Chapter 75

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After we set down our things, we decided to unpack later and go swimming with everyone else instead. After they had both taken turns changing in the bathroom, I went in. I put on my bathing suit and looked up in the mirror. My bandage was falling off and wouldn't stay so I took it off. I looked up again and saw the bruise. It was huge and right in the middle of my side. My bathing suit was a bikini so it didn't cover the bruise at all. It was the only bathing suit I owned.
"Guys" I said through the door.
"Yeah?" Sammy and Jack both answered.
"I can't go swimming like this" I said.
"What do you mean" they both asked.
"My bruise is visible and it's bad" I answered.
"Come out so I can see it" Jack said.
I opened the door and stepped out.
"Haven, you need to see a doctor just in case there is more internal bleeding or something because you never know" Jack said.
"Can we go now? I don't want to wait around forever" I said.
"Yeah, I'll go tell the guys where we're going. It shouldn't take too long" Jack said as he walked out the door.
Sammy looked at me.
"What?" I asked.
"I....I'm just...sorry. I'm sorry that happened. And I'm sorry that you got injured. And I'm sorry I was driving and now you have a bruise from where you hit the dashboard and-" he stopped mid sentence as I interrupted him.
"It would've happened to anyone, except if it had been anyone else i probably would've died. Because someone else wouldn't have spun the car like you did" I said.
"I'm sorry you got hurt" he said sadly.
"It's okay" I said. I walked into the bathroom and changed into shorts and a t shirt. Sammy was just sitting on the edge of the bed when I came out. We walked downstairs where Michael and Chandler came running up to us.
"Oh my god Jack said your going to the doctor and you hurt your side" Chandler said worriedly.
"What happened" Michael asked concerned.
"There was just a car thing the other day, we're both fine, it's okay. Jack just wants me to make sure" I explained.
They both nodded. Jack came in the back door a couple seconds later with his car keys. Jack and I sat in the front with Sammy in the back, middle. We arrived at a place after about 10 minutes of driving. Sammy opened my door and the 3 of us walked inside. Jack signed me in at the front desk and sat down with Sammy and I. There was one other person in the room and he was a old man sitting in the corner. After about 5 minutes which was very fast, the doctor called me back. Sammy and Jack stood up to and walked back with me. I didn't think a thing of it though, I mean to a normal person it would be like, dude I'm going alone. But there different. As soon as I started explaining what had happened to the doctor he said he had seen my medical record and it was a bad one.
"Good news is, we are not crowded today so all the rooms are open. We're gonna need an x Ray in case you broke any bones and a scan for anything else internal. After that though you'll be ready to walk out of here and there only like 20 minutes put together" the doctor explained. I nodded.
"Well a nurse" he said as he waved a girl over to us.
"-will take you back for the x Ray and scan, and you 2-" he said gesturing to Jack and Sammy.
"-can wait in here" he said opening a door to a room with blank x ray sheets on the wall.
"Once the x ray and scan are done, the pictures will come up here" he explained before walking down the hall. The nurse was nice, she took me to the x way which went by very quickly, then she took me to the next room for a scan which was also very fast. After both of those she took me back to the room where Sammy and Jack were waiting.
"Hey" I said when I walked in.
"Hey, wait! What did the doctor say?!?" Jack asked.
"I haven't seen him yet. They just finished the scan and x ray so he'll come show us the pictures in a second I think" I explained.
I sat down beside Sammy.
"You okay, babe. Does it still hurt?" He asked.
"I mean, it's sore but it's not that bad, it was way worse yesterday. I'll be okay, I am okay" I said.
The doctor came in with sheets that he put up on white boards on the walls that were glowing. We could now visibly see the scans.
"Well, the x ray is perfect! No broken bones. The scan is amazing too. What it's looking like, is you completely broke bones and had internal bleeding last time but that all healed. However when you hit your side in the same spot, rather hard, it badly bruised that area. It should slowly fade away in time. For now however you will need medication for the pain since like every bruise it hurts when it's touched. I already have a bottle of painkiller up at the check out desk for you. You need to be careful though, because if you had hit it a little harder, you could have caused more internal bleeding which could be extremely serious. That's all with me so you may check out at the desk" he said finally finishing.
We got the medicine at the front desk as we signed out. When we got in the car Jack spoke,
"So, it's really up to you guys what you want to tell everyone. I mean there gonna ask how about how you got hurt. Are you guys okay telling them what happened?" He asked.
"I'm fine with whatever. They'll just care about the fact that I'm okay, not that i got hurt in the first place." I said.
When we got back home Jack went outside to swim with everyone.
