Chapter 94

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I woke up and Sammy's arms were still around me. I turned my head so I was looking at him and he was awake.
"What time is it?" I asked tiredly.
"Like 2 in the afternoon" he said.
"I slept that long?" I said.
"I didn't want to wake you up" he said.
"I know I'm glad I didn't wake up early" I said.
"Is your head okay?" He asked.
"I'm pretty sure there's a line across my face where the pole hit me. I'm just really tired" I responded.
"Do you want to go back to sleep?" he asked.
"Yeah, but you can get up and go watch tv or something if you want, I don't mind" I said.
"I'll stay here, I'm kinda tired too" he said laying down his head.
"Okay goodnight" I said laying my head back down. I fell asleep quickly. I woke up and rolled over so I was facing Sammy.
"Are you awake now?" He asked laughing a little.
"Yeah, wait. Is it dark outside?" I asked.
"Yeah it's like dinner time" he said.
"Let's get food" I said standing up. We walked downstairs and made pasta. Sammy sat down on a stool at the kitchen counter.
"I don't know if you slept or not but I won't be sleeping until like tomorrow morning" I said.
"We could go drive around and eat at waffle house or something, like someplace that's open" he said.
"Yeah, do you wanna go right now?" I asked.
"Yeah, we might wanna change clothes though, it's cold out" he said. I walked upstairs and changed, while Sammy out on jeans and a red tee shirt. We walked outside and got in the car. I plugged in my phone and played music. We rolled down the windows and turned the music up really loud as we drove out of the neighbourhood and around town. My phone started ringing and Sammy put it on speaker, it was Ryann. We turned down the music to talk.
"Hey" I said.
"hey uh did you guys just hear like really loud music?" She asked tiredly. I looked at Sammy while we both tired really hard not to laugh.
"Uh no?" I said awkwardly.
"Okay bye" she said hanging up. We turned the music back up and drove around downtown L.A for about 2 hours. We went to Waffle House then went back home. It was only about 3 a.m when we got back home. We were really bored and couldn't watch TV so we walked around the neighbourhood for a while. When we got back it was still a little dark outside.
"Wait come here" I said grabbing Sammy's hand and pulling him through the house and out the back door.
"Let's jump in the pool" I said as I ran and jumped in. Sammy jumped in after me. We both came up laughing. The next couple days went by fast, and before we knew it, it was time for us to go to the airport for our flight to Sydney, Australia since our first show was there. We met at the big magcon/YouTube house and said goodbye to everyone and that we'd FaceTime and stuff. I told Jack I'd call him everyday and tell him about it. I told Matt the same. When it was time for us to go we got in the car and drove to the airport. Our flight was very early in the morning so I was really tired. I threw up at soon as we got on the plane.
"Are you okay?" Sammy asked.
"Yeah it's just motion sickness probably" I said. When we landed we went out to dinner at a restaurant in the middle of Sydney with Luke, Calum, Ashton, Michael, and there parents. There parents were all very sweet. After dinner we went back to our hotel and fell straight asleep. The next morning I woke up and vomited again.
"Babe are you okay? What do you thinks wrong?" Sammy asked concerned.
"I'm just really jet lagged, I'll probably be fine by tomorrow" I said.
"Okay I'm sorry your sick babe" he said.
"It's okay I'll be fine" I said.
That night was our first show. It went perfectly. Sammy and I sang some songs, the 5sos guys put on an amazing show and we all got on a bus and drove to another city in Australia. We all fell asleep on the bus. I woke up at 5 a.m and ran to the tiny tour bus bathroom to vomit. All of the guys woke up.
Sammy ran to the bathroom and got down on the floor beside me.
"Babe, you really need to go to the doctor, there's no way your still jet lagged, you're probably sick" Sammy said.
We had a recording session set up in advance and a show later on that night. Sammy had to go to dinner with some dude who wanted to talk to him about something with the Jacks. I told him I'd hang out with the 5sos guys while he was out. We were now staying at a hotel.
"Okay I love you, I'll see you later" Sammy said kissing me as he walked out the door.
"I love you too I'll see you later" I said. As soon as he left, I ran to the bathroom to vomit. All of the 5sos guys were pretty much split up around town as far I knew. I lay down on the hotel bed but ended up running to the bathroom to vomit again. I called Ashton and he picked up quickly.
"Uh h...hey Ashton" I said.
"Hey hows it going?" He asked.
"Well you know Sammy went out to dinner with some people so I'm at the hotel and I was wondering if you could come over and are you with any of the guys?" I asked.
"Yeah I'm with Michael but we could come over." He said.
"Okay uh I have a question but Ashton you can't freak out, act weird, make me tell people, or anything, I just really need you to get something" I said.
