When you meet Macaque

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Cw/n = Coworker's name
N/n = Neighbour's name

Tired wasn't even half of what you were feeling. Stressed, anxious and just overall done with society. You were closing up at your work, The Moka Pot. A little coffee shop that was popular with hippies and massive, annoying families. You were working with Cw/n, and you were over their antics. They weren't the hard worker that you were, they slacked off and blamed you for everything they did! The yelling from the customers wasn't helping either. Complaints came in and you would have to remake their order or give them a refund. As you lock the doors to The Moka Pot, you sigh and begin your journey to your apartment.

You trudged along the road, the sun setting slowly. You thought about everything that happened, the stress and pain of your job wasn't the best. But it paid the bills, so what could you do? Quitting wasn't the best option since your landlord was always breathing down your neck about your rent.

You shook your head and thought about some good things. Like how you can lounge about your house, thank god it was a Friday. You wondered if you should cook or take out, what show you should watch? All in all you needed a well relaxed night of food, warmth and tv.


Soon enough you reached your apartment block, climbed the stairs and got to your front door. As you were about to pick your key in the lock, your old neighbour came out. "Oh Y/n dear! I thought you were already home?" N/n questioned in a frail voice. You were puzzled, "No Miss N/n, I just got home" you said with a nod and a unsure smile.

N/n gave you a curious look and went back into her apartment. You were now concerned, you put your ear to the door and you heard noises. You felt a pit in your stomach, had someone broken in?

You slowly unlocked and opened the door, you look down the small hallway to see the light of your kitchen. Someone was in your kitchen. You looked around you for a weapon, the only thing close to a weapon was your umbrella. So you picked it up and slowly walked to your kitchen. You didn't really have that much of a threading aura. You were in your work uniform, a white button up shirt, black pants, black shoes & green apron with the Moka Pot's logo on it, wielding a umbrella and you were tired. Very menacing.

As you slowly peer around the corner you see a shadowy figure, hunching down moving what sounded like glasses and plates. With all the courage you mustered up you turn on the kitchen lights and point the umbrella at the intruder. "What are you doing in my home!" you yelled in a raised voice.

You stare at the intruder and he stares at you. A black monkey with red markings over his eyes. He was in the middle of eating a cupcake your friends and you made a while ago, he had blue frosting covering all around his mouth. What in the world. "Monkey King?" you questioned.

"Uhhhhhhh no. I'm Macaque, six eared Macaque. Do you live here?" Macaque said as he wiped the frosting off his face and stood up. You just frowned at him, "Yes, I'm Y/n. What are you doing here and how did you get in?" you said raising the umbrella up slightly. "Well first off, your window was opened, you seriously gotta close it. It was freezing when I came in. And as for why I'm here, I needed to lay low after a battle I had" Macaque says unfazed by your seriousness. "Also do you mind putting the umbrella down, it makes you look stupid bright eyes". "Bright eyes?" you questioned setting the umbrella down. What kind of a nickname was that?

You two eventually started talking and you calmed down. He explained how he was fighting with Monkey King and needed some place to retreat to, unfortunately that would be your apartment. You started to like talking with him, although he wouln't stop calling you bright eyes.

It was getting late and you were beginning to get very sleepy, you couldn't stop yawing whenever you talked. Macaque chuckled at your yawns. "Your yawns are funny and cute bright eyes. I guess that's my sign to get going". You tried to protest, but soon you slowly fell asleep. Unable to argue with Macaque about him staying.

He shook his head at you with a smile and scooped you up, bridal style. He may or may not have snooped around your apartment before raiding your fridge, so he knew were your room was. He simply laid you gently on your bed and let you be. You were still however in your work clothes, he was about to leave, but he turned back and stared. He then threw a blanket over you and watched your reaction.

You squirmed in your sleep until you found a comfortable position. He chuckled quietly while giving a toothy grin, you were trying to attack him before but now you looked so peaceful and comfortable. He turned around, hopped onto your kitchen window sill and disappeared into the night, leaving you to sleep in peace.


Sorry if this one also wasn't the best
I really have no idea on how to write this emo monkey boi

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