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Wei Ying POV

"Ahhh, ha-haha." Wei Ying laughed nervously. "Umm, I could n-not take advantage of your hospitality like that, Z-Zewu-jun." he stuttered.

"Nonsense." the older jade answered calmly. "You have shown great potential, Subian. I would love to see if you really can beat my little brother."

Wei YIng looked to the younger jade who was looking at something off in the distance. Part of him missed those golden eyes on him.

Studying him.

Challenging him.

Wei Ying loved a challenge. And, there was one standing right here in front of him.

"Why, just yesterday," Zewu-jun continued, drawing Wei Ying's attention back to the more talkative man. "He bested ME for the very first time and I was ranked as the number one swordsman in our clan."

Lan Xichen's smile was one of fraternal love and Wei Ying could see how proud the jade was of his little brother.

His silver eyes darted over to the serious jade who slipped partially behind his slightly taller older brother. He couldn't help but half grin at the childish act from such a serious looking young man.

But, then he remembered his parents. They would be waiting for him just outside of town at their pre planned meeting location to head home. He was sure his mother was anxious to hug him after watching the match between him and Wen Ping. His heart twisted knowing he had worried the strongest woman he knew. He had to get back to them.

His family had never intended to stay overnight. Or for any length of time past his performance. He had foolishly signed up to fight without his parents permission and was now realizing just how much danger he had put his entire family.......No! The entire CLAN in!!

They were in their enemies home territory with no army to save them should things go wrong. And things were definitely starting to go wrong. His father was the clan leader and he was the clan heir! What was he thinking?! He had to get them out of Gusu.


Wei Ying tried suppressing his growing agitation but he could see by the Lan brothers' faces that he was failing miserably. So, he resorted to his always successful tactic of getting himself out of difficult situations.

"Zewu-jun. If what you say is true, then Lan Wangji could very well be the most eligible bachelor in your clan. My mother has been looking for a suitable match for me." Wei Ying leaned in closer. "Perhaps, I have found him." he murmured softly behind the back of his hand.

Wei Ying winked at the bashful Hanguang-jun and gave him his most seductive smile. A heavy blush crept up the terrified jade's neck which only spurred Wei YIng to continue his shameless torture.

"Would I be sharing a room with Young Master Lan during my stay in Cloud Recesses?" he inquired with a lop-sided smirk.

Wei Ying lightly bit the nail of his pointer finger between his snow white teeth. Slowly, he pulled the corner of his bottom lip down. His fingertip traced his bottom lip halfway before disappearing between his soft pink lips.

Golden eyes snapped to Wei Ying's face and locked onto his subtle movements. Wei Ying's heart increased its pace. He stared as a single bead of sweat trailed down the back side of Lan Wangji's high cheekbone.

Zewu-jun's brows furrowed. He saw that Wei Ying was looking past him and turned his head to the side to peek at his baby brother.

Poor Lan Zhan was barely breathing. His jaw was clenched uncomfortably and Lan Xichen wondered if he had ever seen his sibling looking so angry. Or was it.........flustered?

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