Shenanigans of a Drunken Jade

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Wei Ying POV

"What did you do to him?!" Lan Xichen cried out as he wrapped his arms around Wangji's shoulders. His posture was protective yet gentle.

"I-I-I-I didn't do anything!" Wei Ying yelled back. His heart had stopped beating. How long before a person died because of a seized heart? Not soon enough apparently.

"Did you put something in the wine?" Zewu-jun questioned using his future-clan-leader tone.

"No!" the terrified man insisted, waving his hands in front of him defensively.

Wei Ying's heart was beating once again but it was out of control. This night had gone from bad to........FUCK!!!!

Not only was he a mouse in the lion's den, now he was suspected of poisoning the pack's prized cub!! How did things like this happen to him?

"I-Is he......dead?" Wei Ying whispered. His eyes filled with hot tears. Hanguang-jun's head that was normally held high was now resting on its side against the wooden table.

Wei Ying reached out and slowly poked the sleeping jade's soft cheek with his finger. The pressed dimple he created suddenly made him want to smile but, one look at Xichen's worried face, turned it into a frown.

Lan Xichen placed a hand flat on his brother's back, gently removed it, and then sat back on his heels and let out a deep sigh. He glared at Wei Ying with a look of......guilt? Humor? Regret? Wei Ying couldn't be sure as it seemed like the older jade's expression kept shifting randomly.

"Zewu-jun, what's wrong with Lan Wangji?" Wei Ying asked in a small and frightened voice.

"He's drunk."

"Aahh?" Wei Ying looked down at the sleeping young man and his racing heart began to slow. Silver eyes traced every angle of Hanguang-jun's features, admiring how perfect they were now that he wasn't staring suspiciously or silently accusing him. His quick mind memorizing every square inch of the jade's well-chiseled features.

"But, I thought sleeping came after the fun part? How did he skip the best part of being drunk?"

Zewu-jun chortled behind his broad sleeve. "Simple. My brother has never had alcohol."

Wei Ying's eyes bulged in disbelief and his head slid to the side.

"What do you mean 'never had alcohol'?" he asked in amazement.

Lan Xichen smiled. "Simple. My little brother has never had a sip of any alcohol in his life. He has never indulged. And, honestly, I never encouraged him."

Wei Ying was puzzled. "But, I thought you said he could burn off the effects with his Golden Core?"

Lan Xichen shook his head with an even bigger smile. "I said that I could burn off the alcohol. Wangji never learned how to, young Master Suibian."

Wei Ying looked at the unconscious jade. "Now what do we do?" he asked. He pouted and huffed like a five year old who was told that he wasn't going to be able to play with his best friend.

"Well, I can't take him back to Cloud Recesses like this. Uncle will kill both of us. I will have to book a room for the night so I can stay with him until it wears off."

Lan Xichen smoothly stood up and walked over to the owner's desk. Wei Ying kept staring at Lan Wangji. Now that the man was unconscious and not giving him evil looks for breaking rules Wei Ying didn't even know existed, he actually looked quite........


WHAAAT?? Why did I think that?! Men aren't beautiful. He grumbled inside his head.

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