People Find Out

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It was like any other day when you decided to pop the question to Tang. You felt confident in asking it, but his response was mixed. You offered the idea of him meeting your parents. Your parents knew about Tang, but not the relationship they still thought you were simple friends. Tang was obviously unsure and concerned about impressing your parents but he gave a shaky agreement to your question. You explained to him what your parents were like, and it helped him but only a little.


You set a time and date and you all agreed to meet Tang on Sandy's boat. Thankfully with no one else, no MK and no Mei. Tang tapped the boat's rim in a small rhythm as he waited for you and your parents. Was he scared? Yes. Would it be obvious? Hopefully not. "Tang" you called out. He turned around to see your cheery face and your parents boarding the boat. Your mother gave a small smile and your father seemed unimpressed. Tang however shook his nerves away, "Y/n. Glad to see you again!" he said as he gave you a small and quick hug.

"So you must be the boyfriend, right?" your mother questioned. Tang shook her hand but she pulled him in rather close. "You seem oddly familiar..." she trailed as her eyes squinted to him. Tang gave a nervous chuckle, "W-wha, I'm sorry miss I don't believe we have meet before. You might be confusing me with someone else". Your mother hummed, "Perhaps I am. Oh well". Tang turned to your father who gave a flat expression, "N-Nice to meet you s-sir" Tang stuttered out as he stuck out a shaky hand. Your father gave him a clean, firm hand shake and walked past him with your mother following him. "Is your dad usually like this?" Tang questions you in a hushed whisper. You just give a small smile and nod, "Don't worry, he is like this to everyone".


You all sat in silence as you ate your noodles. You would look between your parents and boyfriend, but no one made any noise. Aside from eating the noodles. "So. How did you both meet?" you mum says. "Oh uh we meet when he bumped into me at the markets. It was the reason why I was late" you explained. "Ahh, so that was why you were late that one time" your mother nodded. Tang adjusted his glasses, "Yes. I do apologise for her being late". "Oh no, it's quite alright", "But you grounded me for a week. I'm not 8" you muttered. Your mum shot you a glare and you continued to eat your noodles.

"So what do you both do for work?" Tang questioned. "I work at the local nursing home in our small town. The elderly are so sweet to me, always thinking I'm a young teen haha" your mum said jokingly. You slurped up the remains of your noodles and not interjecting. "My husband here works at a sheep farm. We are not the richest family and we are often so busy to care for ourselves. So we simply send Y/n into the city to do errands and help us" your mum explains as she takes ahold of your dad's arm. "Oh wow. That's a lot" Tang said giving a understand nod.

"You have work, don't you Tang?". Tang froze, "Um no not really. But I do try and help my friends!". "That's right! Y/n did say something about a monkey child". "It's Monkie Kid but yes, close enough" you said with a shrug. "Right yes yes him! We were still so delighted to know Y/n had found someone she loved as a friend, before true love. Oh it's so lovely, y'know we have been trying to find someone for Y/n for a while now. But she just has a interesting taste". "What is that suppose to mean mum?" you said rather offended, "Oh don't worry" your mother says as she waves a dismissive hand. You just grumble.

Your father started to make direct eye contact with Tang, he only gave a nervous chuckle as a response. "So Tang..." your father said, starting to talk. "How much do you love my daughter?". Tang was dumb founded and looked between both you and your parents. "Well, I mean. I love her a lot sir, I really do. She makes me feel safe and warm and I care about her just as much as she does for me. She really does mean a lot" Tang said with a unsure tone as he played with his hands.

Your dad gave a small raised brow but nods. "I understand where you are coming from Tang. Don't worry. Come on dear" he says as he takes your mother's hand and walks off the boat. "Oh! Please do come over for dinner Tang!" your mum yells out as she waves. You and Tang simply sit there, rather surprised by what just happened. "Does that mean I'm in the clear?", "I think so?". Tang sighed in relief, "Thank gods! I thought he was going to kill me" Tang said as he lays his head on the table. "I doubt my dad would do that" you said as you shook your head. "Still, the mind can wander" Tang says with a small smile. You just chuckle.

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