Awestruck A-Ying

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Wei Ying POV

His footsteps pounded against the ground. His heart pounded even harder in his chest. Wei Ying ran swiftly towards the location his parents had said to meet them. His long legs stretched and pulled him closer to his loved ones as the events of the past day ran through his mind like a whirlwind of leaves in the fall.

"Mama! Baba!" he yelled when he saw their simple carriage nestled amongst the thick undergrowth just off the road. His mother opened her arms like a spring lotus blooming and he flew into them. His father patted him on the back and squeezed his shoulder.

Wriggling out of his mother's strong grip, Wei Ying began chattering like a chipmunk and hopping like a frog.

"Did you see me? Did you see HIM? I can't believe I actually clashed swords with the Second Twin Jade! It was amazing! HE was amazing! That was so much fun! I wanna do it again! Can I? Can I fight him again someday?"

His father chuckled. "A-Ying, you struck swords with one of our enemy's pride sons AND almost died! Twice! Yet you still say you had fun?"

"YES!" he shouted with enthusiasm, his head nodding like an anxious bunny. His body vibrated like a plucked zither string from the adrenaline pumping through his veins. His smile was bright and pure, his eyes dancing with the memory of his fight.

Both his parents smiled hopelessly at him and shook their heads. This boy!

Wei Ying came to a gradual stop in front of them. He grabbed his mother's left hand and his father's right and squeezed both gently.

"Out Hanguang-jun, I finally" he confessed dreamily. "Out there, I could be myself. I didn't have to hold back, to be afraid of hurting someone."

Wei Ying lowered his eyes behind his thick black eyelashes and bowed his neck slightly. He suddenly appeared apologetic, like a small child who got caught stealing sweets.

"Okaaayyy. Maybe I held back a little bit." Wei Ying admitted reluctantly. He looked up into his father's accusatory but forgiving brown eyes.

"But our swords were perfectly matched!" he crowed. "I knew I couldn't hurt him! And.......and I just......let go." His voice faded away like the last rays of the sun at the end of the day.

Wei Ying's eyes took on a mesmerized look remembering every perfect swing, evasive dodge, and nimble step he executed during his fight with the Second Jade. A delicate smile pulled at his lips and a breathy giggle caught in his throat as he remembered the anger in Lan Wangji's eyes from his teasing.

Oh, those eyes! Those golden pools of perfection. Eyes that would haunt his dreams and set his heart on fire. He would never forget them. Never forget how they looked at him both as Wei Ying and Mo Xuanyu.

"Wei Ying!" Cangse Sanren said, tugging harshly on Wei Ying's hand.


His mother smiled at him sadly. "I'm sure you'll get your chance again. But next time, it could be on the real battlefield. Don't forget, he's Lan Clan. If he had known who you truly were, he would have killed you before you even took one step inside Gusu."

Wei Ying's heart dropped. His stomach churned. The truth hurt. It punched him in the gut knocking the air from his lungs and clawed at his insides like a demon. He gasped like a fish out of water, his world spinning into a whirlpool of panic.

What if they did meet on the battlefield? Would he be able to kill his talented jade? Would he be able to take the life of the one person who was his match? The person who brought out the best in him? The person he.......

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