Chapter 62

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When we arrived at Michaels house he locked the door knowing Sammy would come here second. He took me over to the couch and sat down with me. I leaned on his chest while we both sat completely silent other than my crying.
"It's okay" he said.
"I love him....not like hayes, I didn't love Hayes. But I love Sammy. He's different. Why would-" I stopped not wanting to continue.
"I know" Michael responded.
My phone began ringing from Jack. I handed it to Michael to answer. He answered. I heard yelling on the other line, then I heard Jack yell "SHUT UP BEFORE I HIT YOU AGAIN YOU LITTLE-" he began. I cried more. After a couple "okay's", "we will's", and "sure's", Michael hung up and handed me the phone.
"Jack said to lock the door but I already did. He's gonna drop off Ashton, Calum and Luke in about an hour. He wants to talk to all of them, Sammy, and Your friends at your house first. I nodded still crying.
"Michael?" I asked.
"Yeah" he answered.
"Why do boys always end up hurting me?" I asked through tears.
"I haven't hurt you, Jack hasn't hurt you, almost all of your friends haven't hurt you" he said.
"Okay" I said. As I was holding my phone it went made a "ding" noise. I read it and wish I hadn't. It was from Sammy, it read,
"I didn't haven. I wouldn't. Talk to me. I love you."
I began getting anxiety, then it slowly transformed into a panic attack. I couldn't breathe. I was crying and my throat felt like it wasn't working because I was breathing too fast.
"Haven?!?" Michael asked worriedly.
I couldn't respond...becasue I couldn't breath.
"HAVEN?!?!?!?" He said louder. He didn't understand. He sat up and looked at my face realizing how I couldn't breathe.
"I have to" he said as he leaned in and kissed me. It wasn't a short kiss, it was long kiss that I had to hold my breathe for. When he pulled away he hugged me.
"You scared me to death" he said.
"I couldn't breathe" I responded.
"Yeah when you have a panic attack it helps to hold your breathe" he explained.
"Thank you" I said hugging him again. "Do you want to have someone come over??? Do you have any friends you want over?" He asked.
"I just want to stay here with you, doing absolutely nothing" I said.
He nodded.
"Will you sing me a song?" I asked as I laid down on his chest.
"Yeah" he answered.
"You know something I don''s not like you to be cold...every night replayed over and over" he mumbled, singing. I smiled.
"Over and over" I mumbled.
He paused for a spilt second,
"I didn't want to sing "heartbreak girl" he said.
I nodded understanding. After he finished the song, he spoke,
"You really do love him" he said.
Before I could speak, he continued,
"I know you do. And he loves you back. I'm on your side. I always have been and always will be but I know you guys love each other. I don't know if you know or not but its true" he said.
"Michael I love you to death but your right, I do love him. I love you but I'm in love with Sammy. That's why it hurts so bad, I just love him so much, I would never hurt him...but he kissed her." I said.
"The best advice I can give you is to just hear him out. And if he's mean about it, then leave it to me" he said.
I nodded.
I got a text from Jack,
"Me, Matt, the 3 5sos guys, and Sammy are driving to Michael's house. We'll be there in about 20 minutes. I know you sad and hurt but try to listen to him. I saw what happened and promise not to defend him." It read.
I told Micael they were coming and we both stood up. "I...I don't know" I stuttered. Talking to Sammy would be a difficult task. Michael pulled me in for a hug,
"Your my best friend" I said.
"You too" he added.
We walked in the living room and sat back down on the couch since I was having trouble standing stably. After about 25 minutes, there was a knock, a key turning noise, then the door opened. Luke stood with the keys and he, Calum and Ashton ran to the couch to sit down beside me before Sammy did. Jack and Matt walked in the room followed by Sammy. Michael and I both slightly jumped when we saw Sammy.....his eye was black. Jack had punched him so hard that there was a bruise the side of a softball around his left eye. "Haven" Sammy said quietly.
"I think you too should talk alone" Jack said.
"No" I cut in.
Ashton, Calum, Luke, and Matt all walked upstairs. They had heard the story before and didn't want to be a Bother. Jack & Michael did not move an inch. Sammy looked like he had been crying, he began talking,
"Haven....I love you. And I didn't kiss Camilla. She ran up and kissed me and I pushed her off. Jack saw it. I don't care about her, I love you. I would never do anything to mess that up. I don't care what other people think of me as long as I have you. Your the one thing I'm not okay with losing. I want to be with you" He said.
I looked at him right in the eyes. He wasn't lying...he was being legit.
"Jack?" I asked.
"He's telling the truth. He did push her off and it wasn't him" Jack said. I believed both of them.
I stood up and walked towards Sammy. I hugged him for what felt like an eternity. I wanted to kiss him but I couldn't in front of Jack & Michael. After I let go I told Jack, that we could go back home so he got Matt. We walked to the door and I ran up to Michael. I hugged him tightly,
"I'll talk to you tomorrow. Thank you for helping me. Love ya" I said kissing him on the cheek. He stated blushing and attempted hiding a smirk. I blushed too and Sammy, Jack, Matt, and I walked out the door.

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