Chapter 88

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Matt walked around the side of the ambulance and brought back a lumpy shirt with a little puppy inside of it. A dead puppy of course. I noticed burn marks and told Matt that she had died from the fire not the smoke. I told him and Sammy I wanted to burry her in the backyard.
"It's late" Jack said.
"Dude we can't go in the house and she wants to burry the dog, let's do it" Matt said standing up. We all walked around the back of the house where Matt got a shovel out of the tool shed. He and Sammy dug for about 10 minutes of silence until the hole was deep enough.
"Do you wanna?" Matt asked.
"Yeah" I said.
I walked up and carefully wrapped her up and placed her perfectly in the bottom. We spent another 15 minutes carefully placing each handful of dirt on top of her. When she was completely buried Matt spoke.
"Do you guys want to like say stuff about her" he said.
"Yeah" I said as I sit down on the ground. They all followed my lead and sat down in a circle around the little grave.
"Can I start" Sammy asked.
"Yeah" I said.
"I remember when I first got her and she was so happy in the car ride to the house. She just wouldn't stop jumping around happily. When I brought her to you, she immediately fell in love with you. And we took her to the pet store to get a bed and stuff. And you thought we should name her "Ham" because of us. And I know she loved the name" he said.
I smiled while a tear ran down my cheek.
"One time Mahogany lost some of your makeup by accident. And you came in the next day and asked "has anyone seen my make up" and she blamed it on the dog, because she knew you loved her too much to be mad at her" Taylor said.
"That night that Jack made me stay up and wait for you to get home, I fell asleep on the couch. And she came up and cuddled up in between my legs right on my crotch. And when I stood up I thought I had sat on her. But she was just chilling" Matt said. I giggled a little.
"Whenever I dropped food, I'd just leave it because I knew she'd take care of it for me" Shawn said.
"Well what do you want to end with" Matt asked.
"I know you in puppy heaven" I said before standing up. Everyone else stood up also and we walked around the front of the house. The man in charge came up to Jack and explained how serious it was and that it was safe to go in the house but not to stay in my room, we could only quickly go in and out because the ceiling could collapse possibly. As the fire trucks left we went inside the house. The smoke had cleared out but it smelled like smoke.
"Can we go up to my room real quick, I just want to look around" I said.
"Yeah" Jack said as we all walked up the stairs. Everything with colour was now black.
I walked in and opened up my bedside table. I pulled out the 3 journals. They were burned mostly.
"Can you hold these for a second" I said handing them to Sammy. I walked in my closet and none of my clothes had made it. I looked around for anything that could've survived. On Mahogany's side of the room, a pair of black lace ears had survived I took them with me so they didn't stay in charcoal until she got back.
"We can go" I said walking towards them with the ears.
"Did any of your clothes or anything make it?" Jack asked.
"No" I said.
"It's late, we should all go to bed" Shawn said.
"Everyone's coming home in the morning" I said.
"Yeah" Matt said.
"I don't want to sleep in any of there beds" I said.
"You can sleep on the couch" Jack said.
"I don't want to be alone" I said.
"Sammy?" Jack asked Sammy.
"What? Oh, sure" he said.
"Guys I need to go to sleep but Sammy, Taylor if you two could give her clothes to where and make sure she goes to bed soon. And Haven" Jack said.
"Yeah" I answered.
"When you get too tired, plus with all your anxiety and stress, you get less shy and say everything your feeling and thinking and get all giggly" Jack said.
"And" I said.
"I just don't want you to be embarrassed later because you said something you normally wouldn't say out loud" Jack said.
"I won't I won't , don't worry" I said.
"Okay goodnight, don't do anything stupid, I love you" Jack said before going to bed. All of the guys except Taylor and Sammy went to bed. They took me to there room where Sammy got me a t shirt and sweatpants to sleep in. I went into there bathroom and changed. When I came out, Sammy went in the bathroom and changed into basketball shorts and a t shirt. He got a blanket and pillows before we said goodnight to Taylor and walked downstairs.
When we got downstairs he lay down on the couch then I lay down with my head on his chest.
"I wish we didn't have drunk neighbours" I said.
"Me too" he said.
"They burned down my room and killed my dog" I whispered.
"I miss her" he said sadly.
"She was our dog. And then we turned around for 5 seconds and our drunk neighbours burn her to death" I said.
"She was sweet, she's probably really happy right now" he said.
"Yeah" I responded.
"And my journals. I don't know why I brought them here. It was a stupid idea. If I had left them I'd still have them" I explained.
"I think it's sweet that you wanted to keep them" he said.
"I haven't thought about anything. I mean, I don't have a room or anything. I mean I have what I was wearing today, my charger and my phone. I don't keep much in my car." I said.
"We can go out to a mall or something soon and get new clothes and you can borrow Rebecca or Jenns stuff in the meantime" he said.
"I'm not tired. I don't want to be here. Can we go out somewhere?" I said.
"If you get Jacks approval and find a place to hang out at at like 3 a.m" Sammy said.
"Okay" I said standing up. He was surprised, he didn't think I was serious. I texted Michael,
"Can Sammy and I come over? I know you guys are probably still awake and I gotta tell you what happened" I texted.
He responded a couple seconds later.
"Sure you guys can come over" he texted. I walked into Jacks room where he was asleep in his bed.
"Hey Jack" I whispered shaking him a little.
"What" he asked tiredly.
"Can I go to Michael's with Sammy?" I asked.
"Michaels arts and crafts?" He asked.
"Michael Clifford's" I said.
"Yeah whatever, just text me and don't do anything stupid" he said.
"You always say that" I said.
"And I always mean it" he responded before falling back asleep. I walked downstairs where Sammy was.
"We can go" I said picking up my charger.
"Go where?" He asked.
"The 5sos house" I said.
"Okay" he said standing up.
We walked out to the car and drove to the 5sos house. When we arrived we walked up the front and knocked on the door. Michael answered.
"Hey guys" he said.
"Hey" we said as we walked in. We sat down on the couch with the guys.
"So Haven, I feel like we're good enough friends for me to be honest" Michael said.
"Yeah" I said.
"I'm kind of wondering why your wearing guy sweatpants and a guy tee shirt and you wanted to come over on New Years at 3 a.m" he said.
"Well the clothes are Sammys, because I currently have 1 outfit due to the fact that our drunk neighbours burned down my room with fireworks" I said.
"What?!?" Luke said.
"Yeah they shot fireworks on our roof above my room" I said.
"That sucks are you okay, is everyone okay?" Calum asked.
"Well our dog is dead" I said.
The room went silent. They all looked overtaken with sadness.
"Oh my god" Ashton said.
"I just couldn't stay in the house so we came here" I said.
"Everything's burned?" Michael asked.
"Yeah" I answered.
"Well you can hang with us, we're about to watch a movie" Michael said. I'm not sure what movie it was because I fell asleep a couple minutes later. When I woke up, they were all asleep around me on the couch. I stood up and looked at the time. It was 1, so everyone was homeboy now. I shook Sammy awake,
"We gotta go, everyone's home" I said.
"Okay" he said standing up. I shook Michael awake,
"Michael, we gotta go, I'll text you later" I said.
"Okay" he said tiredly. We drove home and when we walked in everyone just turned and looked at us with sympathy. They were probably looking at me like that because they had found out that my room burned down and my dog died. Mahogany didn't look like she was terribly sad about the room, I mean she had taken most of her clothes with her when she visited her parents. They were all looking for me to say something.
"Hey?" I said awkwardly.
"How was Michael's?" Jack asked normally trying to break the awkwardness.
"It was fine" I said.

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