Chapter 83

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For the next couple days at the lake house we all just did fun random stuff. What made it so fun is that we were with all of our friends. I mean I was with the Magcon guys, o2l guys, 5sos guys, chandler, Dylan, fab 5, I mean all of my friends. Just being there with them made it perfect. Today is the day we leave, right now we're all packing up our bags. I'm sad to go but happy to be home again. Since everyone lives in LA who came except for Chandler, Chandler is going to stay with Dylan for another day or so, so he can come to Sammy's party.
"Okay well, everyone's coming to the party right?" I said as we all said goodbye in the living room. Everyone nodded.
"Okay, I'll see everyone when we get back" I said. Mostly everyone left.
"I'll be right back" I told Sammy. Everyone was leaving the same way they came so I was riding with Sammy. I ran to Chandler.
"Chandler wait" I said as he was about to get in the car.
"Yeah" he said.
"I need to talk to you about something once we get back. Your the first person I told so I want to talk to you" I said.
"What? Oh! Ohhhhh.......wait you mean the thing with-" he paused and looked disgusted when he continued.
"His sister" he said.
"Yeah" I answered.
"Okay, whenever you need to talk, just call me or come by Dylan's" he said .
"Okay bye" I said as I walked back to the house. Sammy locked the front door and we walked to his car.
"Are you doing anything today? Like, when we get home?" I asked Sammy.
"No, why?" He asked.
"If your up for it we could go shopping today" I said.
"What are we getting again?" He asked.
"Party clothes" I said.
"Yeah, it sounds like fun. Do you wanna go like right after we get home?" He asked.
"Yeah we could just put our bags in our rooms then go out?" I said.
"Yeah" he said.
The whole car ride was just fun. We talked and sang, and laughed until we arrived at the house. With everyone else pulling up the driveway. We got our bags out of the trunk and walked inside with everyone. I walked up to my room while Sammy walked up to his, I put down my bags and turned back around. I walked downstairs and passed Jack.
"Jack" I said stopping him.
"Yeah" he asked.
"Sammy and I are going out to shop, remember when I told you, we gotta get party outfits so I'll be back later" I said.
"Okay, be careful" he said.
"Okay bye" I said as I walked out the front door. Sammy came out a couple seconds later. I decided to drive since he'd driven all day.
"So where are we going?" he asked.
"Not one place, I mean we're going to a couple different places, there not all stores though, were gonna eat out for dinner" I said.
"Sounds fun" he said.
"it will be." I said happily.
"Can you plug in my phone and play my playlist called favs" I asked.
"Yeah" he said. I think it's kind of funny that we know each others phone passwords. I mean we don't get on each other's phones but we always know. I waited while he plugged in my phone then scrolled though my playlists looking for favs. He found it and put it on. The first song that played was "nothin to a king". He laughed a little. He picked up my phone and looked at the playlist. It was all of my favorite songs that he's in or we both listen too.
"This is the single coolest playlist I've ever seen" he said.
"That's the point it's supposed to be" I said.
"I can't believe your birthday is tommorow" I said.
"2 decades" he said.
"Are you excited to be 20" I asked.
"I mean I guess yeah" he said.
"I'm excited that I get to be your girlfriend on your birthday because that's never happened before. Actually I was always the weird quiet sister at your parties growing up" I said.
"No you weren't. I don't understand how you didn't know I had a crush on you, I mean I was weird about it too" he said.
"You can't say I was blind in this situation though becasue you were too" I pointed out.
"Yeah I guess, still though" he said. When we arrived, we were at Pacsun.
"I love Pacsun" he said as I parked.
"exactly" I said.
We walked inside.
"What are we like looking for here?" He asked.
"I don't know I mean something fun and causal but awesome at the same time" I said.
I ended up finding a long sleeve shirt that was from the young and reckless brand that Sammy looked really good in.
"Do you like it" I asked.
"Yeah" he said.
"Do you like it" he asked.
"Yeaaaaaaaah" I said dragging out the word. He laughed a little.
"What? you look good, like you always look good but you look even better right now" I said.
He blushed and laughed a little more.
"Are you gonna try something on?" He asked.
"I mean I'm thinking of just wearing what I wore to my party" I said.
"Nooooo you need something new and awesome. Like this" he said holding up a black dress from the rack.
"I don't know I mean do you think anyone will notice if I wear the one from my birthday?" I said.
"Yeah no come on try this on" he said holding up the black dress again.
"Okay" I said. We walked over to the dressing rooms and he sat down on a sofa outside of the door. I walked in with the dress. I put it on and turned around to look in the mirror. It was a beautiful dress. I was surprised Sammy had picked out something so perfect because I had grown up thinking boys had bad taste. I unlocked the dressing room door and stepped out. Sammy looked up from his phone slowly.
"You look ammaaaaazing" he said.
"Are you sure" I asked having second thoughts about getting it or not.
"You look hot" he said.
"It's your birthday party I'm going to, don't you want me to look bad" I said.
"You can't look bad it's actually impossible. I mean if any of the guys look at you Ill tell them to back off" he said.
"Really" I said.
"Yeah so will you get that one" he asked.
"Yeah" I said.
I walked back in the dressing room and changed into my normal clothes. After I changed Sammy and I took both items up to the counter and checked out. When we left the store we decided to get dinner at Panera then go home. When we got home it was around 8 o'clock. I hung up the dress in my closet and plugged my phone into charge. I walked downstairs and sat down between Sammy and Shawn. Nate arrived a couple minutes later. He was coming for Sammy's birthday. After a while of hanging out in the living room for a couple hours we decided to go to bed so we'd wake up early in the morning.
Nate went back to the guest room and everyone else went to there rooms. I ended up falling asleep for a couple hours and getting back up at 11:50. I was really hoping Sammy was awake or else it would be really awkward in the morning when he saw I had texted him. I Opened my closet where I was keeping all of the party stuff and took out a candle that said 20, and a lighter. I then texted Sammy,
"Hey can you come outside if your awake, like in the backyard" I texted awkwardly.
I walked downstairs and outside. I sat in the grass where we always sit. A couple minutes later Sammy walked out the backdoor.
"Hey" he said.
"Hey i didn't know if you were asleep or not but you turn 20 in like 1 minute and I wanted to see you like you did for me" I said.
"That's sweet" he said.
I lit the candle and held it out. I turned my phone around with the flash so I could have pictures.
He blew out the candle and I dropped it after it went out.
"Happy bir-" Sammy stepped forward and kissed me before I could finish. He held his phone out and took a picture of us. He smiled,
"See that's a picture from my 20th birthday that I want to remember" he said holding up his phone. It was a picture of us kissing. I didn't know what to say because it's like even when I try to do something really sweet it ends up turning into him doing something sweet. However in not complaining because I love it.

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