Chapter 98

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I put her in a little bouncy seat in front of the couch. We all sat down on the couch and I lay down on Sammy with my head on his shoulder.   I picked up the remote and turned on the TV, I flipped through the guide.
"Would it be wrong if her first TV show is teen wolf or the walking dead?" I asked everyone tiredly.
"No" Everyone said at once. I put on the walking dead. After watching 1 episode I realised it was getting pretty late.
"We should all go to bed, I'm tired" I said yawning.
"Yeah" Matt said tiredly.
"Uh, there's like 2 or 3 rooms down that hallway that are like guest rooms with beds. There's a room upstairs beside ours. Then there's this couch if anyone wants it" I said.
They all nodded.
Sammy picked Styles up and we walked upstairs.
"Goodnight, love you guys" I said.
"Goodnight" They all said back.
"Guess they don't love me back" I said tiredly.
Sammy laughed a little.
He walked into the baby room we had set up and brought in the little beside the bed baby crib thing.
"Can we hold her for second before we put her in the crib?" I asked.
"Sure" he said sitting down on the bed beside me.
I held her and looked down at her tiredly.
"Styles, you are a really cute baby, your like the cutest baby to ever live. You defiantly have some hot parents" I said.
Sammy laughed.
"What? It's not funny, it's true" I said.
"Styles, it's kind of weird but I swear if you were a teenage girl now and we weren't your parents, you'd think Sammy is like the sexiest man alive. It's a good thing you have hot parents because then you're like defiantly gonna be hot" I said.
"Haven" Sammy said laughing.
"What? I'm talking to my daughter" I said.
"I love you" he said.
"See Styles, your hot dad loves me. That's my life goal, that means I've accomplished my life goal. Woah" I said.
Sammy laughed.
"I love him too though, I love you too" I said looking at Sammy.
"Styles, you should go to bed" I said.
I handed her to Sammy who set her in her crib beside the bed.
"Goodnight" Sammy said to her as he set her down.
After putting her in the bed, he turned off the light and got in bed beside me.
"I like talking to Styles" I said.
"I like it too" he said.
He wrapped his arms around me and I lay against his chest.
"We don't look like parents" I said.
"Your right, we look like hot young teenagers, that's a good thing" he said.
"I look like slutty teen mom" I said.
"That's not true. You look like a young adult who's married to a guy who would beat anyone who called you slutty" Sammy said.
"I love you" I said.
"I love you too" he said.
"We're young parents, it's better than being the old parents who could drop dead at any moment" he said.
"Sammy!" I said laughing.
"You know it's true" he said also laughing.
"We should go to sleep, I'm tired" I said.
"Yeah goodnight" he said kissing me.
"See that's why it doesn't matter, that was a enjoyable kiss that meant something" I said.
"Sure was" he said.
"Well goodnight" I said smiling.
"Goodnight" he said. I fell asleep. I woke up the next morning to Styles quietly crying. Sammy got up and rocked her back and forward, she immediately stopped crying and we both walked downstairs. We fed her and sat down on the couch. The guys came out and hung out with us. Matt held Styles. The home phone started ringing.
"I can get it" Chadnelr said.
"thanks chandler" I said.
He stood up and walked over to the phone.
"Hello" he said.
"WHAT" he said angrily.
"Chandler who is it?" I asked.
"Uh.....a telemarketer" he said obviously lying.
"What do you want? Please just leave us alone" he whispered.
"I swear to god if you get any of them involved, and..........don't you dare.......if you get anywhere near haven or styles or any of us I swear" he whispered quieter.
"When?" He asked quietly.
"Where?" He asked quietly.
"If you hurt any of us" he threatened.
"Chandler who is it? Give me the phone" I said.
"I can't" he said looking at me.
"How did you get out? What do you want?" He said quietly.
"You will not come near Styles" he said.
Sammy stood up and walked over towards Chandler.
"Don't! Bye" he said slamming the phone down.
"Chandler? Who was that?" Sammy asked worriedly.
"I can't tell you in here" he said.
"Why?" Sammy asked.
"Haven, I'm sorry, but you can't know right now. You have to believe me and trust me on this one. I've never been so sure in my life" Chandler said looking at me.
"Can we go in another room?" Sammy asked chandler.
"Yeah" he said. They walked down the hall.
Chandler and I walked into the next room.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"She's out. She got released somehow. She....she wants to....I don't know how but she knows about Stykes and she wants her and she's crazy. Haven can't know" Chandler said.
"What do you mean?" I asked worriedly.
"Claire is out of prison, and she's trying to get Styles. I don't know why or for what purpose but we need to do something, Claire is not safe you know that" Chandelr said.
"We need to get the police" I said pacing the room.
"But you don't realize what she's capable of" Chandelr said.
"The police need to know, I'm calling them right now. It can't wait" I said. I called the police and tried my best to explain the entire situation with every detail. They made it there top priority since it was technically a death threat to a infant, and she already had a record. After talking to the police they said they'd send a squad car to patrol our street. Chandler and I walked back into the living room.
Sammy and Chandler walked back into the living room and I looked up at them confused.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"Uh........Haven I love you, and that's why I can't tell you. It's taken care of but it will just scare you if I tell you" he said.
"Is it that bad" I said worriedly.
"I don't want you to be paranoid either..." Sammy said.
"I'd rather be paranoid than clueless, if it's taken care of.." I said.
"Guys, don't freak out, okay?" Sammy said looking at everyone.
"Okay, what is it?" I asked.
"Claire is out. She called and....kind of threatened" he said.
"Threatened what?" I asked.
".......styles" Sammy said.
I froze.
I looked over at Styles. Sammy picked her up.
"I called the police and it's there top case. A police man is gonna be patrolling our street until she's in there custody" Sammy said.
I still didn't say anything.....I couldn't say anything.
"I won't let her get hurt" he said.
"Okay" Is all I could squeak out.
Nate held Styles for hours while we all hang out. Ryann and Nash came over and brought food for lunch. My mom came over with my dad and wouldn't leave anyone alone. I love her but I wish she wasn't soooo up in our business. Sam (Pottorff) came by to see Styles and talk to me. Once he left I realized it was around 8:00. My dad convinced my mom to go home. The police knocked on the door and picked up our home phone to trace the call. They now had 2 cop cars in front of our house to be safe. The 5sos guys came down and stayed with us for a long time until it was really late. We decided to go to bed. Sammy and I walked upstairs and he put Styles in her crib.
"Can we push the crib closer?" I asked.
"Yeah it rolls" Sammy said rolling the crib closer to the bed until there were a couple inches separating the two.
I looked at her sleep, she was so peaceful.
Sammy got in bed beside me and lay down.
"Haven?" He said.
"Yeah" I answered.
"Are you okay" he asked.
"Uh........I mean I'm okay physically I'm just a little, scared, you know" I said.
"Babe, you don't have to be scared" he said.
"She doesn't just want Styles, she wants you too, she wants to take you away from me somehow and she wants me to lose everyone I love. That's why I had that dream, because I knew that's what she wanted" I said.
"Do you remember what happened when you had that dream?" He asked.
"what do you mean?" I asked.
"I held you until you fell asleep, I kept you safe" he said.
"I know, I just want that feeling again, that safe feeling" I said.
He wrapped his arms around me and I lay down.
"Why do I feel safe, it doesn't make sense, I should still be paranoid" I said.
"Because you know I'll keep you safe" he said.
"I love you" I said.
"I love you too" he said.
I flipped over so I was facing him. I kissed him for about 30 seconds straight. After I broke the kiss I flipped back over and fell asleep.

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