Chapter 85

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When the party ended, everyone who didn't live at the house slowly began to leave. Once everyone left, all of us who lived there went inside.
"Okay we can go now" I said to Sammy. He picked up his car keys.
"Guys" I said getting there attention. They all looked over and saw the cut in the light.
"We're going to the hospital, we'll be back" I said.
"Oh god was it that bad" Matt said worriedly.
"Wait how did you get cut" Jack asked Sammy.
"That doesn't matter, I just wanted to tell you all" I said.
"Text me when you get there" Jack said.
"Okay I will" I said. We walked out to the car.
"Can I drive?" I asked.
"Yeah" he said tossing me the keys. I smiled when I caught them.
We drove to the hospital and walked in. They made us wait for a while. Finally they took us back to a hospital room without a door, it just had a long curtain separating us from the hallway. A doctor came in and looked at the cut.
"It was a close call" the doctor said.
"You said you were pushed? Well, if the cut had been a little deeper it would have been really serious, and you came dangerously close to a concussion or memory loss" the doctor explained.
"Luckily, we'll stitch you up and you'll be released" he finished.
"Thank you" I said as he walked out of the room. A nurse came in and began stitching his face. I flinched and shook a little as I watched.
"Haven, you don't have to watch if it freaks you out" Sammy said smiling.
"No no I'm fine" I said.
"Okay if your sure" he said.
The nurse was a older women who told us about her kids.
"Are you married" she asked Sammy.
"Not yet" He said.
"Oh I thought you too- are you too dating?" She asked.
"Yes" I said.
"But your not married?" She said.
"No-" I began.
"Not yet" Sammy said looking down smiling. I tired my very hardest not to blush and smile but I could even control it.
"Well, good luck" she said.
"I'm gonna tie it off now" she added as she tied off the last stitch.
"Well, now you are ready to go, I signed you out so you can leave" she said smiling.
"Okay thank you" Sammy said.
We walked back to the car and Sammy drove home.
"We should get the mail" I said as we got closer to the mailbox.
I rolled down my window and got all of the mail, we pulled into the driveway and I handed Sammy a card with his name on it. He opened it and read it. He quickly shut it and his face went blank with expression.
"Who's it from?" I asked.
"No one" he said awkwardly.
"Oh" I said looking in the other direction. It was weird because Sammy doesn't keep things from me weather it's important or unimportant. The whole situation made me feel sad, like he wasn't telling me something.
"I'm uh....I'm gonna go inside" I said slowly. I opened the door. And stepped out.
"Haven" he said.
I turned around.
"I'm not keeping anything from you. It's from my sister. I want to tell you, I just don't want it to get to you. If you'll let me tell you" he said.
"How bad is it? What is it exactly?" I asked.
"She wants to invite me, jack, and Gilinsky to Christmas at my parents house" he said.
"But I'm not going without you, I want to talk to Jack, Gilinsky, Nate, and all of our families, then we'll decide what to do, but I'm not going without you and I'm not going if she's there" he said.
"So like one big Christmas at one of our houses?" I said.
"Yeah" he answered.
"That sounds great" I said. We decided to discuss everything in the morning with Jack, Gilinsky, and Nate. I went to bed and when I woke up I went downstairs. Sammy
And I decided to talk with the 3 of them. They were all sitting on the couch. Sammy walked in the living room and sat down with them. I went into the kitchen and got a glass of water. When I came in the 4 of them were all sitting around the living room. I sat down on Sammy's lap. Gilinsky and Nate looked at each other, it was kind of funny. Jack didn't really pay attention.
"So did you guys talk about Christmas" I asked as I took a sip of water.
"Not yet" Jack said.
"I was thinking that we could get our families, like all 3, to get together at one of our parents house for Christmas" Sammy said.
"Yeah but like our families like mom, dad, siblings, right?" Gilinsky asked.
"Yeah" Sammy said.
"Like each of us would have our parents AND siblings?" Jack asked.
"Yeah, but I don't want my sister there" Sammy said.
"Okay" Jack said.
"We could do it at our house" Jack said to me.
"Yeah, do you think mom and dad would be cool with that?" I asked.
"Yeah absolutely" he said.
"Okay would you all come" I asked. The 4 of them nodded.
"Have you guys talked with your families?" I asked.
"I talked to mine, and there happy with that plan" Gilinsky said.
"My parents are cool with whatever" Nate said.
"I'll talk to my family" Sammy said.
"Okay, Christmas at the Johnson's" Gilinsky said.
"I'm excited" I said.
"So are we gonna fly out on the 24th?" I asked.
"Yeah" Jack said. We all talked to our families and figured everything out. Our only issue was Sammy's sister. Sammy's parents, brother, and other sister didn't know about what she had done to me so Sammy just explained that she had bullied me and he didn't want her there. They understood and said that she said she'd be spending Christmas with her boyfriend in LA anyway so she didn't know they had Christmas plans. We spent the next 2 weeks shopping and packing. And finally on the 23rd we boarded the plane. I sat between Sammy
and Nate.
