but did not give his concern a voice. Not when his mother was sitting right in front of them.

As the sky began to darken, the carriages stopped for the night. Campfires were lit and dinner was cooked and served. Wei Ying sat there amongst the purple robes, his mind still puzzling over what the woman back at the village had said.

My son doesn't know anything about demonic cultivation.

He had always known that practicing in the demonic arts was dangerous. Which is why his parents had always tried to help him hide it, why they found ways to help him control it. Recently, however, he felt his energy growing stronger, becoming more difficult to manage which was most likely why he expended so much during the night hunt.

Wei Ying stared into the dancing fire, his thoughts locking him away from the others around him. Jiang Cheng was trying to get him to talk but his lips would not part. Madam Yu kept a watchful eye on him, probably waiting for him to do or say something inappropriate. So, he just sat there, staring into the smoldering embers.

He missed his parents. The selfish side of him wanted to throw a tantrum demanding to know why his father stayed behind. He also longed to return to Lotus Cove and sit with his mother, praying she would open her silver eyes and call him "her little bunny" again.

Wei Ying felt Lan Wangji's intense gaze on him, pushing its way through the self-inflicted barrier of loneliness and pain that were slowly stealing him away from those he loved. He contemplated on whether or not he should look into those golden eyes that sparkled whenever the young jade smiled.

Would he see hate.......or something else? Would he see an enemy who despised him and his clan or a friend he could trust? If he looked now, would he see a killer or a lover?

The answer was sitting on the other side of the campfire. Sucking in a deep breath, he looked.

Wei Ying froze. Was that worry in Lan Wangji's dark golden eyes? Wei Ying blinked and looked again. Now, he only saw the cold face of his enemy. A man accused of almost killing the only woman he ever loved in this world. Hostility replaced hope and Wuxian turned away.

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