A Promise to Protect

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Wei Ying POV

"No!" Wei Changze yelled. He stood in front of his son, his stance that of defiance. "I won't allow you to take my son with you without knowing that his safety is ensured."

Wei Ying took his father's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. He rose and stood in front of his father, his silver eyes calm.

"Baba, Lan Zhan will protect me."

"But...he's...." Wei Changze stuttered in fear.

"My fiance." Wei Ying finished with a smile. He turned to look at Lan Zhan whose golden stare was firm, a silent promise that did not need to be spoken aloud.

When Wei Ying turned his head back to his father, his smile was even bigger and brighter than before.

"He will protect me. We have made a promise to always be there for one another. I trust him with my life. And I need you to trust me." he said in an almost whisper of a voice.

Wei Ying held his breath. His father's face betrayed his feelings for his son and his eyes filled with tears he could not shed. Wei Ying squeezed his father's calloused hand tightly. He needed to know that his father would not worry about him, that he would care for his mother and himself without the distraction of rampant possibilities running through his head.

Wei Changze's eyes looked past Wei Ying. They met Lan Zhan's and held the younger man in his gaze. When Wei Ying looked back at the young jade, he saw Lan Zhan bow to his father.

When the Second Jade of Lan rose, he unsheathed Bichen, holding his sword out in front of him, and made another promise.

"I, Lan Zhan of the GusuLan Clan, promise to protect. Protect with my life."

Wei Ying's eyes blurred with the happiest tears. He wanted to go to Lan Zhan and be wrapped in his arms. His heart filled his entire chest leaving no room for any other feeling other than.....love.

He loved Lan Zhan.

Wei Ying realized how naive he had been. He loved his parents and had believed that the love for a mate would feel similar. Perhaps it would be a bit stronger with a hint of intimacy but similar nonetheless. How wrong he was!

Every fiber in his body screamed for Lan Zhan. He physically ached to touch the smooth skin he knew was under those robes. Breathing, normally such a simple thing, became almost too difficult for him to endure. The scent of sandalwood was faint but he could still smell it and he focused on how it made him feel.

Wei Changze watched Wei Ying's reaction to the Second Lan's promise before his son turned to face him. Those silver eyes, so much like his beautiful wife's, glistened with happiness. The corner of his full lips spread from ear to ear, his bunny teeth biting his lower lip with barely contained anticipation.

Wei Changze's eyes softened with sad happiness. "You're no longer ours, are you?"

Bouncing on the balls of his feet, Wei Ying could no longer wait for his father's answer.

"Baba, I will always be yours and mama's. But....I really want to go with him. I promise I will be safe. He's very protective of me." Wei Ying admitted with a tiny giggle.

He turned once more towards Lan Zhan. The jade was still staring at him with eyes that were soft. Wei Ying tried taking a step towards the handsome young man in white but was stopped again from going to the one person he wanted to be with right now.

Wei Changze pulled Wei Ying back, forcing his son to meet his gaze.

"A-Ying, are you sure?"

Wei Ying giggled. "I've never been more sure of anything in my life. It's funny. I should be nervous or even scared, but...." He turned again as if he could not look away from his husband-to-be for more than a few seconds. "I trust him. Completely."

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