When you meet Sun

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"Please?". "No". "Please". "No". "Y/nnnnnn Please!!". "No Mei!". You were in the training area of your house. Your little sister Mei was sitting to side watching you, talking about a certain someone. "Y/n please, I really think you'll like him" Mei said with a whine. You kept punching and kicking the armless dummy, focusing on it while talking. "I don't know Mei, he has a bad history" you said as you high kick the dummy's head.

"Come on! You can't just judge someone based on how they were in the past! I mean look at all the dates you been on" Mei said waving her hands about. You stopped punching the dummy and cringed at Mei. You didn't exactly have the best track record with dates. Mainly because Mei always set them up. She would get you to date young, old, rich, poor anyone she could find. And they always turned out horrible. Mainly because of you 'cold and evil' attitude, but you just didn't show emotions as much.

Sure you would laugh, be goofy and make a snarky comment here and there, but most of the time you were plain and kept to yourself. You looked back at Mei, she was giving you her signature puppy eyes. You groaned, "Fine!". Mei jumped around pleased with your answer, but you stopped her. "ONLY, if you promise me that your not gonna set me up on another stupid blind date". "I promise" she said with a smile and a hand raised. You chuckled at Mei's antics. You both walked out of the training area leaving the dummy behind and setting yourself up.


The bell rung over the door, signalling Pigsy of another customer. However, it was just you and Mei. "Heya Pigsy, where is MK?" Mei questioned walking over to the counter. "The kid? Ehhh, probably in the back. He just got done with deliveries for the day" Pigsy said with a shrug. "Thanks", and just like that Mei was in the back. That's when Pigsy spots you, "Well well well if it isn't Y/n. What brings you here? Haven't seen you in a while?" Pigsy questions with a smile as he leans on the bench. You grab a stool and sit next to Tang, who was eating some noodles while reading a book. "Well if you must know, Mei wants me to meet Monkey King" you said with a sigh.

"Monkey King? Ha! That's gonna be interesting. Want me to whip you up something?" Pigsy asks. You just nod, and with that Pigsy went off to make you some noodles. As you waited you saw MK and Mei whispering to one another. You grew suspicious, why would they be whispering? You then started to daze off into your own thoughts. It felt like forever, then suddenly Mei and MK took a hold of you and dashed out the door, leaving Tang, Pigsy and good bowl of noodles. "Ok, I got your order right here-" Pigsy says with a bowl of noodles, but then he realised you weren't there. Pigsy looked about, nothing. "Tang, where is Y/n?" he questioned. Tang looked up at Pigsy confused by what he asked, "Y/n was here?". Pigsy groaned, oh well.


In a flash, you, Mei and MK arrived at Flower Fruit Mountain. MK opened up the fountain and the 3 of you walked into the mountain. MK was giving you the tour of Flower Fruit Mountain, while Mei watched hoping that it would all go smoothly. "Hey kid!" a voice yelled. You all look up and see Monkey King on his cloud, he soared down and faced MK. "What are you doing here, training doesn't start for another half n hour" Monkey King said with a smile. "Yeah well, we just thought that you might want to meet Y/n" MK says with a small smirk.

"Y/n, hehehe, who's-" Monkey King stopped his sentence and saw you. The two of you kind of stared at one another while MK and Mei watched it all unfold. Then Mei let off a small cough, that brought the two of your out of your trance. "S-sorry um, Kid let's go we have very important training stuff to do" Monkey King said as he dashed off to his hut. Mei was jumping up and down and staring at you, you just gave a low grumble. "I think he likes you~" MK said with a smirk. You just 'tsked' at him and walked off to the training area of the mountain.

Monkey King and MK were sparing, while you and Mei watched. Well, you were watching Monkey King. You watch how he would counter and dodge all of MK's attacks, you always studied someone whenever they trained or fought you. Mei could see the dazed look in your eyes and was trying to scream in joy. This was going a lot better than expected. Soon MK and Monkey King finished up and MK was practically dead. "Come on Kid, is that all you got? That felt like a warm up!" Monkey King said with a teasing smile as he stretched his arms and legs.

"Why not have a really challenge, right Y/n?" Mei said with the biggest grin you've ever seen. If MK and Monkey King weren't here you would put her six feet under, but she knew you couldn't do anything and continued to grin. "Yeah, that actually doesn't sound bad" says Monkey King with a smile. You sigh, you both get in your positions and the training begins. With you staring at Monkey King it helped you to predict his moves, every punch you threw you kicked him. Back and forth, back and forth. You could tell Monkey King was tired, he was puffing and his smile had gone to a serious face.

You took the chance and high kicked him up the chin and round house kicked him to the side, causing him to almost go crashing into MK and Mei, thankfully they ducked out of the way. Monkey King groaned and rolled his shoulder. "Impressive work Y/n, you could take some tips MK" Monkey King said as he rose up from the ground. And you simply smiled and chuckled softly at the compliment. The afternoon went by in a flash and it was time for you, Mei and MK to go. Monkey King showed you out. MK and Mei were talking to each other while you were simply walking along side Monkey King.

"Soooooo Y/n! Are you really related to Mei?" Monkey King questioned. You chuckled and shook your head. "Yes I am. Everyone thinks we are just friends, but in reality we are sisters". "By how long?". "Dunno a couple months, but we both know I'm the eldest" you said with a small smirk. The two of you chuckled at the little remark. After you both settled down Monkey King spoke up again. "Y'know Y/n you should smile more, it really brings out your eyes" Monkey King said with a small smirk. You blushed silently, did he really just say that? Before you could answer though Mei pulled you away to the other side of the waterfall, as it closed he waved to you. And you waved back, smiling. "Has someone got a crush?~". "Shut it Mei!"

I don't know if this one is too long
But I'm pretty proud of it

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