Chapter 45

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We were quietly walking up the stairs and were about 7 steps up when I slipped. I screamed at the top of my lungs before I realized that Sammy and I had both fallen down to the bottom but he had caught me and cushioned my fall.
"AHHHH WHAT HAPPENED" Matt yelled, obviously woken up by my scream.
"HAVEN I SWEAR IF ITS YOU" Mahogany yelled.
Everyone came running out of there rooms looking tired, yet frightened.
Sammy and I both started laughing when they all stood at the top of the stairs and beside us (for the people on the bottom level). I couldn't breathe because I was laughing so hard.
"Please explain, Haven" Jack said sleepily as he stood at the top of the stairs.
" down the stairs" I said trying not to laugh at my stupidity.
"At 12:30 a.m?" Shawn asked sleepily.
"Oh" I said.
"Why is Sammy there also then" Matt asked.
"Oh he tried to catch me when I fell but then he fell also" I said laughing.
"Haaaavennnn, I thought you were getting food or something, you said you were doing 'nothing'" Mahogany said.
"And why was Sammy out here in the first place" Jack asked.
"Oh god I don't even want to know" Shawn said putting his hand on his forehead.
"Oh stop it! We were just talking then when we were going back to our rooms, I fell" I explained.
"Did you have to scream at the top of your lungs?" Hayes asked.
"Gosh this is getting awkward" Jack (B) said.
"You did good girl" Anthony said coming to high five me.
"I didn't do anything" I said defensively.
"Please just stop, everyone. She fell, she screamed, she's fine, she didn't do anything, let's just go back to bed" Gilinsky said tiredly.
"Oh god I'm gonna throw up" Ryann said running to the bathroom.
"Is she okay" Shawn asked Nash.
"Yeah she just throws up sometimes becasue of the morning sickness thing" Nash tried to explain.
"My side hurts" I said looking at Sammy.
"Are you okay? Is there a bruise or anything? I wasn't sure if you fell into the stairwell or not." Sammy said.
"It's just a little sore. I'll be fi-" I began as I lifted up the bottom of my shirt to look at my side. There was a huge bruise from where Claire had kicked me that was still really painful.
"Haven, are you okay" Jack asked.
"That looks really bad. Does it hurt" Sammy asked.
"Um yeah a little but I mean, it always hurts a little" I answered.
"Haven?" Jack asked again.
"Um I'm okay it's just one of the bruises from before on my side is a little sore" I explained to Jack.
"I'm not even tired anymore" Andrea said.
"Let's just go back to bed" Jack said walking down the stairs to me.
"Are you really okay" he asked quietly.
"Yeah the bruise just hurts but it's fine." I said
"Sammy are you hurt. I mean you fell on the ground" I said.
"I'm fine" he said smiling, before carefully walking up the stairs while He and Jack walked behind me, scared that I would fall. Once I was in my room I got in bed and fell asleep.
When I woke up I texted Jack, Gilinsky and Sammy in a group text message saying,
"We have to leave in an hour so I'm gonna start getting ready. I just woke up."
They both texted back,
"Ok we'll be ready".
I stood up and walked to take a shower. Once I got out I got dressed then put on my make up. I fixed my hair and put on shoes. But the time i was done I looked at the time and had 5 minutes so I picked up my phone and walked downstairs. They were all sitting on the couch,
"Are you guys ready" I asked and they all stood up.
"How do you guys get ready so fast" I asked.
"We just put on clothes and brush our hair where girls have to fix their hair perfectly and put on make up" Gilinsky said.
When we arrived at the hospital we had to wait for about 15 minutes before the doctor called me back. "Do you want us to wait out here" Jack asked.
"No, come" I said as we all walked back. She just took off the cast and said that my arm was completely healed. She then had me lift my shirt to show the bruise on my side from where I had been kicked. She touched the bruise and I flinched.
"So how long has this bruise been there" she asked.
