Chapter 97

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I had Jack and Chandler and Ryann hold her then they handed her back as they went to get everyone else. My mom didn't want to let her go but eventually gave in. Matt held her and it was adorable. Nate was overtaken with joy. Michael loved her little feet. Everyone was just overall happy. I scooted over on the bed and had Sammy sit beside me as we held her. Hours passed and slowly everyone went home. Everyone except for Jack, Matt, Nate, and Chandler. It was like 2 a.m and the 4 did not want to leave.
"Can they just sleep here?" Sammy asked.
"yeah" I said looking at Styles. The 5sos guys had brought 5 or 6 5sos onesies earlier that I was looking at as Sammy sat beside me holding her.
We signed the birth certificate and Jack, Nate, Matt, and Chandler walked down to get in jacks car and go get food from a late night fast food restaurant. Sammy plugged his phone into charge across the room by the couch. Styles fell asleep and I set her in the little bed/basket/bin baby carrier thing beside the bed. I looked at Sammy and he looked at me. He smiled. I scooted to the left side of the bed,
"Will you lay down with me?" I asked.
"Of course babe" he said sitting down and wrapping his arm around my neck so I was leaning on his chest.
"That's our daughter" He said happily.
"It's hard to believe right? I mean this all happened so fast, she's so........perfect" I said.
"I love you" he said kissing me.
"I love you too" I said smiling.
"So what kind of parents are we gonna be?" Sammy asked.
"The ones who are fun and cool but don't let there kids run wild or anything, good parents you know" I said.
"We're great parents" Sammy said smiling.
"Speaking of parents, my dad will have to drag my mom to the airport if we want her to leave. She wasn't too bad today but you could tell she wanted to stay the night" I said.
"She won't bother us, and she won't stay for too long either" Sammy said.
"Okay" I said yawning and soon after I fell asleep. I woke up to my phone ringing. Styles didn't cry but she did wake up. I sat up and Sammy was still beside me, while Jack, Nate, Matt, and Chandler were spread out on the couch, chairs and floor. They all looked at me tiredly and I picked up the phone. It was a LA number.
"Hello?" I said picking up.
"Uh...hi" a girl sniffled on the other end of the line as if she had been crying.
"Uh who is this?" I asked.
"I'm so sorry Haven. I'm so so so so so sorry. I'm sorry. I just can't I'm so sorry" she cried.
"Who is this?" I asked again.
".......Sammy's sister" she said quietly after pausing for a while.
There was a long silence.
"I'm sooooooo sorry" she cried.
"I'm sorry, I'm really confused, what's going on?" I asked.
"I was terrible to you, and all I wanted for years was for....for you to die. And I was so terrible to you I lost my whole family, I just I'm sorry. If I could take it back I would" she said still crying. A tear slid down my cheek as she spoke about wanting me dead, but still I felt sad for her.
"I never wanted to be the reason you lost your family" I said.
"Haven, you're not, I am. It was all my fault I just I heard about the wedding on Twitter and almost came but couldn't get myself to do it. And then I saw tweets about your baby and I just couldn't leave things like they are. Your my sister in law and I want to be a part of your life" she said.
"I understand. I want that too, I'm uh I'm in the hospital right now. She was born last night" I said.
"She?" She asked.
"Yeah, Stiles Hilton Wilkinson" I said.
"That's beautiful. I know it's a lot to ask but could you get Sammy to talk to me or let me visit and see the baby today or something?" She asked.
"I'll uh talk to him" I said before hanging up.
"Who was that?" Sammy asked wiping the lone tear off my cheek.
"Your sister" I said.
"Was she mean?!? What did she say?!?" He asked.
"Sammy, she was sad, she apologized and was crying. She wants to fix things. And she wants to visit today" I said.
Chandler looked at me worriedly. Jack, Matt, and Nate all also looked worried.
"Haven, she knows it's too late. She knows that she can't stop us from being together now. That's why she's trying to be nice" Sammy said.
"What do we do, I can't keep her away I just don't.....I guess I'm just scared.....she just.....nevermind" I said.
"Haven, I know what your trying to say" Chandler spoke up from the other side of the room.
The 5 of us turned and looked at him.
" know I don't want to be mean to her and offend people....if you do know just don't make me sound terrible" I said quietly.
"Haven, your not terrible. If it were me, I would not want her to be around my newborn child on there second day alive when they can barley roll over" Chandler said.
"You don't have to worry, I'm not letting her anywhere near her" Sammy said picking up Styles.
We tried talking about what to do but none of us knew what to do. My mom drove over and turns out she had been waiting to be let in by the nurse since like 5:00 a.m.
"Ooh I need to hold my grand baby" she said walking in. Sammy looked at me for a answer and I kind of nodded. My mom held her arms out for Sammy to let her hold Styles. It was funny because she was completely serious. We all talked about funny stories for a while.
