Three Beasts, Three Tests, One Truth

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Wei Ying POV

Wei Ying stared at himself in the mirror. He had no idea it was armor that his love had gifted him with. It was so light, the leather almost as soft as his robes. His long fingers glided over the camellia and lotuses that adorned the front. He smiled, his lips trembling with overwhelming gratitude, as he admired the beautifully contrasting red and black colors.

HIS colors. HIS armor. A gift from HIS Lan Zhan.

"Does Wei Ying not like?"

Wei Ying heard the uncertainty tainting Lan Zhan's normally confident voice and he quickly turned and captured those pink lips with his own. Seconds passed by. The kiss deepened, tempting Wei Ying like the finest wine . The taste of his jade's tongue took his mind away from everything that was happening. The sound of Lan Zhan's soft moans sparked a flame inside him that smoldered with a hungry desire.

Breaking away to catch his breath, Wei Ying looked into those golden spheres that shimmered like melted gold. Why could he not get enough of this man? Why was it that, no matter how many times they kissed, he was left starving for more? What more could there be? They were men. It wasn't like they could....

"Wei Ying approves?" Lan Zhan asked hopefully.

The young jade took a few steps back to admire him in his armor and Wei Ying missed his closeness instantly.

"Lan Zhan, it's beautiful."

"Wei Ying is beautiful."

Wei Ying could feel the deep blush heating his face and lowered his head shyly. But Lan Zhan refused to let him hide away. He returned to his place in front of Wei Ying and used those elegant fingers to raise his head until they were once again staring into each other's eyes.

"Wei Ying is beautiful. Wei Ying is strong. Wei Ying is mine."

Lan Zhan's hand slipped to the back of Wei Ying's head, his fingers threading their way deep into the thick strands of dark hair at the base of his neck. With one strong pull, their lips came crashing back together. Teeth clashed and nipped at the soft flesh trapped between them.

But as quickly as it began, it ended. Lan Zhan backed away first, leaving Wei Ying kissing empty air. The whine that left his throat was long and meant to be annoying. However, Lan Zhan graced him with a tiny smile instead of a reprimand.

"Lan Zhaaaan." Wei Ying wailed. "It was just getting good!"

His jade let out a little chuckle and Wei Ying's mood dissipated instantly. It seemed that his husband-to-be was loosening up a little. At least, whenever they were alone. And Wei Ying loved it.

Lan Zhan began undoing the ties of the armor vest with a tender touch. Wei Ying turned towards the mirror again and tried stopping his jade from removing his precious gift.

"Can't I wear it just a little longer?"

"Wei Ying must rest. Night hunt is soon. Must also eat."

"Fine." he agreed with a yawn. "I guess I am a little tired."

He moved so Lan Zhan could take off the fine leather and as a result, found himself facing his love again. Wei Ying reached up and wrapped his arms around Lan Zhan's neck, lacing his fingers together behind his head.

"Can we rest....together?" Wei Ying asked with a devilish look in his sparkling silver eyes.


Without waiting for Wei Ying's naughty comeback, Lan Zhan scooped him up and carried him to their bed. The jade pulled back the covers and placed Wei Ying carefully on the soft mattress. Wei Ying made room for his fiance who laid down next to him with open arms. Giggling, Wei Ying snuggled into his jade's waiting embrace, nuzzling his nose against Lan Zhan's sandalwood scented skin. He listened to the strong and calming heartbeat beneath Lan Zhan's chest and promptly drifted off to sleep.

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