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Wei Ying POV

Wei Ying had heard the jade's soft footsteps getting closer as he executed his clan's fighting forms. His body remembered more than his mind did. Muscles that were lean and lithe stretched, pulled, and flexed with each intricate move. He found familiarity with the various positions and his longing for home and his parents grew. But now there was another Wei Ying longed for. His sandalwood scent became stronger as his footsteps brought him closer.

Upon finishing his final move, Wei Ying spun like a whirlwind and caught his husband-to-be in his arms. Lan Zhan froze, his golden eyes a mix of want and confusion. Wei Ying smiled and gave him a tiny peck on the nose before releasing him to return to the clapping children.

"See? I told you. Anything can be a weapon." he boasted proudly, his smile so wide his silver eyes were nothing but crescents.

He bent down in front of the little girl and returned her fan to her with a bow. She giggled and went running back to her parents, followed closely behind by the young boys who had previously teased her. They were all begging to hold her fan but she held it close to her chest like a rare treasure.

When Wei Ying stood, Lan Zhan ensnared his wrist that had held the fan. His calloused fingers dug deeper into the protective leather as his eyes bore deeper in search of something. Wei Ying began to feel the pressure against his skin, uneasiness crawling across his skin like icy pins and needles.

"Where did you learn to do that?" Lan Zhan asked firmly.

Wei Ying tried to turn away, unable to face the intense scrutiny of those golden orbs that always seemed to make him forget who he was. But those fingers were like a steel shackle.

"I-I don't know. No one. I just....made it up." Wei Ying answered. "She looked really sad and I wanted to cheer her up. I don't like when kids are upset. They should be happy and free-spirited. They should be able to believe the impossible is possible."

He smiled softly, leaning in next to Lan Zhan's face, his lips just a breath away from the blushing pink ear.

"Aren't we the impossible made possible, Hanguang-jun?"

Wei Ying pulled back slowly, his sparkling silver eyes dancing as they dared the young jade to say otherwise. He felt Lan Zhan's grip loosen slightly and slipped free. Wei Ying started walking back towards the carriages hoping his response was enough to settle the jade's curiosity. If it was not, Wei Ying was already thinking up alternative excuses. Lost in his thoughts, he failed to notice a figure in purple standing in his path until he heard the crackle of electricity.

Wei Ying stopped, fear making it difficult to breathe. He tried to look up but his body refused to listen. When he failed to make eye contact, Madam Yu grabbed his chin, pinching his tender skin, and raised his head for him.

Her lavender eyes sent chills down his spine, his legs weakening as if she was draining him of his life force. Wei Ying could not fight the feeling of submissiveness washing over him and his self-loathing threatened to bring his breakfast out of his tightening stomach.

"I hope you had fun, Wei Wuxian." Madam Yu hissed quietly with a sneer. "I'll be expecting your presence in the study as soon as we return."

Wei Ying's eyes tinged with red, his jaw clenching under her bony fingers. She looked down and saw his fists hardening at his sides.

"You still think you can defy me?" she said, her expression softening into a sick grin. "I wonder how your fiance would feel if he knew that the exhibition you just performed was by none other than the famous Mo Xuanyu?"

Wei Ying's heart wilted. Madam Yu's hand released his face with a hard push. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Lan Zhan striding towards them with hatred blazing in his eyes. He knew that dark emotion was not currently aimed at him but he feared that one day soon it would be.

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