Chapter 82

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As we walked, we put the subject of his sister away and talked about other stuff.
"So are you excited about your birthday" I asked.
"I mean, it's really just another year" he said.
"No it's not" I said.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"It's not just another year. Sammy, I don't think you realize how big this birthday is. Sammy, you are turning 20! and you realize that when you turned 19 I wasn't your girlfriend so I couldn't throw you a party, but this year you are gonna have the most amazing birthday ever" I said enthusiastically.
"Oh really? What makes your parties special" he asked.
"I care, I'm organized, and I can party" I said.
"Sound like a great party" he said.
"It will be. You know your birthday is in like a couple days right?" I said.
"Yeah" he said.
"So that means I've been planning it for a while and I know it'll be amazing. As soon as we get back to the house, I'm taking you shopping. But I promise it's not boring" I said.
"Why are we going shopping?" He asked.
"Party clothes. It's your 20th birthday, we have to look good" I said.
"Do the guys know about this party?" He asked.
"Yeah, there all invited" I said.
"So we'll have my birthday, Christmas, New Years, and your birthday all soon" he said.
"I'm excited about the holidays" he added. After he mentioned the holidays, there was a long silence as we walked pushing Mac in the stroller. Neither of us said anything.
"Okay" I burst out.
"Look we need to talk about it because it's driving me crazy and we're both avoiding it. It's okay to talk about it. I won't get all freaked out or uncomfortable talking about your sister, I just....I mean we have to fix this whole thing" I said stopping.
"Can we sit down up here?" He asked.
"Yeah" I said as I pushed the stroller over to the side of the path in the grass. I picked Mac up out of the stroller so the stroller didn't roll off with her in it.
"Can I just tell you everything, then you tell me everything?" I asked.
"Yeah of course" he responded.
"I know that your sister hurt me, and I know that I didn't tell you at first. But all I care about is having you. And even if that means seeing your sister for Christmas and having her insult
me, I don't care because I just wanna spend Christmas with you and Jack and our families and best friends" I said.
"I know she's my sister. But someone who hurts someone I love like that, and keeps being mean to her, and insulting her, that's not someone I want to be with, yet alone want you to be with" he said.
"I just wish all of that stuff hadn't happened, then everything would be fine" I said.
"She...she just doesn't care. And I wish that she did. If she cared about me she'd care about you" Sammy said.
"I know. It's okay, you know it's not your fault. If she won't let it go even though we're both practically adults, then that's her problem. Don't worry about it" I said.
"I just don't understand why she won't except the fact that she can't bully you out of my life. I love you and want to spend my whole life with you weather she's apart of that or not" he said.
"Really?" I said as my voice broke.
"Yeah" he said as he put his arm around me.
"We should keep walking" I said as I stood up with Mac. Sammy stood up too and pushed the stroller back onto the path.
"Can I hold her?" He asked sweetly.
"Of course" I said placing her in his arms.
"Okay, I need a picture, this is adorable" I said stopping to get my phone out of my pocket for a picture. He was looking down at her in one picture and up at me in the other. After I took them I put my phone away.
"We should probably head back" I said.
"Yeah" he said.
We both walked back to the car and I put the stroller in the trunk. Sammy was on the right side of the car putting her in her car seat. He played with her for a second.
"Do we have to go back yet?" He asked.
"We can stay a little longer" I said. He nodded and got in the back seat beside her car seat.
"What are you gonna do?" I asked.
"We can play with her" he said happily. He unbuckled her from the car seat and held her up in the air, playing little games with her.
"Will you come back here and play with us" he said.
"Yeah" I said a so climbed over the seat and sat beside him. We played stuff like peek a boo until we decided to get back. We drove back and went inside with Mac, her stroller, and her bag. When we walked in, everyone was in the living room hanging out. Ryann ran up to us and held Mac.
"Did you guys go to a park?" Matt asked.
"Yeah" I said.
He walked over towards me and flipped his phone around so Sammy and I could see it. It was

Twitter top trending: 8- #hammybaby?
Did Haven have a baby we don't know about?

As soon as I read it I spoke.
"Oh my god" I said laughing.
"Trending on Twitter?!? I didn't know we were that interesting" Sammy said jokingly.
"Look the picture only shows the back of Mac's head" I said looking closely.
"I didn't know we had fans there" I said.
"Yeah I didn't see anyone" Sammy added.
The topic wasn't very interesting to us so we decided to change the subject to our plan for the day. We decided to all go to a outdoor mall up the road that has almost no one there. We shopped around the whole day and ended up eating lunch and dinner while we were out. When we got home everyone went straight to bed. Sammy was propped up sitting in the fold of the couch. I turned off the lights and walked around the couch.
"Are you gonna sleep with me again?" He asked.
"If your okay with that" I said.
He patted the spot beside him and I sat down. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me in closer to kiss me.
"Goodnight babe" he said.
"Goodnight" I said. I lay down on his chest, his arms were around me just like last night. He put the blanket over me so I wouldn't be cold.
"I love you" I said into the darkness.
"I love you too" he said happily and I couldn't see his face due to the darkness, but I didn't need to because I knew he was smiling. He always smiles when he tells me that.

The forgotten sister (Sammy Wilkinson)Where stories live. Discover now