"So have you guys ever had a Christmas together with another family?" I asked Nate and Sammy.
"No not really" they both said.
Gilinsky leaned over our seat since he was sitting behind us,
"Is it cool if one more family is there? I invited someone a couple months ago before we made plans" he said.
"Sure, who?" I asked.
"Madison" he said.
"Yeah am I gonna get to finally meet her" I said.
"Yeah I guess, I was just worried you'd be awkward last time" he said. When he said "last time" he was referring to when he, Madison, and Jack we're going to lunch and he told me they had cancelled plans so I wouldn't come and meet her.
"I understand, it's fine, I'm not mad anymore" I said.
"Okay and her family can come?" He asked.
"Yeah" I said.
"Okay thanks" he said sitting back down. Honestly I had kind of lied to Gilinsky just then, because I am still mad that he lied to me about it. But i don't know what to think about
Madison because I've never met her. Jack has met her obviously, Nate has to have met her at some point. And Sammy.....well Sammy tweeted about her one time saying he thought she was hot, then he realized she was 15 and had to put out another tweet saying he didn't know that. We weren't together at the time but it still bothers me. I normally don't get jealous because when girls flirt with him he never flirts back, but I can't help but get jealous and protective when It comes to her because I've heard all of the rumors about her. I know there probably not real but I have to wonder. I fell asleep on Sammy's shoulder while I was talking to him and Nate. When we landed I woke up. After exiting the plane we all went to baggage claim. We had security cards around us since fans were all in the airport. The 5 of us made our way out to a car that drove us to Jack and I's house.
"So we're all gonna stay with our parents, where's Madison's family staying?" Jack asked Gilinsky.
"They got a hotel" he said.
"Okay" Jack said.
We arrived at Jack and I's house and Jack, Nate, and Sammy took Jack and I's bags inside. Gilinsky was the last one to get out of the car so I used this opportunity to quiz him about Madison.
"Jack" I said to Gilinsky.
"Yeah"he said.
"So Madison......she's like nice right" I said.
"Ueah" he said.
"And you guys are like really serious right?" I said. He turned to me.
"Your trying to scope her out, but why? Is it something to do with me, or Jack, or Sammy, or Nate?" He asked.
"Jack, your like my brother you know that-" I stopped.
"Sammy" I said.
"Oh. Oh is it the whole Twitter thing" Gilinsky said.
"Yes. It bothers me okay. I don't get jealous because he never flirts with girls and I know we weren't dating at the time but now we are and I'm gonna be with him and her at once" I said.
"You don't have anything to worry about, Sammy loves you, Madison loves me, your good" he said.
"Okay, and please don't tell Sammy or Madison about this conversation because that will make things a million times more awkward" I said.
"Well aren't you gonna tell Sammy. I mean if Madison had talked to him I would want her to tell me she was a little jealous. It wouldn't bother me" he said.
"I don't know, if it needs to be said" I said. He raised his eyebrows questioning it.
"Okay well we should go inside, don't you want to see your parents" Gilinsky said.
"Yeah let's go" he said. We both walked in and everyone turned to us.
"Haven" my mom said excitedly. She pulled me into a hug.
"Oh I've missed you" she said.
"I missed you too" I said.
"I can't believe my baby is gonna be 18 in a couple weeks"she said.
"I'm 19" Jack said.
"Well my daughter is turning 18, my son already turned 18" she said releasing me and hugging Jack.
"I missed all of you" she said.
"We had to come home for Christmas" Gilinsky.
"Oh Jack, I don't care if I'm not your mom your still like my son" she said hugging Gilinsky.
"And Sammy, and Nate, I've been waiting to see you 2 for so long" she said.
They both smiled. I was happy she wasn't acting all weird with Sammy because I've never really had a serious boyfriend like Sammy, and I've never had her meet a boyfriend of mine.
"I made dinner for you all, and your families are coming over too for dinner, they said they'll drive you 3 home since your cars aren't here" she said to Gilinsky, Nate, and Sammy. That's when it crossed my mind that we'd all be staying with our families. I had forgotten how weird it would be not being in the same house as Sammy. I mean Nate doesn't live with us so it doesn't make a difference. I guess not having Gilinsky in the house will be a little weird but not that bad.
"I wanna go see me room" Jack said.
"Oh yeah me too" I said. Jack I went upstairs with Sammy, Gilinsky, and Nate. I haven't seen my room in a long time so I really didn't know what to expect from young Haven. I opened the door to my room with everyone behind me. Before any of them could see it I shut the door.
"I thought we were gonna see your room" Jack said.
"Eh it's not that important" I said.
"Ooooooh I know why she won't show us" Jack said.
"Shut up Jack" I said meanly.
"What is it?" Nate asked.
"Haven, you were like 14 or 13 when you had all that stuff in your room" Jack said.
"What do you mean" I said.
"The posters and journals" he said.
"Oh come on you didn't even hide them well" he said.
"Oh my god" I said leaning against the wall.
"I didn't say anything, I still haven't said anything. It's okay" he said.
