Chapter 86

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I stood up and walked into the kitchen.
"Yeah" I said.
"Hey I talked to Sammy" she said.
"Oh I know" I said leaning against the counter.
"What I didn't say anything weird, Jack told me not to be normal" she said.
"Well what was the conversation, what did you say?" I asked.
"You know he's close with Jack, so I've met him plenty of times, but I talked to him about you this time. I like him, I mean I like him dating you, from the way he talked about you I can tell he really cares about you" she said.
"Really" I said excitedly.
"Yeah" she said.
I smiled.
"My baby is growing up" she said loudly. I could hear Jack laughing in the other room.
"MOM" I said.
"What" she said.
"Please stop" I said.
"Fine, I just wanted to tell you that I like Sammy and I think he's great for you" she said.
"Thanks mom, that makes me feel better" I said.
"So, from what I've heard, you two are pretty serious, do you think he's like......husband material" she said.
"You have to be 18 to be married and I'm 17. But I'm not thinking about anyone else" I said.
"Are you engaged" she blurted.
"What! No! Why?!" I asked.
"Your wearing a ring" she said looking down at my hand.
"No it's's a promise ring, from Sammy" I said.
"Aw that's cute" she said.
"I was scared that you were gonna scare him off a second ago" I said.
"Oh even if I tired I couldn't. He really does love you" she said.
"Okay well uh I'm gonna go in the living room with them. But there families should be here soon" I said.
"Okay" she said.
"If you guys could help me set up the table, I'm gonna need the boys to push tables together" she said.
"Okay I'll go get them" I said. I walked in and they were all looking at me.
"What?" I said smiling.
"What did she say?" Sammy asked.
"She likes you, like a lot." I said smiling.
"That's good" Sammy said.
"And she wants you guys to push the tables together so there's room for all of our families" I said.
"Okay" they all said. They all stood up and pushed the tables together. They helped my mom set out tables and put the food out. All of there families showed up including Madison and her family and Sammy's mom was very happy to see me. She hugged me and immediately began talking to me. We all sat down at the table and I sat in between Sammy and Gilinsky. Everyone was really sweet and just talked randomly. Madison was on the other side of Gilinsky. I hadn't really gotten a chance to talk to her yet. After dinner, all of adults decided to stay and talk at the table, while the rest of us went into the living room. Jack's sisters were kind of awkward with Madison. She sat down beside me and started talking.
"So your Haven" she said.
"Yeah" I said.
"I'm Madison" she said.
"Yeah Jack told me a lot about you, like Jack Gilinsky Jack" I said.
"Yeah I'm glad we get to all spend Christmas together" she said.
We started talking and became friends somewhat quickly. Once I talked to her I realized she wasn't that bad, and she defiantly liked Gilinsky and only Gilinsky. Sammy out his arm around me and I leaned on his shoulder. Gilinsky was sitting on the other side of Madison with his arm around her. Jack took a picitre of the 4 of us.
"You know that one awkward single person" Jack said.
"Yeah" we all said.
"I'm that person" he said.
"No your not, your just single" I said.
We all talked since there were so many people between Madison and her brother, Gilinsky and his sisters and everyone else. After a while the adults came in and said they had to go home so everyone left except Jack and I with our parents.
"FaceTime me, and I'll see you tomorrow" Sammy said at the door as he kissed me. He didn't even care that everyone was there. I nodded.
"Okay bye" I said hugging him. Everyone left and it was just Me, Jack, and our parents.
"I'm gonna go up to bed" I said.
I walked upstairs and sat on my bed after changing into shorts and a tee shirt. I pulled a little safe out from under my bed and set it in front of me. I stood up and went into my bathroom where I got the key from above the door. I sat down and opened up the safe. There were 3 journals inside. I opened one up, i read it and immediately realised how weird the stuff I had written was. I had talked about how hot Sammy was and how he told Jack not to be mean to me and stupid stuff like that. The whole book was me talking about seeing Sammy in the hall at school or when Jack had him over. It was really embarrassing. I gotta FaceTime call from Sammy and answered.
"Hey babe" He said.
"Hey" I said.
"Whatcha doing?" I asked.
"I feel weird because normally I would text you right now and we'd go outside and chill and talk for a while but now we're not in the same house so I'm forced to talk to you through the internet" he said.
"It's weird because I never realised how much of a difference it is not having you in the same house until now" I said.
"You look pretty" he said.
"I'm in old off brand shorts from target and a tee shirt. My hair is messed up and your seeing me through a bad camera" I said laughing a little.
"I know, you just look really pretty and normally I don't tell you because I'd be saying it too much but I mean it felt like the right thing in this situation" he said.
"Well thank you" I said.
"So like now that it's just the two of us, can you tell me what you said in the journals" he said casually trailing off.
"Okay so let me explain that" I said.
"Okay" he said.
"You know I had a big crush on you, well I would write about it when I saw you, like if you came over to see jack or if I saw you in the hall before I switched schools" I explained shyly.
"That's really cute" he said.
"No it's really embarrassing" I replied.
"Seriously I think that's really sweet, it makes me feel special" he said.
"I don't know how or why but your making me feel better" I spoke.
"I mean I don't know why but I like really want to kiss you right now" he said.
I laughed a little.
"Well actually I do know why, because I love kissing you. But still this really sucks" he added.
"I'll kiss you when I see you tomorrow" I said.
"That's good, I have something to look forward too" he said.
I heard a knock on my door,
"Someone's knocking on my door" I said standing up and carrying my phone to the door with me. I opened it to see Jack. He came in and sat down on my bed.
"I'm face timing Sammy" I said to Jack.
"Oh hey Sam" he said looking at my phone.
"What's up bro" Sammy said.
"I just came to see Haven because I was bored" Jack said.
"Who's excited for Christmas tomorrow" Jack said happily.
"Oh I can't wait" I said.
"I got really good presents this year" Sammy said.
"So did I" Jack said.
"Me too" I added.
"We should go to bed soon" Jack said.
"Wait uh Haven I forgot to ask you earlier, is everything okay with Gilinsky. You too were talking earlier and it looked pretty legit" Sammy said.
"I was just uh....okay I was asking him about Madison. I was worried she would be all over you but she wasn't and Gilinsky cleared everything up so we're good" I said.
"Okay, well we should probably all go to sleep" Sammy said.
"Yeah" Jack said standing up.
"Well I love you, I'll see you tomorrow on Christmas" I said.
"I love you too, I'll see you in the morning" he said smiling.
"Okay bye goodnight" I said.
"Goodnight babe" Sammy said as we hung up.
"Jack" I said.
"Yeah" he asked yawning.
"Will you sleep in here tonight?" I asked.
"Sure" he said as he got in the bed beside me.
"You really are a good brother" I said.
"You really are a good sister" he said before falling asleep.

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