Truth or Dare

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Wei Ying POV

Wei Ying couldn't stop his eyes from darting in every direction as they walked further up the mountain towards Cloud Recesses. It was the last half of summer and everything here was still so green. The leaves were plump and the grass lush beneath his feet. He longed to lay in the long blades of nature's carpet and fall asleep to the sounds of the insects humming all around them.

Above him, the blue sky was softened by puffy clouds that floated by as if they didn't have a care in the world. Rocks of all sizes and shapes protruded from the ground, their starkness a sharp contrast to the deep greens and blues. Trees with trunks that would take four men to circle their arms around shaded them with broad canopies like umbrellas.

Cloud Recesses was beautiful. But not as beautiful as the man holding his hand. Lan Zhan kept Wei Ying close to his side, his golden eyes glancing at him behind those thick dark lashes that Wei Ying wanted to kiss. His jade was born of this land. The hard and immovable rocks were his devotion and honor. The soft ground was his heart and soul. And the blue sky was his endless love for Wei Ying.

When they entered the clan grounds, Wei Ying's eyes once again travelled in every direction trying to see everything they passed by. The architecture was simple and elegant. There was no bravado in the design or artwork. Just like his Lan Zhan. The other members of the clan looked at him like he was something to be feared. And hated.

Wei Ying pressed his body against Lan Zhan's and was immediately reassured with a gentle squeeze of his hand. He turned his attention onto the young man walking beside him. The tails of Lan Zhan's headband floated in the slightly cooler breeze, his dark hair a waterfall of silken strands. His sharp jawline complimented his nose and cheekbones perfectly. Maybe if he just stared at Lan Zhan during the meeting, he wouldn't feel so overwhelmed. That sounded like a good plan.

When they stopped in front of the large mahogany doors leading to the Great Hall, the reality of his dangerous situation came crashing down on Wei Ying. He felt the weight of not only his life being on the line but that of the entire Wei Clan. Everyone behind those doors had plotted and promised to wipe his people off the face of the world. He was outnumbered and out of his element.

His father had always been the negotiator, the planner, the protector. Of course Wei Ying had been taught by all the scholars and trained by the best fighters of their clan. But that didn't mean he was ready for such an important responsibility as this.

Gods! This was going to be one hell of a crash course!

Here, in the depths of his enemy's homeland, there was no one. No one here would step in if things went wrong. No one here would speak for him if he forgot the proper words to say. No one here would protect him except.....

"Wei Ying."

It only took two little words to send Wei Ying into the sheltering arms of his beloved. Strong arms wrapped around him, soothing his queasy stomach. He breathed in Lan Zhan's sandalwood scent and felt his anxiousness settling.

"Wei Ying." Lan Zhan' voice was softer this time and filled with a promise Wei Ying welcomed with open arms.

Their kiss was natural, as if they had been doing it their whole lives. And Wei Ying wanted to continue doing it their whole lives. That is, until Lan Xichen ruined the mood.

The two young men pulled apart but their hands remained locked together. Lan Zhan took the first step towards the now open doors and Wei Ying moved to follow him.

But a hand on his shoulder stopped him. "I'm sorry, Wei-gongzi. They only want to see Wangji first."

Panic thrust everything else out of Wei Ying's body. But...they were supposed to do this together. If they were together, everything would be fine. Being together was what Wei Ying had counted on. And were going to be.....separated.

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