Chapter 79

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"sammy don't go, please don't, wait on me" I said sobbing.
"It's okay" he said. Another shot was fired in his leg, then his other arm. Then his head and he fell limp in my arms.
"NO STOP COME BACK DONT GO STOP HOW COULD YOU DO THIS" I yelled. I screamed at the top of my lungs louder than I've ever screamed in my entire life as I sat up. I kept screaming. My eyes were open and I was in bed but I kept screaming. I couldn't stop screaming. Jack jumped up alerted and Sammy jumped towards me when they woke up from my scream.
"OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED" Jack screamed.
I stood up and crashed into Sammy holding him tighter than I ever have before. I had now stopped screaming and started crying silently.
"Haven?!? Haven, what's wrong" Sammy asked worriedly.
I still couldn't talk, I had to have lost my voice from the way I screamed.
"It's okay" he said just like he had a second ago. It all clicked, it was a dream, not a dream a nightmare. The worst nightmare I've ever had. It felt real. I heard a couple screams after I screamed then yelling and chatting. People came running into our room to see me hugging Sammy. Everyone was standing in the room looking extremely worried and alerted.
"Oh my god who screamed" Shawn asked. I ran towards him and hugged him. It was a very awkward situation as everyone was standing in this room while I cried and couldn't talk. No one knew about the dream.
"What happened" Rebecca asked.
"your all okay?" I choked out.
"Yeah are you" Gilinsky asked.
"Oh my god" I said still crying. I fell on the floor and Sammy, Shawn, and Jack sat down beside me.
"I look like a lunatic right now" I said.
"No you dont" Shawn said.
"I'm sorry for waking you all up, I didnt mean to scare you guys I uh...I didn't know I was...well it''s confusing to explain but I'm not hurt or anything." I said.
"I don't wanna go back to bed" Matt said walking towards me.
"Everyone's here right" I asked.
"Yeah" Chandler said.
"Okay" I said relieved.
"What time is it" I asked.
"4:59" Taylor answered.
"Why don't we do downstairs" Shawn suggested. Everyone was wide awake now so no one wanted to go back to sleep.
"Yeah I'll come down in a second" I said. Everyone walked out of the room except for Sammy. Jack decided to wait to talk to me.
"Haven, what really happened" Sammy asked.
"I guess I had a nightmare" I said.
"There's no way that was a normal nightmare" he said.
"It was a normal nightmare, it was a my worst fear type nightmare and you were all in it" I said.
"Do you want to tell me?" He asked.
"Yeah" I answered. We both sat down on him bed and I lay on his arm while I began.
"I had a dream that felt real because in the dream, I woke up. I was walking downstairs because no one was in there rooms and you and Jack were gone. When I got to the bottom the the stairs, that girl who you know, hurt me, was there pointing a gun at my head. And she took me into a room where you, Jack, Calum, Luke, Michael, Chandler, JackB, Gilinsky, and Matt were all being held at gunpoint. And there were....there were....well...Taylor, Ashton, Mahogany, Rebecca, and Shawn, there bodies were on the floor because they had been shot by her and her people for talking or fighting, but she told me that she killed Shawn just for fun and was just terrible. She told me that she had killed everyone else.Then she shot everyone one by one until it was me, you, and Jack. She said something about family first shot Jack. Then she shot you and you fell but you were still alive and talking to me for a second before she started shooting you all over and I couldn't stop it and I started screaming and crying...that's when I woke up." I said.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry" He said.
"It's okay, I'm okay I just was scared. I mean the worst thing anyone could do to me is hurt you. And I had to watch her kill all of my friends and Jack...I just couldn't handle it." I said as a tear slid down my face.
"Haven, you don't have to worry about that stuff happening, I'm not leaving you no matter what. I love you" he said.
"I love you too" I said as I leaned in and kissed him.
"i feel terrible from waking everyone up" I said.
"No one would've gotten up until like 12 anyway so now we all just have longer to be awake and we can get breakfast" Sammy said.
"Yeah" I said as we stood up and walked downstairs.
"Will you tell them? But just say that I had a nightmare" I explained.
"Yeah sure, babe" he said. When we got downstairs everyone was on the couch watching tv. "How I met your mother" was on the tv. Everyone kind of looked over as Sammy and I walked in the room. The couch was filled up completely so we both sat on the ground. Sammy put his arm around me while we watched tv with everyone.
My phone made a loud buzzing/dinging sound that echoed through the room. Mahogany started laughing from across the room where she was holding her phone. I looked down at the text and read it, it said: "Walkin out the door with you on my arm, omg you guys are my model couple rn". I laughed a little at her text but put my phone down and just looked at her smiling. After an hour and a half of "How I met
Your mother", a different show came on so we decided to turn off the tv and play a game. We talked and talked about what to play for a while until we decided to play truth or dare. Matt went first,
"Ok uh Carter, truth or dare" Matt asked
"Dare" Carter answered.
"Ok I dare you to go jump in the indoor pool right now in your clothes" Matt said. Mahogany picked up a towel from the closet while we walked to the pool. Carter did a cannonball in. When we all got back we stopped playing and decided to swim in the indoor pool instead. Sammy, Jack, and I walked upstairs with everyone and as soon as the door shut behind the 3 of us, Jack spoke,
"What really happened?" he asked turning to me.
"What? Oh oh you mean earlier this morning?" I asked.
