Chapter 89

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It's been about 4 weeks since the fire and there rebuilding the room so the house is always loud. Yesterday was my birthday. I turned 18. Sammy through a big party since it is my 18th birthday. I feel good being an adult. The only change really is I've stopped asking Jacks permission to go places and do things. Today we all went shopping for about the 5th time since the fire. I finally have just enough clothes. When we got home Gilinsky spoke,
"Let's go out to dinner" he said.
Everyone nodded immediately.
"When?" I asked.
"What about like an hour from now?" Sammy said.
"Yeah I need to take a shower and get ready first" I said walking upstairs. I could hear everyone whispering. It kind of made me wonder if they were all talking about me behind my back or something but I knew they wouldn't.
"Where are we eating?" I asked when I got to the top of the stairs.
"Olive Garden" Jack said.
"Okay, Jack, I'm gonna use your shower" I said picking up a bag of clothes and waking to his bathroom. I've been getting ready there since I don't have a room. I took a shower and got dressed. I fixed my make up and blow dried my hair before fixing it. I looked at the time and had like 5 minutes until we were leaving so I left the bathroom and started walking down the stairs. When I turned the corner at the bottom of the stairs, everyone was Standing behind the kitchen counter and Sammy was in front of it looking at me. Mahogany was holding her phone up videoing. The 5sos guys, Nash, Ryann, and Mac were there too. I was extremely confused as I walked in the room. You could tell by the confused look on my face. "What's-" I paused when Sammy held out a little black box. He flipped it open and there was a ring inside. A legit one. A beautiful diamond ring.
"Will you..marry me?" He asked nervously.
I fell down with my hands covering my mouth. I could barely breathe. I tried to breathe in and out. My insides felt like they drove over a cliff and we're falling down and down with no stop. Sammy knelt down beside me as soon as I fell.
"soooooo?" He said.
"Yeah yeah of...of course" I said trying to keep breathing. He took off the promise ring and slid the new ring onto my ring finger. He held my hands ha spilled me up so I was standing up. He pulled me into a hug and kissed me. I was overtaken with emotion, I didn't even know what to do.I couldn't believe it had actually happened. Being proposed to is something you dream about but never see it coming. He smiled, and as soon as I saw him smiling I couldn't help smiling.
I looked at Mahogany who was videoing.
"That fall could go viral" I said as everyone laughed at my joke.
I walked towards Jack and hugged him. He looked at me confused.
"How do you feel?" He asked happily.
"Happy, nervous, excited, confused, asthmatic, and engaged" I spoke extremely quickly.
"I told him I was worried you'd stop breathing" he said jokingly.
"You are the best brother ever, seriously. I mean I really do love you. You really are amazing" I said.
"Your the best sister ever" he said.
"We're still going to Olive Garden, right?" I asked turning to everyone.
"Of course" Sammy said.
"I uh, I gotta call mom, and Chandler, and Dylan, and Connor, Trevor, and Sam, oh my god and this would be a great time to contact Nat Wolff" I said excitedly.
"I love you" I said to Sammy.
"I love you too" he said.
"We're engaged" I said excitedly.
"Yeah" he said smiling.
I hugged everyone. I FaceTimed Chandler. I could barely breathe. Sammy held my hand as we walked out to his car. We both drove to the restaurant in Sammy's car with Jack, Gilinsky, and Matt in the backseat. I was still overtaken with emotion, I didn't know what to do. I sat down in the passenger seat and looked around in the center console for the backup inhaler I keep there. I counted to 3 breathing in and out.
"Are you okay?" Sammy asked concerned.
"Yeah I just-" I stopped.
"I don't know what to say, I've just never been this happy in my whole life and I don't know what to say" I continued.
He smiled.
When we got to the restaurant, we all got seated at table that was really just a bunch of tables pushed together since there were so many of us. I sat in between Sammy and Matt.
"This sucks" Matt said to me quietly so no one heard.
"What sucks?" I asked.