"Since the whole incident it hasn't really changed" I answered. As she looked at the bruise Nate walked in.
"" he began to turn around but Jack stopped him.
"It's fine" he said to Nate before the doctor spoke,
"Well hopefully it will heal soon. We are gonna give you some painkiller for that because it obviously hurts, and we're gonna see you back in a couple weeks unless it totally heals. If It heals then you can call to cancel" she explained. She told us we could leave after she gave us the painkiller so we took it and all walked back to the car.
It was incredibly awkward. No one really said anything until Jack spoke, trying to brake the silence. "SO, do you guys wanna go eat lunch" he said.
"Yeah" we all quickly responded. Jack handed me the aux cord to the car and I plugged my phone up and began playing music,
I played
-Like that
-Don't say goodnight
&-love robbery
Then we arrived at Panera. After we are we drove home. We watched tv and just all hang out until Matt and Shawn came home from the grocery store with ice cream and soda. They both joined us in watching tv. Nash and Ryann came in later and They were both way to peppy so we knew something was up...
"Rya-"I began before she cut me off.
"We went to the doctor and they said its a girl!" She said excitedly. "Oh my gosh congratulations!!! I thought that they couldn't tell for a while" I said.
"Well it's actually been a while" she said.
"Are you telling me that you DIDNT know you were pregnant?!?!?" I said trying not to laugh.
"Yeah pretty much" she said.
"Well do you guys have a name yet" I asked.
"We don't know yet. Right now we need to plan an amazing wedding in almost no time" Nash said.
"I wanna help" I said.
"We have a wedding planner person but were gonna need help setting things up and all. And your all coming." Nash said.
"Ooh Haven I wanna take you and the girls dress shopping with me and maybe a couple other people like friends" she explained.
"Ryann who's gonna walk you down the aisle?" I asked.
"Um well I talked to Trevor and since he like my guy best friend I'm gonna have him do it" she explained.
Ryann is adopted but her adopted parents let her leave when she was 16 and that's when she met Nash and started youtube and vine.
"Wait when is the wedding" I asked.
"Next month" they both answered. My eyes grew wide.
"Next month?" I repeated.
"Yup" Nash said.
"Oh my gosh! Ok" I said awkwardly.
I walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water and ran into Jack (B) and Matthew who were listening to Nash mad Ryann talk about the wedding. I accidentally spilled the water on Matt and he, Jack (B) and I began getting paper towels to clean it up. I was wiping up the water when Jack (B) spoke,
"What is that" he said pointing to my ring. His mouth grew wide.
"Oh my god-" he began freaking out.
"What is i- Oh my gosh Haven what the heck are you-" Matt began.
"SHHHH!!!" I cut them off. They were both confused and surprised.
"Are you freaking engaged. Please tell me your not pregnant" Matt whisper-shouted between me and Jack (B).
"No of course not! Look it's not an engagement ring, it's a promise ring. Plus I'm 17. You guys freak out about the simplest things" I said as they both sat back against the cabinets relieved.
"Oh my gosh you scared me to death" Matt said.
"It is from Sammy right?" Jack (B) asked.
"Of course" I answered.
"Ok so it's just like a boyfriend/girlfriend thing?" Matt asked.
"Yeah" I responded.
"Guys what's going on" Nash yelled from across the room as the 3 of us still sat on the floor.
"NOTHING" We all yelled defensively. We all stood up and walked back to everyone else. They were all looking at us.
"What?" I asked.
"You guys are acting weird" Gilinsky answered.
"No were not" I said before I sat down beside Sammy. Everyone was still looking at Matt, Jack (B), and I until Mash began talking. Sammy tuned to me,
"What did happen" he whispered.
"They saw the ring and flipped out thinking I was engaged" I answered.
he chuckled under his breath and looked at Matt, laughing.
"What?" Matt asked.
"Nothing...nothing" Sammy said. We all just hung out and talked for a while and it was really fun.

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