Sword Seduction

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Wei Ying POV

The walk to the performance house was longer and more difficult than Wei Ying had anticipated. The higher than normal late afternoon temperature was not making him feel any more sober. His head was throbbing and the previous comforting noises of the marketplace were now arrowheads piercing through his sensitive mind.

Wei Changze and Cangse Sanren walked protectively on either side of him. Normally, he would have found this suffocatingly close. But right now, Wei Ying was thankful for the support. The eight jars of wine (yes, he now regretted going back for three additional jars that he consumed in a dark corner before returning to the inn) were still making their way out of his body and his steps were unsure and not at all graceful.

Once they reached the richly decorated house where he was to perform, his parents left him in the care of Yan Bai and Mao Shing. While Wei Ying sat there like a half dead corpse, his two companions helped him dress and made sure his silver mask was securely fastened without pulling on his soft dark strands. He was given cup after cup of cold tea which only made his stomach cramp. The two bowls of spicy noodles still sat in his gut like heavy rocks. Death seemed like a better option at this point.

"What were you thinking, Wuxian?" Yan Bai asked him. The young man lifted Wei Ying and sat him in a shaded corner. He had seen the beads of sweat quickly falling down the featured dancer's face and tried to cool him off with one of their dance fans. He looked at the hungover heir, his face flooded with disappointment.

"I was hungry. Then I was thirsty. And now, now I'm just sorry." Wei Ying answered weakly, hanging his head between his knees.

"That's usually how it works." Mao Shing laughed lightly, shaking his head in sympathy.

"Uuhhh, I just want to get this over with so we can go home." Wei Ying moaned loudly. "I'm gonna' go take a piss. I'll be back."

He stood up too quickly and almost passed out. Mao Shing caught Wei Wuxian and gently guided him towards the courtyard behind the show house.

"I'll be back to get you in five minutes." his friend warned.

Wei Ying continued on, looking for the perfect place to relieve himself of all the liquid his body had consumed the past few hours. His footsteps were slow and clumsy. Not at all like his graceful persona of Mo Xuanyu. More like the steps of a toddler learning how to walk for the first time.

His head felt heavy and he still could not seem to focus properly. He had never been this drunk before on only eight jars of wine. Usually he could have at least ten before feeling the liquor's heavenly effects. Wei Wuxian could not understand why his famous tolerance for alcohol had left him high and dry.

Exhaustion, not eating the entire previous day except for bites here and there, not staying hydrated, and the high altitude's weakening effects never crossed his muddled mind. And, on top of all those factors, Wei Ying had fought his way through over a hundred opponents, including the massive Wen PIng, to fight the mighty Hanguang-jun.

After watering a large shrub for what seemed like minutes, he headed back with his head lowered. Wei Ying hit the side of his temple with the bottom of his palm and shook his head trying to rid his head of the cobwebs. Without his consent, his world began spinning around him like a whirlpool. His boots slipped on the loose gravel path he was walking on. Flailing arms failed to keep him upright and he whimpered as he spiralled out of control.

That was, until he found himself......floating??

Two strong arms were wrapped around him and he was pulled tight against a firm, broad chest. Secure. And, safe.

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