"Jack those are embarrassing and weird. Are you the only one who read them" I asked.
"Well I showed gilinsky" he said.
"JACK" I said angrily.
"I'm kidding I'm kidding. I didn't tell or show anyone. I'm the only one who saw them" he said.
"Oh my god" I said leaving against the wall again.
"It's okay, what's wrong" Jack said.
"I'm very confused" Gilinsky said.
"So am i" Sammy said.
"Jack I just can't believe you read those, God you read them oh my god. Jack when did you read them?" I asked.
"I don't know, a couple years ago. It was before vine for sure" he said.
"Jack I put personal stuff in those, stuff that's embarrassing" I said.
"well it doesn't matter now" he said smirking.
"Shut up Jack I'm not kidding" I said.
"Okay what are you two talking about?" Sammy asked.
"I was weird okay, I had like 2 journals-" I was cut off by Jack.
"There was a 3rd one too" he said.
"Gosh Jack, really? And you went on with your life totally normal, you didn't even tell me" I said.
"The story" Sammy said.
"I started writing in them when I was like 13 and there really embarrassing. And Jack apparently read them" I said.
"What did you write in them" Sammy asked.
I looked away, Jack kind of laughed and smiled.
"Oh" Gilinsky said.
"Stop it, okay girls think about guys, and I wrote about a crush, it was weird and embarrassing though especially now" I said.
"Wait who was it?" Sammy asked.
"Yeah who was it" Gilinsky said.
Jack was still laughing and smiling.
"You guys are both stupid. I'm 99% sure it was Sammy and that's why jack thinks it's hilarious and Havens embarrassed by it" Nate spoke.
Sammy and Gilinsky both turned to me.
"Sorry" Nate said.
"Wait seriously" Sammy asked.
"See this is what I was trying to avoid okay, I was trying to avoid an awkward situation" I said.
"It's not embarrassing, it's cute" Sammy said.
"Haven, your mad at me from your perspective, but I had to read about how you thought my best friend was hot and "the sweetest guy in the world" and not tell anyone. That's a lot for one person to handle" Jack said.
"Gosh Jack your not helping" I said.
"Well now there's nothing to hide" Gilinsky said putting his hand on the door knob. I opened the door and we all walked in.
"Wow" Nate said looking around. There were posters of one direction covering an entire wall.
"So what did you say about me in the journals" Sammy asked.
"Now that we're together it doesn't make a difference, it just makes me look like a weirdo" I said.
"It doesn't change anything" he said.
"Yeah it just makes you feel really good about yourself" I said.
"If it's worth anything, he talked about you like you were the freaking queen of England for years. He just didn't say anything in front of Jack" Gilisnky said.
"What" Jack said.
"Can we just talk about something else" I said trying to change the subject.
"Your right, we can talk about it later" Sammy said. I didn't respond. We walked into Jacks room which was very typical. We didn't stay there for long. They wanted to play basketball so the 5 of us walked downstairs and outside to the goal. They had made several vines in that spot over the years. I sat down on the concrete and got on my phone. I texted Matt who was at his parents house. I told him that I missed everybody and it was weird not being with everybody. He asked what everyone was doing and I said "the 4 of them r playing basketball while I sit on my phone". He texted back some laughing emojis. I took a vine of them playing basketball and posted it with the caption "It's a Omaha boys Christmas", it immediately got thousands of likes, revines, loops, and comments. Sammy came up and put out his hand. I grabbed it and he pulled up so I was standing. Gilinsky threw me the ball and I surprisingly made it in the goal somehow. They all turned to me.
"I wasn't expecting that" Jack said.
"Neither was I" I said jokingly.
We decided to go inside. My mom started talking to Sammy in the living room which made me very nervous. We didn't want to go in a make things weird so we had to leave them to talk. I walked in the kitchen where Jack, Gilinsky, and Nate were all whispering.
"What do you think she's asking him?" Gilinsky said.
"She's probably scoping him out" Nate said.
"Gosh, I told her not to be weird" Jack said.
"What are you guys talking about?" I asked.
"Mom is scoping Sammy out" Jack said.
"I knew she'd be weird when she found out we were dating" I said.
"Should I go in and try to make things less weird" I asked.
"No she'll have to come check on the food she's cooking in a second" Jack said.
"What's she asking him?" I said.
"If he's "being nice to you" and "respecting you" Nate said.
"Oh my god, she's gonna scare him" I said.
"They've talked before" Gilinsky said.
"She's never talked to a boyfriend of mine so I've never had to worry about her scaring anyone off" I said.
"Well I'm gonna go check on the food" she said standing up and walking towards the kitchen. The 4 of us quickly walked into the living room and sat down. I sat down beside Sammy.
"Oh my god" he said sitting back in the couch.
"Are you okay? What did she say?" I asked.
"She asked me about you, like she asked me really weird questions" he said.
"Haven, can you come in here for a second" my mom said from the kitchen.
"Uh yeah" I said.
"Everything's okay right?" I whispered to Sammy.
"I think so" he said.

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