I Love You

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It had been a good couple of months since you first met the Monkey King, and so far it had been going great. Most of the time when MK came to the mountain you would tag along. Or sometimes you would go on your own and Monkey King would greet you at the waterfall. Mei would always try and tag along, break into your personal conversations and not shut up about how you were perfect for one another, even MK was on this train of love. It would annoy to to your bitter core, but you had to admit, there was sometimes that made you see the king in a different light.


The sun was setting behind you and MK, the two of you were on wooden posts as you both attacked one another with your staffs. The exercise was about keeping balance and focussing on the enemy at hand. MK and you never broke contact or fell off. MK was improving by the day, being wary of where he stepped and how he would attack you. Mei was watching from the steps of the hut, recording it all. While Monkey King sat on his cloud and happily watched as the two of you went at it. They would sometimes talk to one another and even whisper, but neither you or MK knew why. MK twirled his staff about, showing off, as he did you sweep kicked him, causing him to fall to the ground in a cloud of dust and dirt.

You hoped off the post and helped MK up. "Sorry MK, but no one likes a show off" you simply said as you help him back up. MK grumbled a little but smiled. You then both heard a ringing and MK's jacket pocket was vibrating. "Excuse me!" he simply said and walked off to take his phone call. As he walked away, Monkey King came over and hopped off his cloud. "I will say, the kid is improving drastically. How do you manage to do it?". "When you really break down and trust a person, you get a better view on them and how they act. MK may act like he is prepared for anything, but he is concerned about having so much responsibility" you explain, as you and Monkey King watch as MK finishes his phone call to talk to Mei.

"Y'know Y/n, I really glad that your like that with me. Opening up, trusting each other, it feels great" he said with a gleeful smile patting your shoulder. You haven't really heard words like that in a long time, but even so you blushed. However, you were interrupted by a small cough. You turn and see MK smiling and Mei having a smug look. "MK's gotta head back. And I'm pretty sure mum will yell at me for staying out this late. You gonna come home?" Mei questioned. "Actually, I was thinking about staying back. If it's alright" you said with a shrug, looking up at Monkey King. "Y-yeah sure of course!" he blurted out with him rapidly nodding his head. Mei sighed and rolled her eyes, "Alright, I'll cover for you and say you went on a late night walk, again". With that MK and Mei left the mountain.


The sun was finally down and you and Monkey King were chilling out the front of his hut. He had turned the light on inside and lit a couple of lanterns to add a bit more light outside. You and him were chatting here and there, while munching down on some snacks he brought out for the two of you. As you both stared off at the dark blue sky you heard tussling. You looked up and saw some white monkeys staring at you both. "Don't worry about them, they are just curious" Monkey King simply says. You nodded slowly at his statement. But when you look back you see some monkeys on the steps, staring at you.

"What are they doing?". Monkey King sighed, "They want food, don't give it to them. They are surprising good at getting what they want". You frowned and took another bite of your peach, the monkeys all stared at you with pleading eyes. You just gave them a blank stare continuing to eat. "So, how's your parents going?" Monkey King asks. But he turns and see you piled high with monkeys, all ravaging your food. "I thought I told you not to feed them" he said with a raised brow. "I couldn't help myself, sorry" you said slightly annoyed by being tricked into their cuteness. He let out a heart filled chuckle, "You've just got that big of a heart don't you. Hehehehe, all the more reason to love you" Monkey King said, but he froze and covered his mouth.

You froze, the monkeys froze, even the wind froze. What did he say? The monkeys dashed off with some food still in hand, leaving you both alone. You started to see some strange colour on him, red, was he blushing? "I... I, oh boy" Monkey King stuttered out. "Mei told me about how you were with other guys in the past. And I felt like maybe you would give me a chance. I mean, your so nice, sweet, loving, caring and yet you bottle it all up for no reason. I think your amazing warrior, sister, friend. And I didn't even know if to tell you all that because I was afraid you would push me away. So yes, Y/n I love you. If you are going to yell at me, please get it over with".

You just stared at him, "Why would I scream at you?" you simply questioned. Monkey King stared back at you, "W-well aren't you mad!? Don't you wanna hit me for being a idiot o-or saying all that stuff?" Monkey King questioned, in a frantic manner. "No, because I feel the same way". "You. Feel the same way about me. So, you love me?" Monkey says pointing to you and them back at him, wrapping his head around the words you said. "Yeah". You slowly leaned up towards him and his breath hitched slightly. You wrapped your arms around his neck, and it just happened. You both kissed, however Monkey King melted into the kiss soon after. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you in closer. You started to hear howls and cheers, you both break the kiss and see thousands of monkeys on the trees and ground, cheering for you both. Monkey King grumbles and you laugh. This was going to be the start of something amazing.

Mmmm Monkie
Hope you enjoyed!

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