"Okay I promise but what is it your talking about?" He asked.
"I'm sorry that you have to do it and you can say no if you need to but if I were home I'd call Ryann. Uh............can you buy pregnancy tests at a grocery store or something" I asked.
He went silent.
"Uh..yeah..yeah I will uh can Michael know, like I said he's with me so he's obviously gonna see me buying it." Ashton said.
"Yeah just put him on the phone real quick" I said.
"Hey" Michael said.
"Michael, you can't freak out over this okay because I don't know anything yet" I said.
"Okay but I don't know what your talking about" he said.
"I know, Ashton will tell you, I'll see you in a sec" I said.
"Okay we're gonna stop on our way to you" Ashton said.
"Okay" I said hanging up. Ashton and Michael knocked on the hotel door about 20 minutes later.
"Uh hey" they said awkwardly.
"Hey" I said tiredly.
"Oh god" I said running to the bathroom to vomit.
"We got you the- Ashton began.
"Thank you" I interrupted him.
"Haven, your our best girl-friend, why would you think we'd judge you?" Ashton asked.
"Because I'm 18 and I'll be 19 soon" I said.
"Your also married and have a big house and 4 amazing babysitters I know by name" he said smiling.
"I know, I just also know that I'm young and got married last week and people really do judge that" I said.
"Well we don't even know if your pregnant yet so I recommend you take the test first" Ashton said.
"Okay I'll be right back" I said taking the box into the bathroom. I peed on 4 tests just to be sure and came out of the bathroom.
"We have to wait like 10 minutes" I said. Michael hugged me.
"You haven't said anything this whole time" I said to Mciahel.
"I don't want to make my best friend mad at me" he said.
I started crying. He still hugged me without letting go.
"What were you gonna say that might make me mad?" I asked.
"No no it wasn't anything bad, I was gonna say that I want you to have a baby, I'm not close to Ryann like I am with you so it's different. Ryanns a great mom, but I think you'd be a great mom too" he said.
"That's really sweet" I said still crying.
"Why are you crying? Don't cry" Michael said.
"I just, I want kids, I want a baby, this just all snuck up on me, I wasn't expecting this" I said smiling while I cried.
"If you are pregnant can I be there uncle Mikey, the cool fun one who lets them do crazy fun stuff?" Michael asked.
"Yeah but we don't know if there is a baby yet" I said.
"Actually" Ashton said trailing off.
Michael and I both looked at him as he stared down at the tests sitting on the table.
"Haven, you are pregnant" Ashton said looking up.
I looked at him and smiled. I walked over and looked at the tests, he was right. I hugged him.
"So what are you gonna do?" Michael asked excitedly.
"first I need to tell Sammy, oh god I have to tell Sammy" I said.
"That's the least of your worries Haven, he'll be beyond happy" Michael said.
"How do I tell him" I asked.
"If you leave the pregnancy tests out then he'll see those. Then you can be all like "Sammy"' and he'll be all like "yeah" and then you just say "I'm.....pregnant" Michael said.
"I'll find a way to give the news nicely and happily" I said.
"I'm so excited" Michael said.
"Okay guys, I know we're all really excited but you can't tell anyone. We need to have Luke and Calum come here. The only people who can know right now are you guys, Luke, Calum, and Sammy" I said.
"Okay but why aren't you gonna tell people" Ashton asked.
"I mean there could always be a mis-carriage so I wanna wait a couple weeks. Since we're on a tour it won't make a difference to wait" I said.
"Okay I'll call Calum and Luke, and when is Sammy getting home?" Michael asked.
"About half an hour" I said. Luke and Calum came over. I called Sammy.
"Hey babe I'm on my way to the hotel right now" he said.
"Okay uh the 5sos guys are here too, and I need to.....tell you something when you get here" I said.
"What is it" he asked normally.
"I can't tell you right now, I need to tell you in person. It's like a big deal so I need you here" I said.
"It's not bad is it?" He asked.
"No I mean I don't think it is, I hope you don't think it is" I said.
"He wont" Michael yelled.
"Okay are you okay though is everyone okay?" He asked.
"Yeah I'm fine everyone's fine it's just.....important" I said looking at the guys. Like and Calum were there but didn't know yet.
"Okay" Sammy said confused. The guys all lay down on the bed while I stood and paced the room.
"Haven, you can sit down" Michael said.
"No I can't, Sammy doesn't know yet and I can't relax or sit down or breathe until he knows and is cool with it" I said.
"Cool with it? You know he'll be excited beyond imaginable so chill" Ashton said.
"I know I hope so at least I just, I want to tell him and have him start talking so I don't have to" I said.
"He will, don't worry" Michael said.

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