Chapter 17

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When I woke up the plane had landed and both Hayes and Sammy were asleep so I woke them up while everyone got off of the plane. There were hundreds of fans at the airport. We had to be escorted out because they were worried we might get mobbed. Once we got outside there was a van waiting on us to take us to the hotel. We all sat down in the lobby and waited for Bart to arrive. Once he got there he told us to be in the cars driving us by 8:00 a.m then he handed out the rooming list,
1.) Cameron & Hayes
2.) Mahogany & Aaron
3.) Jack J & Sammy
4.) Gilinsky & Haven
5.) Nash & Taylor
6.) Jacob & Shawn
7.) Matt & Carter
Once everyone had read the list, Bart handed out room keys and I walked with Gilinsky up to the room. Our room was right beside Nash & Tay , and Mahogany & Aaron. We walked in and I set my bags down to unpack. Nash came in and told us that his girlfriend who does YouTube and vine would be visiting later so Gilinsky and I tried to look nice so she would like us. Later on I walked in Nash ans Tays room to see my 2 best friends Mahogany and Ryann talking to each other. "Ryann?!?!" I said. "HAVEN" she yelled as she ran up to hug me. "What are you doing here" I asked. "Visiting my boyfriend" she replied. "Wait...........are you the one dating..........NASH" I asked laughing. How could I be so stupid and not know that my best friend was dating my boyfriends older brother. "Yup" she said as she walked over to sit by him. We all started talking and time flew by. Before we knew it, it was about 11:00 so Gilinsky and I headed to Jacks room to say goodnight. "Watch after her wise friend" Jack called out to Gilinsky as we left. Sammy laughed, making me laugh. Once we got back to the room, Gilinsky and I both got in our beds and were sitting watching teen wolf and being on our phones when there was a knock on the door. I didn't answer because I was to lazy to get up. Gilinsky was to lazy also so we just sat there and waited for them to leave, when I got a text message. It was from Hayes, it read, "can you please open the door, I, assuming your awake" and once I read it, I immediately stood up and walked over to answer the door. Hayes was standing there and came into the room. Before I could tell him that Gilinsky was right there he started to kiss me. "Gilinsky is here" I said. "and he's holding back vomit" Gilinsky added gagging. Hayes laughed and walked over by Gilinsky then sat down on Gilinskys bed. "Dude I love ya and all but I don't need you on my bed" Gilinsky said laughing as he pushed Hayes off and onto the floor. "I was bored and Cam fell asleep so I decided to come here" Hayes explained. "Awwww" I said. "Bro, that's really sweet and all but Jack will not like the fact that you came in and kissed his little sister. And not to mention that it's 12:00" he said. "Plus, with me here, like dude I didn't need to see that" he added. Hayes laughed. "Okay we'll I'll see you guys In like 8 hours" He said. But before he could leave, there was a knock on the door. I ran to answer and when I opened the door, it was Jack, Nash, Cam, and Sammy. "What do you guys wa-" I started before being cut off by Cam who sounded tired and annoyed at the same time "is Hayes here" he asked. "Uh........yeah..he was just leav-" I started before being cut off again, this time by Jack. "What is he doing in your room at 12:00" he asked. "He said that cam fell asleep and he wanted to come see us before he went to bed" I explained. " don't knock on your girlfriends door at 12:00, especially when you don't tell anyone where you went" Nash said to Hayes. "Gilinsky is here though so it's ok" he said. All of the guys looked at Gilinsky. "I told him to leave, he just got here. I don't approve or anything, I'm just a witness" he said. "What did they do" Jack asked. "Kissed briefly, they stopped when she told him I was here and I gagged" Gilinsky explained. "DUDE" Nash said annoyed. "Sometimes you do the stupidest things" Nash mumbled. "Sorry. I didn't mean to disturb anyone or anything. I'll go to bed. Goodnight" Hayes said as he walked out the door and Cam slowly followed. Jack and Nash both walked away and Sammy called out "goodnight" sweetly as he walked away. "Not really" I said in reply and laughed shutting the door. "Wow" I said to Gilinsky. "Wow" he responded

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