Soul Searching

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Lan Zhan stared at the tall, beautiful woman standing in front of them, dressed in sparkling celestial white, not looking like she wasn't a day over thirty. She was watching all of them now, her gaze narrowing when she got to Madam Yu, who was sporting a haughty smile.

Something dark flickered in those purple flame eyes, startling Lan Zhan. He looked around furtively, wanting someone else to have seen what he thought he saw, but everyone was looking at the stranger.

"Grandma!" Wei Ying bowed before running into her arms.

Lan Zhan took a step forward too, but was held back by his brother, who discreetly shook his head.

"What's going on? Why have you suddenly decided to grace me with your presence?" Her words were quietly mocking, aimed at everyone else except her grandson. "Where are your parents, child?" Her voice softened when she spoke to Wei Ying, hugging him back.

Lan Zhan liked her immediately. She seemed like a kind and fair soul, someone they could trust in. She shared the same silver grey eyes as Wei Ying, and they had a commonality in their mannerisms.

He wondered why XiChen was being so cautious all of a sudden. Was it Sect related mistrust? Or something else?

Baoshan Sanren was a widely respected cultivator, having reached immortality at a very young age, faster than her husband who had sadly passed away. It was a common belief that if the sects were not able to come to a peaceful settlement regarding disputes, that they could go and visit Baoshan Sanren and obtain guidance. How this burden was placed upon her neck, no one knew, and given how complicated her key was to gaining access, Lan Zhan wondered how that rumour had come about.

Furthermore, it was said that once she passed judgement and laid down a verdict, it was in the best interests of those involved to do exactly as advised by the Immortal one. The consequences of not behaving in such a manner, led to famine and other such disasters, for her connection to the world they lived in was not to be questioned.

Whether she was directly involved in retribution for unfaithfulness or not, was arguable, but which sect leader in his right mind would dare to go against her and risk certain annihilation? History had shown them that Baoshan Sanren was a force to be reckoned with, someone you wanted to be standing next to you in a fight, should it come to that.

"Mother was attacked. S-she's in a c-coma!" Wei Ying threw his arms around her neck and burst into tears.

"What?" She asked sharply, daggers in her eyes when she faced Jiang Fengmian and Madam Yu. "What happened to my daughter?"

"Why don't we ask him?" Madam Yu pointed a purple spiked finger in Lan Zhan's direction.

"Do not make baseless accusations towards my brother!" XiChen exclaimed curtly. He turned towards the Immortal. "Madam, that is why we have come here, to seek your counsel. It is the source of our contention, as Cangse Sanren, Lady Wei was found-"

"By your brother! Wielding his spiritual sword no less, on a dark night, in the rain. Just saying he didn't do it, doesn't mean anything!" Madam Yu reiterated, furiously. Zidian crackled dangerously on her finger.

Lan Zhan could see everyone from where he was standing, and that act alone was causing quite some discomfort to Wei Ying, who twitched with every burst of purple energy. Lan Zhan made a mental note to ask him about that later. Right now, XiChen was defending his honour.

"By that very same argument, we can say that Lan Wangji is innocent until proven guilty. Just because you say he is the culprit, does not make it so, Madam." XiChen stood firm on his resolve.

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