Thieves of Time

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Lan Zhan POV

When they stopped for the night, Lan Zhan could hardly contain his excitement.

Whilst stopping to water the horses, XiChen had spoken with a villager who had told him about a special field nearby. And it was just his luck that they were stopping here for the night, and he would be able to go and visit new friends.

His well practiced stoic mask was firmly on his face, but inside he was bubbling with barely contained energy. XiChen had let him buy a basket of carrots from one town over, and he had stored it carefully in his Qiankun pouch, ready for the night.

When XiChen nodded to him, he was off like an arrow, taking care to walk fast and not attract too much attention. He really wanted to be alone now.

For someone not used to spending much time with so many other people, it was hard to suffer, and suffering it definitely was. Where was the calm and tranquility of the Jingshi, and this terrible travelling party?

His head was hurting from all the noise of the chattering women travelling with them, the clicketty clack of wagon wheels grinding against the axel, and if he had to hear that Madam Yu shout out one more order tonight, he knew he would do something else he would regret.

His footsteps slowed as he approached the field where his friends lived. He didn't want to scare them, so he made as little noise as possible, and then he threw back his robes and sat on a low, flat boulder. He withdrew the basket with the fresh carrots and uncovered them, knowing his friends would come of their own accord from just the scent.

Sure enough, barely a few minutes passed, and a slow sea of white made its way towards him.

Lan Zhan impatiently picked up the first bunny within range, and then feeling his heart slowly settle into a regular beat, he sighed with happiness and contentment.

It was another clear night, and the stars sparkled around an iridescent moon, casting an ethereal glow on the furry creatures. Their tiny bodies were warm and so soft, and as they came closer, Lan Zhan felt his heart expand with joy. He greeted each one with a carrot piece, nuzzling his nose with their cute twitching ones, and feeling each and every single worry dissipate like storm clouds under a heavy sun, leaving azure skies.




There was hardly any sound around him, just the gentle shuffling of eager hungry rabbits, their tiny bodies brushing against the cool grasses...until someone choked nearby.

Lan Zhan was so startled, he dropped the precious bunny in his large hands, his heart hurting already, instinct making him pull out Bichen ready to attack.

But when he saw who it was, he frowned and put away his sword. As if Wei WuXian's presence didn't matter one bit, he reached for the poor frightened little bunny again, apologising softly.

The Wei heir finally got himself under control and to Lan Zhan's dismay, plonked himself right next to him, on the boulder that held room for a comfortable one, and a tight fit for two.

Lan Zhan expected him to start talking straight away, but to his surprise, the young man was content to just watch him. Although now, Lan Zhan felt self-conscious with him sitting so close. He could feel the heat of Wei Ying's body, sitting thigh to thigh as they were. And even in this hazy light, he could make out the mole in the face so close to his.

Something tightened in his stomach, and he held his breath.

"Can I hold one?" Wei Ying whispered.

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