"Oh my god remember when we were on tour we'd play truth or dare" I said.
"Oh that was awesome" Jack said.
"I always picked truth so everyone once and a while when id pick dare you'd all make me do something crazy" I said.
"What's the craziest thing you did?" Matt asked.
"I don't know I was dared to kiss a lot of the guys" I said.
"What? No one ever told me that" Jack said.
"Well I'm married now so it doesn't make a difference" I said.
"No I want to know who all you kissed" Jack said.
"It's really not that important" I said.
"Oh i want to know too" Sammy said.
"Fine, but you're all okay with me saying this right? Because some people are in this room..." I said.
"Yeah" they all said awkwardly.
"And Sammy, Jack, you guys can't be mad at me or any of them" I said.
"Okay" they both said.
"Well about a week before the tour I kissed Gilinsky in your room, Jack. But you weren't there and it wasn't a dare. It was awkward and didn't mean anything" I said.
"In my room?!?" Jack said.
"Yeah" I said trailing off.
"Then when the tour first started, before I was dating Hayes, I was dared to kiss Taylor, and Matt, but those two were friendly, nothing was going on. Then I kissed Aaron when we were practicing a song for one of the shows. Next was when I started dating Hayes and we kissed" I said.
Everyone was looking at me shocked.
"Haven, your my sister, and I'm not calling you a hoe or anything..." Jack said.
"JACK" I exclaimed.
"Sorry it's just that's a lot of guys, is that all?" He asked.
"no" I said quietly.
"Okay continue then" Jack said.
"About 3 years ago I kissed Nate when me, him, and Gilinsky were playing truth or dare. Shawn kissed me when we were practicing a song one time. Chandler and I kissed a couple times over the years but we're just friends. And after all of that I kissed Sammy, and I've only kissed Sammy for the past years" I said looking at Sammy and smiling.
"Wait so who did you not kiss?" Jack asked.
"I don't know, I mean I never kissed Cam, Nash, Carter, and You" I said.
"Okay I mean that's not too bad, plus 99% of those were dares" Jack said.
Sammy looked very uncomfortable, I think it made him feel awkward. It made me sad because I had forgotten about it, if I had remembered I would have told him a long time ago.
"Mom, it's almost lunch time, you should go down to the cafeteria with all of the guys" I said.
"I want to stay here with my grandbaby" she said looking down at Styles.
"Mom, seriously, I need you to go to the cafeteria and get lunch" I said.
"Fine I'll be back" she said placing Styles in my arms. She walked out with all of the guys. The door slammed shut and it was just Sammy and I with Styles. He still looked distant, like it was bothering him.
"I'm sorry" I said.
"It's okay" he said kind of sadly.
"I'm not a hoe or a slut, it was a dare, and honesty I don't regret kissing any of them because if I hadn't kissed a variety of people, then it wouldn't have felt different when I kissed you and it still wouldn't feel different. I love you, I'd never lie to you or keep something from you, I just never thought of it until now" I said.
"I know, I love you, and I do trust you. I trust you more than anyone in the whole world. It just.....I don't know it just surprised me, but it doesn't change anything, it doesn't make a difference" Sammy said.
"I......I'm sorry" I said bursting out in tears.
"hey, it's okay. What's wrong?" He asked laying down beside me with him arm around me. I slowly set Styles into her little bed thing.
"What's wrong?" He asked again, wiping a tear off of my cheek.
"I....I don't know, there's a lot of things I just I'm happy and sad and confused and I can't hold all of this in" I said sadly as tears slid down my cheeks.
"Babe, You just had a baby, and my sisters freaking us out, this hospital is boring, your mom won't leave us alone, you can cry" he said.
I looked over at Styles and picked her up. I cradled her in my arms. Styles wrapped her little fist around Sammy's finger.
"I still can't believe this. We have a baby" I said.
"Yeah" he said smiling.
"Is this gonna change us?" I asked.
"No, we'll never change. She's the one that's gonna grow and change" Sammy said.
The guys and my mom came back with lunch. Later that day they told us we could go home, I changed into my normal clothes and put on my makeup. I fixed my hair, put on my shoes and changed Styles into one of the newborn 5sos onesies. People came in and out all day. Sammy already had a car seat set up in our car.
My dad came and got mom back to the hotel since it was getting late and he knew she's was driving us crazy. That left Me, Sammy, Matt, Nate, Jack, and Chandler.
"Can we ask them to all stay with us for a couple days?" I whispered to Sammy.
"Yeah of course" he said.
"Do you guys want to stay at our house for a couple days?" I asked.
They all agreed and drove in there cars. Sammy and I walked out to our car, Sammy carrying Styles In her car seat. We buckled her in the seat and got in. Once we arrived at the house I got this relieving feeling, knowing I wasn't stuck in that hospital anymore. Because it just reminds me of all my other hospital visits.

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