Wanting, Needing

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Wei Ying POV

Wei Ying felt the warm body under his and snuggled in closer against it. He moaned deeply when the arms around him tightened. The scent of sandalwood had him cocooned in an invisible blanket he wanted to wrap himself in for the rest of his life.


Yes. This felt like home. Safe. Warm. Loving.

But suddenly, his home shoved him away. The grogginess that held him down before lifted and Wei Ying cracked open his eyes to two jades looking at him. He yawned and scratched the side of his head. His face and body contorted into a tense stretch that finished with a loud groan of release.

"Good morning, Master Zewu-jun." he said as he rolled his head over his shoulders to crack his stiff joints.

He saw the accusatory look in the older jade's eyes as the man looked at both Wei Ying and Lan Wangji who was now standing before his brother. Wei Ying crawled out of bed and tried to quickly determine his course of action.

Should he play the helpless victim?

Or would taking the innocent approach work?

There was always the 'devil in disguise' option.

As he watched Hanguang-jun's eyes skip around the room trying to fathom what had happened, fear and confusion shadowing his handsome face, Wei Ying realized that the younger Jade had no memory of their night together. A big part of him was drenched in relief. His secret was still safe.

Yet another part of him, the part that wanted their dance to be something more, was saddened. And that part of him spoke louder than any other.

Protect him.

He heard those words again. So he granted his struggling jade mercy. To Zewu-jun, Wei Ying played the innocent (okay, maybe not TOTALLY innocent) man to protect Lan Wangji's unblemished character. He was not someone who enjoyed seeing others suffer. So, he put himself between the First Jade's anger and disappointment and the man who called to his soul.

After Lan Xichen left the room, however, Wei Ying simply could not stop himself from teasing the uptight jade. Watching the man's pale skin take on a soft pink glow excited him more than words could describe. His insides smoldered every time those golden eyes met his playful silver ones and he wanted to feel that again and again.

"See you on the battlefield!" he teased one final time before the bright white robes disappeared down the hall.

This is going to be so much fun.


"Damn it's cold!" Wei Ying grumbled to himself. "I can barely feel my fingers!"

He breathed warm air into his cupped hands and frantically rubbed his forearms trying to get his blood flowing. His family hadn't thought to bring warm clothes because they were only supposed to be here for the day. Not stuck in Gusu overnight. Of course, it was all HIS fault and he was feeling that guilt weighing heavily on his heart.

As he neared the field, he began to hear the crowd. What he failed to hear were the approaching footsteps made silent by the soft carpet of pine needles. He jumped and swung his arm out, catching his father right in the chest.

"Umph!" the older man grunted.

"Baba! I'm so sorry!" Wei Ying yelled. He wrapped his arms around his father and hugged him tightly. His mother came up behind him and they enjoyed a family embrace putting all their hearts at ease.

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