Weapons, Words, and Worship

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Lan Zhan's POV

Lan Zhan held on to Wei Ying's promise that nothing was going to happen to him. In his mind, all he could see was two shining starlight eyes, vowing to come back to him, and he held onto that hope.

Their kiss had ignited a fire that burned deep inside his heart, a futile wish to take Wei Ying away from all of this, away from old people stuck in their ways, from those that wished to harm him. He had meant what he had said that night, when he revealed he would leave the clan, leave Cloud Recesses if he had to.

Now, with his vow to protect Wei Ying at all costs coming to the forefront of his mind, he looked on, half in disbelief and the other full of adoration, marvelling that this kind-hearted man, so skilled and ready to fight ten warriors from his family, was his.

Wei Ying, sure footed, and confident in his own abilities, was temptation personified, ice cream to a kid, and Lan Zhan hoped his gift for Wei Ying had arrived by now, at the Jingshi.

Would Wei Ying like it?

No...he would not think about that, not yet. Not when ten swords were ready to face off against his beloved, and there was nothing he could do about it.

That was the worst thing about this situation; that he had to look on while Wei Ying fought.


It went against the grain to let this happen, but it was so necessary. He knew what both his brother and Wei Ying were trying to do when they had spoken before this challenge, but his own nature was where the real fight was going on, inside himself.

It didn't matter that Wei Ying's capabilities far exceeded the maximum of skills present in that circle of fighters; that wasn't the point. Lan Zhan knew Wei Ying could fight, and fight well, he could even be entertaining without thinking about it, but Lan Zhan was opposed to him fighting by himself, because Lan Zhan was right here. As Wei Ying's husband-to-be, he wanted to protect him, no, that wasn't quite right.

It was a need that scorched straight from his heart. The Universe had gifted Wei Ying to him, and Lan Zhan took this with utter seriousness. And as he would be Wei Ying's husband too, he believed the same protection would come from Wei Ying, and he was not opposed to this idea at all.

In fact, he felt a shiver of delight at the thought, to be vulnerable only for his Wei Ying like that.

So to have to watch while his own family attacked his Wei Ying...he was clutching Bichen with a vengeance, planning out the next foray into training with these ten individuals. He knew that if a single hair was harmed on that precious body, he was going to take measures that the guilty persons would not forget in a hurry.

But Lan Zhan was not prepared for Wei Ying's bold move, to actually blindfold himself before the fight.

Standing right in front of him now, his willowy frame strong and ready, those black robes fluttering, invitingly, while the brief flash of scarlet hinted at secret delights concealed underneath, and that precious smile...and then Wei Ying had bitten his bottom lip, and Lan Zhan was done holding back.

If his family, his Uncle no less, could show how much they distrusted his Wei Ying, well, he could show them what Wei Ying meant to him.

And he didn't need a fight to know it, although the blindfold had given him a marvelous idea.

With purposeful strides, he returned to his Wei Ying, who had done as he had promised, he had handed their asses to them.

The fight was epic, because Wei Ying had willfully and on purpose, given those ten an advantage by disabling the most arguably important sense out of his five.

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