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Lan Zhan POV

Lan Zhan felt warm.


His eyes opened automatically, body awakening at the five o'clock bells ringing in the temple, signaling the start of the day.

There was a comfortable weight on his chest and Lan Zhan lifted his fingers to stroke the wonderful hair, so soft and silky, splayed over both of them. The lovely scent of lotus flowers filled the air, surrounding them, mixing with the sandalwood fragrance with a touch of wine.

For the first time in his adult life, Lan Zhan did not want to get up.

Wouldn't it be lovely?

Just to remain here, in this familiar, safe Jingshi, and not go out there?

Out there, with only the door of the Jingshi being the only barrier between them and the clan, Lan Zhan much preferred this quiet peacefulness. He thought back to the walk when they visited his brother in the Hanshi. He had been right to send the guard to buy the spices and chili oil, right to make Wei Ying feel at home.

It was worth it just to see the look on Wei Ying's face when his food changed color and made it more bearable for him to swallow.

And wasn't it great how XiChen came to sit with them?

That one move, to lead by example, felled the many voices uncertain and mistrustful of his Wei Ying, and turned them into curious ones filled with eager questions. That one move was the deciding factor, a gamble that paid off and won the game, or at least came close.

Lan Zhan wondered how he had lived up till now, without this beautiful man by his side. It seemed as if his life could be split in two: before Wei Ying and after Wei Ying.

Richer now, most definitely.

Had he changed? Lan Zhan could definitely say so.

Before Wei Ying had literally danced into his life, Lan Zhan had lived safely.

Nothing would have swayed him to set foot outside of the Jingshi when his duties were done with, when he could indulge in his music and his books. Suddenly... inspiration took hold of him...

Wei Ying was sleeping so peacefully, the slumber of a restful soul, that Lan Zhan's hand stopped from waking him up. It would be a sin to wake up this man, who was under so much stress already, and today would be another one of 'those' days.

Like taming a frightened horse, one had to stroke the clan and repeatedly show them that Wei Ying was harmless, would not cause them hurt, and that he was safe.

It was also a valuable chance. These three days, their actions in gaining the trust of the clan would not be scrutinized by those who wished them harm, not as much as if their time was unlimited. As it was, these three days would go far to cement in the clan's mind that adding Wei Ying to their family was a plus point, an advantage to them as a whole.

Gently, Lan Zhan eased away, trying hard to ignore the slight whine of protest by his sleeping husband-to-be. He arranged his still-warm pillow into Wei Ying's arms as a poor substitute for his own body, and then he went to freshen up.

Upon his return, he sat down at the table and began to compose.

Each note, the way it fell into place as though this melody was already written, as if it was something that already existed and was just waiting for Lan Zhan to write it down, to give it a real body.

He had lit a stick of incense before he began writing, a sort of informal prayer for auspicious luck. Lan Zhan wasn't superstitious at all, but in doing so it had seemed right, felt right.

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