Chapter 68

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"Its not okay, all Jack does is say that he doesn't trust you and michael and i hate it. You too are best friends. I..i just don't know what was up with Jack and Hayes just then. What do they want? Im sorry for dragging you into that whole big argument between Hayes and i then jack and i. " I said.

"Why would you be sorry, you dignity do anything. I loved what you said back there" he said.

"What do you mean?'' i asked.

"When you said that i wasn't going anywhere" He answered smiling. I looked up and him also smiling.

"yeah, that was good to say" i replied.

When Sammy and I got to the car they all turned to look at us.

"Do you want to tell me what happened? Jack texted can tell me when we get home" Ashton said. I nodded.

"What did Jack say?" I asked.

"Do you want me to read it aloud or let you read it?" He asked.

"You can read it" I said.

"Hey Ash, I know Haven and Sammy are staying at your place tonight but could you watch her? Just keep her away from Sammy and Michael. She just blew up at Hayes and I for no reason and started making up lies about me. Just don't listen to her. Thanks" Ashton finished reading.

"I can't believe him right now. I'll tell you what really happened when we get to your house" I said. The rest of the car ride was short.  When we arrived at the house we all got out of the car and entered the house. Sammy and I set our bags on the ground then joined the rest of the boys in the living room. They all looked confused yet concerned about what had happened at the house. To them, Sammy and i walked into the house, then i came out crying.

"do you want to tell me somewhere else or here with everyone else?" Ashton asked.

"i want to tell you here but i don't want one of you to be mad at me" i said.

"Oh Michael already knows that Jack doesn't like him" Calum said. Michael nodded in agreement.

"How did you know?" I asked Michael.

"He gives me mean looks and rarely talks to me unless he absolutely needs too" Michael shrugged.

I told the entire story to them. At the end they all understood exactly what had happened.

"Why would Jack defend the kid?" Luke said referring to hayes.

"I think he was just trying to piss me off to prove a point but i don't know" I answered.

As we were all talking i got a text from Jack:

"Im sorry for being mean back there. I shouldn't have anything against Michael and sammy is my best friend. Its not that i don't trust Sammy..its just that i get worried that he could brake up with you and really hurt you. I know sammy more than i knew Hayes though, so i do trust him." the text ended.

I decided to wait to respond until later since I didn't know what to say. The boys took Sammy and I on a tour of there home showing us all of the rooms. They had a HUGE guest room that was bigger than most hotel rooms i had stayed in. It had 2 queen beds in it and a big TV in the front.

"Is it okay if you guys stay here?" Ashton asked.

"YES, this room is huge" I said. The boys all laughed. It was very late so we all decided to go to bed. All of the boys said goodnight and walked to there rooms which were really only a couple feet away. I picked up some shorts and a tee shirt out of my bag and walked into the bathroom to change. When I came out, Sammy was in basketball shorts and shirtless.

"The floor is cold!" I said as I walked towards my bed. I stopped by my bag and put on fluffy socks. I jumped onto my bed and sat down with my phone. Sammy picked up the TV remote off of his bedside table and began searching through channels for a good TV show. In the end we ended up just turning off the TV since we couldn't find anything good to watch. He just lay on his bed looking at his phone for about 5 minutes before talking,

"do you wanna come sit down with bored" he said. I got my phone and stood up. I sat down beside him, leaning my head on his shoulder. I got a text from Jack at that moment,

"please answer, I'm sorry, i wasn't trying to be mean. Just please talk to me" it read.

Sammy heard the text noise obviously, and spoke,

"is it Jack?" he asked.

"yeah" i answered.

"he said he's sorry...he didn't say anything about his text to ashton though" i added.

"are you gonna text him back" he asked.

"i...i want to, but i just don't know what to say'' i answered.

At that very moment, Sammy's phone began was Jack.

Sammy answered:

JACK- Sammy? are you there? we need to talk because Havens not answering my texts, is she with you? Where is she?

SAMMY- Its fine, she's here. She's not "not answering", she just doesn't know what to say.

JACK- I'm really sorry about that whole thing at the house, Sammy. I just get nervous now, because of what happened with Claire. I know its different with you though because i know you well, and i know you would never do anything like he did...i DO trust you.

SAMMY- I know you do, and i know that you care about Haven. She's your sister so you want to keep her safe. We're the same, we both want to keep her safe.

JACK- Im just really sorry and I want to talk to her.

SAMMY- Just wait a second, i need to ask her....

Sammy looked at me and whispered,

"Jack wants to talk to you, you don't have too, but he really wants too" he said quietly.

"Yeah, ill talk to him" i whispered back, he handed me the phone:

HAVEN- Hey Jack, What do you want to tell me?'

JACK- oh haven! I wanted to talk to you about earlier, I'm really sorry, i shouldn't have said the things i did"

HAVEN- Jack....Sammy is your best friend and my boyfriend, so you can't just go around announcing to the whole told that you don't rust your best friend. And Michael, really? your worried that Sammy would do something like Hayes, when your over here acting like I'm doing what hayes did. Michael and i have never been a thing and never will be. he is my friend.

JACK- i know, I'm sory, i just didn't know what to do, and totally freaked out. i talked to sammy, you can have him tell you what i said. ill see you when you get back"

Then the call ended.

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