Visiting Friends

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Wei Ying POV

Wei Ying saw the accepting look on Lan Wangji's face and knew the jade believed the words he spoke. Deep in the depths of his soul, a small voice cried out to be heard. He wanted so badly to tell Hanguang-jun that he was the dancer who brought a smile to his face. That he was the dancer whom Wangji had kissed behind that pillar. A kiss that had left them both breathless. An intimate gesture that was filled with a promise of things to come like the dawn of a new day growing brighter, waiting to be explored.

But that was never going to happen. If Lan Wangji discovered he was also Mo Xuanyu, Wei Ying would never be able to perform again. He would never be able to dance on a stage without the fear of being arrested as a criminal. He would never again be able to travel and see the beauty of the world around him. His home would become a cage. A cage without bars where his soul would be condemned to wither away from boredom.

Wei Ying shivered. His eyes fell, unable to look into those wondrous golden circles that reflected the soft moonlight.

"I-It's alright. Really. Nothing happened. I promise." Wei Ying admitted with a wave of his hand. "I promise not to tell anyone."

With a nod and a pressed smile, Wei Ying turned to walk away. His greedy heart hoped that Hanguang-jun would stop him. His feet hesitated, wishing that a warm hand would grasp his own and pull him back. He prayed silently that the man he was willing to give his heart to would say his name and accept him for who he was.

I must be crazy.

Wei Ying had just seen the young jade rip six trees out of the ground! What would the man do if he found out his enemy had lied to him again?! At least for now, Lan Wangji was talking to him. That was something, right? And there was no way Wei Ying was going to risk messing it up for his own selfish desires. So, he proceeded back to camp the same way he had left it. Alone.

He returned to the camp with a sullen look on his normally bright face. The pain from his bruised side was still numb from the healing paste Hanguang-jun had applied. But now a new pain bloomed deep within his chest that gnawed at his confused heart. Wei Ying laid down next to Jiang Cheng, pulling the blanket over his head.

"A-Xian, are you alright?" Jiang Cheng asked, shaking the lump beside him lightly.

"Fine." Wei Ying mumbled.

He pulled the blanket even tighter around him. He could hear the steps of the younger jade approaching from the opposite direction he had come in. Wei Wuxian smiled at how clever Lan Wangji was to hide the fact that the two of them had been together, unable or unwilling to face the scrutiny of Lan Xichen.

You're lying, Hanguang-jun.

Wei Ying's smile broadened beneath the cover of the heavy cloth. He stifled a tiny giggle with his hand. He was beginning to think that there was a lot more to the mighty Hanguang-jun than met the eye. A tantalizing thought to someone whose curiosity was endless and at times, all consuming.

Wei Ying peeked out from under his blanket, one wide silver eye staring in wonder at the man in white. And now he knew what was under those white robes! Ugh! How was he supposed to sleep now? When the object of his desire chanced a look in his direction, he squeaked and pulled the blanket back over his head.

Wei Ying laid there for hours. Sleep was always just out of reach as he would doze only to wake up wondering what Lan Wangji was doing. His dreams were nowhere to be found. With a frustrated groan, he realized that they would never come in time to give him the rest he needed. It was quiet around the camp which meant that everyone else had found their blissful dreams. But the only thing Wei Wuxian was dreaming about was the man lying at the very edge of the fire's light.

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