"Do you wanna go swimming in the lake with everyone?" I asked Sammy.
"Yeah, do you?" He asked.
"Yeah" I answered.
We walked up stairs.
"I'll change in the bathroom and you change in here" I said as I picked up my bag. I put on my bathing suit and put my hair up in a ponytail.
"Can I come out?" I asked.
"Yeah" Sammy answered.
"You ready?" Sammy asked.
"Yeah let's go" I said as I picked up my phone and 2 beach towels.
As we walked down the stairs, Sammy held my hand. I smiled.
"What?" He asked smiling
"I love it when you hold my hand" I said.
He smiled then his shoulders kind of fell sadly and his hand tensed a little. I stopped. He paused about to speak but I beat him to it.
"What's going on? Ever since the car incident you've been acting weird. Nothing has changed." I said.
"I...I just......." He stopped and looked right at me. I looked at him.
"I'm sorry. I know we've talked about it a lot but to me it never gets old. I love you." He said. He took one last breath before speaking.
"-ever since...the car incident. I feel like..I just. At that moment in the car, all that mattered was that you were safe, all that mattered in the entire world. It's not a bad feeling. I just..don't know how to say it. You remember the Claire thing?" He said.
I nodded.
"Well, I've never had a worse feeling then the moment when I knew I was helpless no matter what and you could be hurt, dying, injured, and I couldn't help you. That was the worst feeling I've ever felt. That defiantly means something, because I've never cared about someone. I've never loved someone like that. And last night when I lost control of the car, I was helpless from that moment froward but it was still my fault In the beginning. And I can't handle that" he said.
"Sammy" I said as I walked over to where we was standing against the wall.
"You think it's your fault because you were sitting in the drivers seat. Well it wasn't. It wasn't anyone's fault. Please just tell me that you know that. Just promise me that you know that" I said.
"I know" he said.
"Then it's okay. It should t bother you. I mean I know the feeling. Blaming yourself will make it worse." I say.
"It's all in my head though, I can't stop thinking about it and it's killing me" he says.
"It's only killing you if you let it. And don't let it, because you didn't do it" I finish.
He pulls me in and kisses me for about 30 seconds straight before speaking,
"Thank you" he said.
"For what?" I ask.
"That pep talk" he replies. He holds my hand again and we walk down to the lake. Everyone turns to look at us when we come down. I look down and see the bruise.
I stop walking and so does Sammy.
"What's wrong?" He asks.
"The bruise. My bruise. They can all see it. And there all looking at it" I say turning around.
"They're your friends, there not staring at your bruise, they care about you and are concerned" he explains.
"It's ugly" I say.
"It's not ugly. Your too beautiful to have any ugly on you." He says.
I turn back around and walk towards the lake with him. Its kind of funny seeing the 5sos guys at the lake because I've only been swimming with the Magcon guys and Chandler. The 5sos guys are just the same, they fool around and act stupid doing funny things. Ashton tries to act all mature but can fill it off since he's with his best friends. Calum and Luke are like little kids running around, playing with pool noodles and floats. And Michael had a worried look on his face, he's sitting in a chair. When he sees me he perks up and comes up to Sammy and I.
"What did the doctor say? Are you gonna be okay?" He asked.
"The doctor said I'll be fine, he said I'll heal on my own really soon and just sent me home with painkiller" I explained.
"Oh my god thats great" he said hugging me.
"Ow" I said awkwardly as he hugged me from the side my bruise was on.
"Oh sorry" he said hugging me from the other side.
"It's fine" I said as the 3 of us approached everyone else. Everyone was swimming except Jack (B), Jenn, and Rebecca. They were tanning. Anthony walked by them with sunglasses and a big float and spoke to them,
"Have fun being boring" he said jokingly. They all sat up and watched as Anthony got on top of his float and lay down, then just floated around the lake. This encouraged them to get in the water. All of the Magcon guys, everyone who lives in our house, and Kian & JC were all spread out around the dock. The dock went out pretty far, it almost reached the center. Sammy and I sat down our towels and shoes at the start of the dock and walked out to the end with Michael. As soon as we reached the end, Michael jumped in where the 5sos guys were and Calum started splashing him. When Matt saw me he yelled to me,
"COME ON HAVEN, JUMP IN" He said from about 20 feet away.
I looked at Sammy who was already shirtless. He was smiling.
"HAVEN, SAMMY, COME ON" Matt said again.
I saw Matt mouthing something to Sammy then Sammy grabbed my hand tightly and jumped off the dock yelling "HOLD YOUR BREATHE" as he took me with him.

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