Chapter 36

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I woke up in a hospital bed. I flinched when the pain started to sink in. As soon as I opened my eyes, I found that Jack, Sammy, and Chandler were all at the sides of my bed while all of the other guys including Nash and Hayes were sitting farther back on couches and chairs. "Haven" Sammy said excitedly as he leaned over and kissed me. I didn't care who was watching, I was just happy to be with him again. "I'm so sorry" Chandler and Sammy both said crying. "Guys it's not anyone's fault except for hers." I said. "Why didn't you just do what she said, was what she wanted you to do that bad" Sammy asked. "She wanted me to call you Chandler and tell you to date her. Then she wanted me to break up with you Sammy. I...I just couldn't do that. I've never been through that much pain in my entire life was worth it. I...I just couldn't do it. Because I love you guys" I said tearing up. The doctor walked in and stood beside the bed, "hello Mrs Johnson, I know that you just woke up so I need to explain everything that's happened. Your ribs are badly bruised but should be okay within at least 2 months. And your arm is broken so a nurse will be in shortly to put on a cast. I'm your eye will be okAy but it is bruised also. And your head seems to surprisingly be okay. Under the circumstances you could have been in a coma but the fact that, that didn't happen is very good. can go home tomorrow but need to rest and take it easy for at least a week before going back to normal. You were very lucky. We took you into surgery as soon as you arrived due to internal bleeding but we patched up a couple holes and you are fine. I'll come by tomorrow to give you the okay to leave. I'll see you all then" he said. Then he walked out and set out for the next room. My stomach was really sore but other than that I felt fine. The nurse came in to put the cast on my arm. A couple of the guys had to look away because the sight of my bone through my elbow was grossing them out. The nurse made a couple joked about them. I chose to get a red cast. They all wrote their names on it and some of them out sweet or funny things, Sammy put "OTP=Hammy"
Chandler put,
"Carl grimes is my bae"
And Taylor put,
"Tay Tay".
After it was getting late, everyone went home except for Sammy, Jack, and Chandler. Jack drove home to get clothes for the 4 or us but he came back to stay the night. There was a couch and 2 chairs, so everyone had a spot.

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