"We're growing up. I mean we're all really growing up, Haven. Your getting married, almost all of us are adults except for like Hayes but he's in North Carolina" he said.
"Nothing is gonna change. We're all still gonna be best friends" I said.
"I don't know, I think some of them are gonna leave and have there own lives. And I'm just gonna be friendless and single." He said.
"Your still gonna be my best friend no matter what. I'm not leaving you" I said.
"That's sweet" he said.
"It's true. I don't leave friends behind, especially best friends" I said.
"I'm happy for you. I expect to be a groomsmen" he said smiling.
"Obviously. You know there'll be like 20 groomsmen though" I said sarcastically.
"Yeah because of all the guys, plus you have 5sos, and Chandler too" he said.
"Yeah, you know how that I'm getting married I can talk to Hayes. I mean technically I wouldn't be with Sammy if it weren't for him" I said.
"Your engaged, don't torture the poor kid by telling him your with Sammy because of him" Matt said.
"I forgive him for the whole thing, I just don't like him like that at all though" I said.
"It's good to forgive" he said.
"Matt, whenever I talk to you, your all wise like the rat from the ninja turtles" I said.
"Oh I like that" he said. After we ate and talked for a while, we went home and it was around 10. We all sat around on the couch for about an hour before everyone went up to bed except for Sammy and I since we were still on the couch since I didn't have a room. Mahogany took over Sammy's bed in the meantime. When they all went upstairs I turned to Sammy and spoke.
"Can we go outside?" I said.
"Yeah" he said standing up. We walked outside and lay down beside each other in the grass.
"We're engaged" I said.
"I didn't put you under pressure, right? I don't want you to have said yes just because everyone was there" he said.
"There was no pressure. I actually kind of forgot they were all there" I said laughing a little.
"I don't think I've ever been that nervous in my whole life. I just love you so much and the thought of you saying no scared me to death" he said.
"You know I'd never say no" I said.
"I've been practicing and going over the plan in my head for months. I'm just so............happy. I mean I don't want to be weird or anything but I'm just happy that I get to be with you for the rest of my life" he said.
"Me too" I said.
"I'm excited about planning out the wedding too" I said.
"For me, I just want it to be perfect for you. I want everyone there" he explained.
"So do I, I'm happy that everyone's gonna get to be there." I said.
"You want us to get our own house when we're married right?" He asked.
"Yeah" I said. I smiled up at the sky even though he couldn't see, I just knew we were about to talk about buying a house and it made me beyond excited.
"I know we talked about what kind of house we both want a long time ago, but I'd like to revisit the topic now that that day is here" he said.
"We want to live in L.A right?, I mean we could always move someplace else if we want or need too" I said.
"Yeah, what kind of house do you want though?" He asked.
"One without too much glass because it's like that creepy dudes house from gone girl, but several rooms and a nice kitchen and living room, something pretty but somewhat typical" I said.
"That's perfect" he said.
"We have to look for houses, and plan a wedding, wedding reception, and honeymoon. We have enough time to get a wedding planner to help" I said.
"You know what?" Sammy said.
"Everything-" he said sitting up. I sat up too.
"-is going to be perfect" he said leaning in and kissing me. I laughed.
"When we're married I don't want us to be that lame old couple, I want us to be like now but better. We can be happy but still have our friends and stuff" I said.
"Of course" he said.
"Have you told your parents yet?" I asked.
"No, I mean not yet, but I will tomorrow, it's too late right now" hensaid.
"What if they get mad" I said worriedly.
"They won't, I mean we're both adults" he said.
"When do you want to get married?" I askedZ
"Fall, so the weathers nice and we have months to prepare for the wedding and get a house ready and all" he said.
"When were married will we fight?" I asked.
"Yeah, over stupid things probably. But the good out weighs the bad. We fight sometimes now, but that just means that we love each other" he said. I laughed.
"You always say the right things" I said.
After a while of talking we went inside and fell asleep.

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