Chapter 9

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Hayes and I practically talked all night. I love being around him, he just makes me feel safe and happy. When I woke up the next morning, Hayes was over on his phone and I got up to go get dressed. Once I was ready I came out and Mahogany and Taylor walked in. "Hello love birds" Mahogany said. "How did you know" I asked her. "Hayes asked me if you liked him or not and if he should ask you out yesterday." She said. "Wait are we the only ones who know" Taylor asked. "Yes so you can't tell anyone yet. I need to tell my brother, Gilinsky, and Sammy first" I explained. Once Hayes had gotten dressed we all walked down stairs. "Okay so if I don't want Jack to be mad at me. Do I tell him first or the 3 of them first" I asked them all. "I'd tell him while he's with one of them so that he can't flip out in case he does" Mahogany said. "I think I should talk to him when there both with him. I mean there probably both with him now. We need to find them" I said. We saw the 3 of them walking down the hall and began walking towards them. "Hey Jack" I said to my brother. "Oh gosh what did you do" he asked. "Nothing I just need to tell you something actually all of you" I said to them. "So last night I was talking to Hayes and.......Hayes is my boyfriend" I said. I was glad I had said it I was just hoping Jack would be okay with it. There was an awkward moment of silence before Sammy said "congrats" and both of the Jacks said "great". "So your not mad or anything" i asked. "Of course not, if he hadn't been there yesterday you might've died" Jack said. Today I was happy. We had an event so we all drove to the venue and hung out by the M&G area. As I was standing waiting for the girls run in when the doors are opened I thought about something, people don't know I'm Jacks sister, better yet Hayes's girlfriend. What if the girls find out and freak out, hating me. I know that the fans care and I feel like I'm lying to my family because they are my family. I'll have to come out and say it sometime. I stood between Hayes and Jack in the VIP line. "Do you want to wait to announce it to everyone" I asked Hayes. "Maybe a week or less" he said. "Jack, I was thinking that maybe I could tweet out something like " I bet you didn't know that he's my brother" or sow thing causal to tell people because I feel like I'm lying" I said. "Yeah I'm cool with that. I don't care if people know. If your ready to tell people then you can" he said back. I hugged him and had Hayes take a picture of us. I texted the picture to mom and told her we were having a great time. Then I had Jack take a picture of Hayes and I. Hayes picked me up for the picture and I laughed. Jack took the picture and Hayes posted it on Instagram with the caption "touring with you💕" and he tagged me in it. People immediately started commenting, asking if we were dating. Minutes later, the doors open and the girls rush up to stand in line. Some of the fans gave me gifts. One girl gave me chocolates and another gave me a hat. I out on the hat and ate one of the chocolates. They were really good, the fans are so sweet to us. Everything was perfectly fine until I felt sick. This couldn't be happening. I was just praying that I wouldn't start vomiting in front of my boyfriend, brother, friends , and about 300 girls in the VIP line. All of the sudden, I felt so sick that I knew I was gonna throw up. I ran down the hallway and threw up on the ground before turning the corner. I didn't have to look to know that all of the guys had seen. I ran in the girls bathroom and leaned against the wall because I was to dizzy to stand on my own. Hayes ran in then Jack followed. "Oh my gosh Haven are you ok? What's wrong" Hayes asked. "Hayes.....Jack...I...I can't do this" I said. I couldn't stand, i fell. Hayes caught me and held me while Jack came closer. "Haven what's wrong" Jack asked. "I....I don't know" I said. The last thing I remember is Hayes picking me up and running down the hall while Jack ran with us while he called 911.

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