"Yeah" he said.
I looked at Sammy before answering.
"I just had a bad dream" I explained.
"Haven, that was not a bad dream. That was worse than a bad dream" Jack said.
I nodded.
"Haven, you can tell me anything, you don't have to be scared or anything" Jack said.
"I know, I uh, I'll tell you but can't tell anyone. I....I just don't like to talk about it to everyone because I don't want everyone to know and it's just hard to talk about" I said.
Sammy walked into the bathroom to change into his bathing suit. I told Jack about the dream.
When Sammy came out a couple seconds later, Jack spoke.
"Did you tell Sammy?" He asked looking at Sammy.
"Yeah" I answered.
"Did you tell anyone else" Jack asked.
"No, and I'm not going too, I don't want to talk about it anymore. If anyone asks you, tell them I had a nightmare and I'm fine" I told Jack.
"Okay I will, I'm sorry that happened but you need to remember that Sammy and I are here and we know so we can help you if you need anything" Jack said. I nodded and went to the bathroom to change into my bathing suit. When I came out Jack was changing in the closet and Sammy was sitting on the edge of his bed looking at his phone. When he saw me, he put his phone down beside him and looked up at me. I smiled. Jack came out of the closet, still adjusting his bathing suit at the moment and made the situation very awkward. We each got our phones and towels and walked down to the pool. Everyone was already in. Jack got in but Sammy was waiting on me. I put our towels down on a chair and had Sammy hold my phone.
"Ryanns face timing you, can I answer?" He asked.
"Ooh yeah" I said.
He answered and turned up the volume on my phone.
"Oh hey Sammy" Ryann said when he answered.
"Hey Ryann, what's up?" Sammy asked.
"Mac. Mac is not nearly as tired as Nash and I are. You won't even BELIEVE what Nash's parents did" She said. I walked over and got into the cameras view.
"What did they do?" I asked.
"Oh hey Haven, this is what I was gonna tell you. Nash's parents had to fly pack which I was totally fine with but they thought they would leave Hayes at our house to help with Mac for who knows how long. And Trevor has been staying here so Nash and I can sleep because Mac won't sleep unless Trevor sings to her and it's insane" Ryann said.
"Why don't you and Nash come here with Mac. And you can have the rest of the o2l guys come since we already have Ricky, Kian, and JC" I suggested.
"Haven, we'd love too but if we did, we'd have to bring Hayes" She explained.
"Hey is that Ryann?" Kian asked from the pool.
"Yeah" I answered turning the phone so they could see each other.
"Hey kian" she said happily.
"Hey what's up" he asked.
"Eh parenting is hard guys, I mean I highly recommend planing children ahead of time" she said.
"Good advice" Carter said jokingly.
"Haha, not funny" Ryann responded.
"Well we're all at the pool" I said.
"Ooh can I see the new bathing suit" she asked excitedly.
"Yeah" I said handing the phone to Sammy.
"Oh my god it looks grea- wait, what..why is there a bruise on your stomach?!?" She asked concerned.
"It's fine" I said quieter and I turned the camera back around.
"No it's not you have a big bruise on you, what happened" she said.
"I hit the dashboard the other day, but I'm fine now, I'm sure" I said.
"You hit the dashboard? How? And how do you know your fine" she asked.
"There was an animal In the rode and the car spun out of control but I'm okay and the doctor said I'm fine" I explained.
"Okay, so what's been going on with you guys? Anything interesting happen?" she asked.
I kind of looked away for a second, trying to think of how to not tell her about the dream.
"Haven? What are you not telling me?" She asked.
"Nothing everything's fine" I said.
"Haven? Tell me" she said.
"I told you everything's fine" I said.
"Sammy? What is she not telling me?" Ryann asked.
"What....uh.........nothing" he said worriedly as he looked away.
"Smooth bro" Matt yelled.
"Is Taylor there?" She asked.
"Yeah" I said as I turned the camera around and walked to the side of the pool where Taylor was.
"Taylor? Will you tell me" she asked.
He looked at me and didn't say anything.
"oh come on! Wait someone get Shawn!" She said.
Shawn came over and looked at Ryann through the camera.
"Shawn? You won't lie to me, what happened to Haven" Ryann asked. He paused before saying anything.
"She didn't tell us what happened. I don't know who she told, talk to her, I'm sorry Haven. Ryann, your not missing anything, all we know is we heard a high pitched horror movie scream form her room and I doubt it was Sammy or Jack, we don't know what happened" Shawn said.
"Haven? I won't judge you or anything, I'm your friend. What happened" she asked.
I walked a little away from the pool and turned down the volume a little.
"I had a nightmare that was really bad and I thought it was real" I whispered quietly into the speaker of the phone.
"REALLY? WHAT HAPPENED IN IT?" She asked loudly.
Everyone was already focused on me but they hadn't heard what I had said to her, they had just heard what she said to me.
"Gosh Ryann, don't talk so loud, everyone can here you." I said.
"Everyone here was killed by Claire, then she killed Jack, then Sammy in front of me and
I thought it was real" I whispered closely to the mic again.
"OH MY GOD ARE YOU OKAY? THATS TERRIBLE" she said loudly again.
"RYANN? Everyone can here you and there all looking at me right now. I'm fine, it wasn't real. I have to go now, but it you decide to come up here then tell me" I said before hanging up.

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