Fortune and Faith

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Lan Zhan POV

Baoshen Sanren was looking too smug for them not to believe her.

"Past this door, lies the answer to all your questions. All you have to do is walk through it." She told them, mysteriously.

"Are you coming with us?" Wei Ying asked her.

"No." She sounded almost gleeful.

Lan Zhan looked at Wei Ying, the warmth of his hand in his, travelling upwards through to his chest.

"We can do this." Silver eyes sparkled with trust and loyalty.

"Mn. Together." Lan Zhan waited for Wei Ying to put his free palm on the door just as he was doing, and then together, they pushed it open.

It closed behind them with a resounding click, and for a few seconds, there was nothing but the sound of their breathing.

As their eyes adjusted to the darkness, small twinkling lights appeared, gathering close and then flying away as if scared by them, coming back together in tiny groups to light their path.

"Look, Lan Zhan! They're trying to help us." Wei Ying told him, excitedly.

Sure enough, the little bright creatures were settling upon the ground in a clear path on either side, that led forward into the darkness. They were definitely inside a deep cavern; the roof stretching away into the dark, and their voices echoed. Somewhere there was the sound of running water, gurgling on its merry way.

It was much cooler here, and Wei Ying was pressing closer to him, so Lan Zhan put an arm around his waist to make it easier, drawing him closer so they could share their warmth. Their breath was visible in tiny puffs of smoke, disappearing into the air.

There was a pedestal in front of them, with a covered basin. The sound of water was much louder now.

The little creatures of light fluttered up to rest against the edge of the basin, lighting the top of it and illuminating their faces with a warm glow.

"It is the same emblem as upon the door." Lan Zhan said quietly, but it sounded loud in the unbroken silence.

The Yin and Yang symbol was carved into the wood with intricate detail, the colours stark against their opposite counterparts. One side portrayed the night sky with a bright glowing full moon, a trail of stars burning brightly like a tail, while the second part was a vivid summer sky, a blazing sun trailing fire. Like day and night, these two followed an eternal pattern, from the beginning of time.

It was the same as the one on the door that led them here...but...not exactly.

Lan Zhan traced the details, feeling the energy hidden inside the wood. His fingers glided over the curves, resting upon the face of the sun. He looked at the sun-kissed fingers of Wei Ying tracing the same pattern, coming to a stop when they reached the face of the moon.

The eyes inside these faces glinted eerily, made creepy by the shadows cast from the dim light of the magical creatures, their wings vibrating with excitement.

"What do you think we have to do?" Wei Ying asked him.

Lan Zhan was lost in his silver eyes, brimming with curiosity as Wei Ying leaned even closer. Unconsciously, he bent towards him, unable to look away either. Closer and closer until...

Their lips met in the sweetest of kisses, a pulling of their souls as lovely as a fragrance dancing upon a summer breeze.

It felt right and so good, Lan Zhan closed his eyes, unintentionally deepening the kiss. His mind filled with images he didn't understand and by mistake he had pressed down on the wooden face that had been under his fingertips.

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