Broken Jade

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Lan Zhan POV

The mysterious, sweet scent lingered, of lotus flowers and stolen kisses, and desires hidden deep within his heart. Lan Zhan had looked, and looked, but his dancer had disappeared into the night, vanishing like melting snow. He stood at the end of the pier, gazing up at the gorgeous moon, nearly full and round, with just a tiny sliver missing.

Chang'e, the celestial goddess, the guardian of lovers everywhere...if she could hear his sincere prayer, for what he most wanted was just out of reach. Lan Zhan asked his inner soul what he desired the most, and the image of sparkling moonlit eyes were reflected back to him, dancing in his mind. Mo Xuanyu...where are you? Why are you not here? With me?

But it was no use torturing himself. Lan Zhan turned around suddenly and caught a flash of pale green. All through the evening, he had felt a presence, as if he was being watched, and just as he bent down to claim a single pink lotus, he knew he had been right. As he pressed his nose into the delicate bloom, inhaling the sweet perfume, the scent of his love, he saw the green shadow sink back into the shadows.

If he wanted to catch this person, there was only one way he could catch him unaware. Lan Zhan pretended to take the path back to Swords Hall, but hid behind a tall overgrown bush, waiting.

He gave the mysterious person a full minute before swiftly following after the green shadow. Part of him was torn, wanting to continue searching for his dancer, but his instincts were stronger, telling him that he had to discover the reason he was being followed, and who it was.

Naturally, and like a habit that had formed against his will, his fingers touched that wonderful red ribbon, and for just a second, he pulled it out from his secret pocket. Holding it to his nose, this ribbon was saturated with his lover's scent, more potent than the flower that he now tossed back into the water. This ribbon smelled of hot sultry nights, of clean sweat, of happy, playful days in the sun, a scent that represented Mo Xuanyu. His alluring silver eyes, that cheeky tilt of brow, and flirtatious swagger.

Lan Zhan came back to his senses and shook his head, hoping he had given his secret admirer enough of a head start. As silently as he could, he continued walking, confident that he would catch the perpetrator soon. When he heard the splashing of water nearby, he slowed his pace, listening intently.

Whoever it was, they were having fun. There was laughter and spluttering as someone was dunked into the water. And voices. He recognised one such laugh, and his blood ran cold. Was that Suibian...but here?

"A-Xian! You're such a trickster!" A female voice, belonging to Jiang Yanli spoke.

"A-Xian?" Lan Zhan repeated, coming out of the shadows.

Suibian looked straight at him, when he heard his voice. Silver eyes locked onto golden ones, panic growing steadily.

It couldn't be...was she speaking to Suibian? But why call him that, when the young man had claimed his name to be something else?

Another woman stepped forward and called out, "Wei Ying?! Where have you been?"

Suibian, who was still staring right at him, had fear and dread reflected upon his face. Wei Ying, not Suibian. Wei Ying, Wei WuXian, son of Wei Changze and Cangse Sanren, the heir of the Wei clan....but there were other names that fit him now.

Liar, trickster indeed, a breaker of faith, how could he expect anything more from the cheating Wei Clan? As the doubt became a reality, Lan Zhan drew Bichen from its sheath, anger crawling like poison through his veins. He saw red.

How dare he? He had come to Gusu, invaded their territory, taken part in a sword contest, tried to best him, and worse, before that, slept in the same room. On top of him!

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