The Key To Their Hearts

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Wei Ying POV

"We should get back to camp. They're probably worried about us. Jiang Cheng will give me a speech about responsibility or something. Madam Yu will probably....."

Wei Ying stopped mid-sentence, not wanting to even think about what that woman might do to him. A shiver crawled up his spine as he stood and offered a hand to the young Lan. Lan Wangji looked at him curiously, his golden eyes blinking sleepily.

"Oh come on, I won't bite." Wei Ying said with a light giggle.

Lan Zhan said a final goodbye to the bunnies which chased away the chill burrowing into Wei Ying's heart. He saw Lan Zhan gently run his long fingers through the rich fur of all the rabbits huddled around him and wondered how such a man could possibly be considered cold and uncaring. Wei Ying was beginning to doubt that those strong hands were even capable of taking a life.

When Lan Zhan reached out to grasp Wei Ying's hand, the young man in black and red robes smiled. He pulled hard, half expecting the jade to be heavy or resist his help. But Hanguang-jun stood easily as if he was made of bunny fluff. Wei Ying chuckled to himself at the ridiculous thought.

"Why are you laughing?" Lan Zhan inquired as he brushed his robes off. Rabbits shed a lot and the proud young man was covered in fur that floated from the heavy material like dandelion seeds.

"Nothing.Just a silly thought." Wei Ying answered with a shake of his head.

Some of the floating fur made its way up his nose and Wei Ying sneezed. Before he could stifle the next one, it came bursting out of his body nearly knocking him off his feet. Some of his hair fell out of his ponytail in fine strands that also tickled his face. It was like running into an invisible spider web.

Wei Ying frantically brushed his hands all over his face to rid himself of the annoyances but he could still feel their light touches against the fine hair on his sensitive skin. He tried blowing air upwards from his lips to dislodge the sticky bunny fur but found that only tickled his nose even more. He muffled another sneeze causing it to sound more like a squeak and wiggled his nose.

"Bunny." Lan Zhan said happily.

Wei Ying glanced over at Lan Wangji and thought he saw a smile grace the jade's perfect mouth but, after blinking hard and shaking his head, he knew must have imagined it.

"What?" Wei Ying asked, his voice betraying his aggravation at the bunny fur and his own hair.

"Wei Ying. Bunny." Lan Zhan replied matter of factly before heading in the direction of the camp.

Wei Ying paused. Did Lan Zhan just call him a.....bunny? Was that supposed to be a compliment? Lan Zhan did seem to really like the rabbits so Wei Ying decided it was and skipped off to catch up to the white robes flowing in the early morning breeze.

The two young men walked in a comfortable silence, side by side, step for step. Wei Ying felt at ease with Lan Zhan by his side. There was a feeling of comfort radiating from the young jade that Wei Wuxian was drawn to. Considering they were supposed to be mortal enemies, he had feared the trip would be nothing but disagreements and accusations with a touch of hateful threats sprinkled on top.

Yet the two had just shared a moment together ending with Lan Zhan calling him a bunny. Wei Ying was not exactly sure what kind of moment they had shared but at least Hanguang-jun had not tried to stab him.

As they approached the campsite, the two began to realize just how much trouble they were in.

"Where is my brother?" Lan Xichen asked coldly. Wei Ying could hear the worry disguised in his firm voice and instantly felt sorry for keeping Lan Wangji out so late.

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