Chapter 72

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I looked at the time and it was 9:39, and we were still driving.
"You know this is really fun" I said.
"That's the point, it's supposed to be the best day ever" he said.
"It is the best day ever. You know I just love being with you" I said.
"Without the worry of being smack cam-ed" he added.
"Exactly" I responded smiling.
"Can you tell me where we're going yet?" I asked.
"Uh well not quite yet but I mean, i can give you more information." He said.
"Okay" I said.
"Well you know that the backseat is empty because we sat there on the way to our show earlier, but you haven't see the very back, where the bag Jack packed with your make up, clothes, phone charger, bathing suit, and whatever else you need is." He said as he looked out at the highway in front of us.
"Seriously" I asked.
"Yeah" he answered.
"Please tell me where we're going" I said.
"Okay well-" he was cut off by an animal that looked like it had to be a possum or beaver, running across the road right in front of our car. We were the only ones one the right ride of the road not counting a car ahead of us. Sammy had to steer the car to the left to miss the animal. As he ferociously steered the car to the left he stepped on the brake to lock the seat belts in, so I wouldn't fly forward. He put his arm out on my door in case the brake wasn't fast enough to lock my seatbelt. The car turned in a circle as it slid across the lanes. Luckily we didn't go off the road yet. This all went down in 10 seconds at the most. The car came to a final stop at the side of the rode. It looked as if we had slightly pulled over on the highway.
"Haven?!?!?" He yelled worriedly at the end of all the commotion.
"Oh my god are you okay? Did you hit the dashboard before I could stop it? Oh my god" he said more worried.
"I.....I'm....fine" I said before bursting into tears.
"Haven" Sammy said as he pulled me into his chest and hugged me.
" I'm so sorry! Are you hurt? Whats wrong?" He asked.
" you didn't do anything. I....I just....I was scared is all was too fast for me to...get a panic attack...but I just-" I paused as I cried.
"i thought that the car would flip and we'd both die or you'd die and I'd be alone and it..I scares me and I just got scared. I...I just can't handle it sometimes because the's too much. I love you" I said through tears.
I pressed my hands to his cheeks and kissed him before he could speak. When we finally pulled apart he said what he'd been waiting to say.
"I love you so much, I'm sorry" he said as he hugged me.
"'s okay" I responded.
"Are you okay" he asked.
"Yeah I'm f....fine I...I just kinda hit the door at first but" I stopped.
"Where did it hit you?" He asked.
" hit me in the side where um...where you know I got hit before by.....her" I finished.
"Can you show me? How bad is it?" He asked.
"'s not that's just a little-" I began as I lifted up my shirt slightly so he could see my side. There was a huge bruise on my side, under the scar left from my surgery.
"Oh my god Haven, does it hurt?" He asked.
"No...I mean yeah....a its sore" I said flinching in pain.
"Haven, I can tell it hurts, it's okay" he said.
"Do you have a plan? I don't know how far from home we are but I don't want to go home" I said.
"I guess I'll just tell you about the last step which were headed to right now then" Sammy said.
He started up the car smoothly and began driving down the highway like we had earlier.
"So right now we're actually really close to the place. It's about 10 minutes away." He said.
"What exactly is it?" I asked.
"The house that we really rented" he said.
"What do you mean" I asked.
"You thought you had booked a cabin on a lake in the woods. But actually it's a house , technically a mansion. With an indoor and outdoor pool. Food. TV. Wifi. And it's beautiful. It's really homey, you'll love it. Basically the plan is that you and I go on our date then stay here while everyone else is at home, then they all come around 10 tomorrow" he explained.
"Oh and I've got your bruise covered so don't worry" he added.
"Your amazing" I simply said.
"So are you" he responded as he pulled up a long road. As we got closer to the house I saw what he was talking about, it was the biggest house I'd ever seen. I mean our house at home was big but this thing was HUGE. We pulled up in front of the house and parked on the driveway. Sammy turned off the car and walked around to my door. He opened it for me and I stepped out. I fell a little as I stepped out but he caught me and put his arm around my waist like last time I was injured, to help me stand up. We slowly made our way towards the front door and he unlocked it with his key. When we walked in he flipped all the light switches on so we could see. It was beautiful. He took me over to a couch and helped my sit down.
"Ok, I need to get our things out of the car and there's a first aid kit I'll get too" he explained.
"Okay" I said before he walked out to the car. He returned with a first aid kit and 2 bags, the bag I had packed for vacation, and the bag he had packed for vacation.
"Can we go in the kitchen?, it's not bright enough in here" he said. I nodded and he helped me up. I sat on the kitchen counter while he opened the first aid kit.
"Well, band aids won't help, gauze won't help, uh there's a bandage wrap thing that could help it not get touched as much" he said.
"That'll work" I responded.
He walked over I lifted half my shirt to show the bruise. We wrapped it about 3 or 4 times.
"I have painkiller too if it's sore right now" he said.
He handed me a pill and a water bottle. Once I took it I slowly got down from the counter.
"Wanna go swimming?" He asked.
"It's dark outside" I responded.
"Yeah there's an indoor pool" he explained.
"Oh my god that's amazing" I said happily.
"Let's go" he said.
"I'm gonna go change" I said as I walked into the bathroom with my bag. I put on my bathing suit and came out. Sammy was already changed and waiting.
"Where is it?" I asked.
"Back here" he said as he lead me down the hallway to a room with a big pool in the middle. He grabbed my hand and ran to the pool jumping in and pulling me in with him. I screamed at first until I hit the water and we both came up laughing. I looked down at my waist and the bandage was still there luckily.
"So should we tell Jack about the car thing or not? He would be pissed off if he knew that I was driving when that happened" he said.
"or he'd be happy that you steered the car the right way so we're both still alive" I responded.
"Oh he's still gonna be pissed" Sammy said.
"Well I'm not pissed so what does it matter? Jack wasn't there so he can't be mad" I explained.
"Your not mad?" He asked.
"Of course not, I'm glad your okay and I'm glad I'm okay." I said.
"I just feel terrible. I mean, everything was fine until that possum thing ran in the rode" he said.
"I'm not mad at you, and you shouldn't be mad at you either. You didn't do anything wrong" I explained.
"I ruined our 1 year anniversary by almost killing us" he said.
"You didn't ruin it, I'm still having a great time. Do you even know how romantic and creative this whole day has been. Ever since we left the house everything has been amazing." I said.
"I tried" he said.
"I love you" I responded as I looked up at him. He leaned in a kissed me, smiling.
"I love you too" he added.

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