People Find Out

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Smooth sailing was the best way to describe you and Sun's relationship. Everything was perfect, though you would often sneak out with Mei to hang out with Sun. You were happy to make the king yours and he was the same way. You would banter playfully and have fun all about the mountain. Every time he would see you smile and laugh his tail would swish about like a playful dog's. You were perfect, he was perfect. Everything was perfect...


You weren't planning much today, you were going to have a fun filled day of training by yourself. But your parents ripped that chance for a peaceful evening telling you they were hosting a gala to show off all their heirlooms. Yes you were a part of the Dragon family but you had a few bigger responsibilities compared to Mei. Being the oldest and all. Mei was able to wriggle her way out of dressing up and actually talking to people. You were however were left in the dust. She tried to help you but your parents made up their minds. You had a very expensive dress on, a pound of makeup on your face and had your hair done up very tightly.

You look about at all the rich people who were invited and cringed, social gathering were the worst in your eyes. Mei was able to invite MK and the others to the gala and were happily having chats and chowing down on the fine cuisine. You would hover about Mei and the others but your mother and father would often rope you into one of the adult conversations for the fun of it. It was a never ending cycle in your eyes. You sigh as you walk back to Mei, "I can't do this anymore!" you whine to her. "Now now Y/n. You are a noble daughter of the Dragon family, you have a reputation to uphold" Mei teased as she patted your shoulder. You just glared at her.

Tang walked over as he held onto a cup, "Y'know Y/n, it is actually important for you to do all this". You quirked your lip and frowned. "I know it's just a lot on one person's plate. And for someone like me". "Your fine Y/n, just keep the rich act up and you'll be off on your merry way" Pigsy said as he leaned on the table of the buffet area. You smiled at Pigsy's words, you knew you could keep the good rich girl act up. But one false move and your would be in total disarray.


It was getting later and later in the night and you were so tired. You had almost talk to everyone in the room three times over about the same thing over and over again. You leaned your arms over the balcony's railing and look down at the dancehall. Everyone was having fun and chatting it up. Pigsy had jokingly decided to make Tang dance with him. Mei and MK also jokingly followed their idea and were acting like idiots, but in a heart warming way. You would chuckle at every time Mei would accidentally stub MK's foot. But you mind wandered, that could be you a Sun. Slowly your smile dropped at thinking of him, knowing it would be a shock if he were to have come.

"You ok there Peaches?" a voice perked up, causing you to raise your eyebrows. You turn and see your monkey lover, giving a smile to you. "Sun!" you cheer in delight as you practically flung yourself onto him. "Hey babe!" Sun said as he hugged you and gave a toothy grin. But he pulled back and actually studied you. "Wow Y/n, you uhh you got a new look..." he says unsure of his choice in words. "Thank you. Not my style but it's better than a clown outfit" you said as you look at yourself. "Mmm and even then I'd still call you stunning" he flirted as he took a hand into yours. You obviously blushed and awed at his comment. But a sudden cough was heard me you look back.

You parents raised a brow. "Y/n..." your mother said in a low voice. "Mother. Father" you said in a rather squeaky voice due to their surprised visit. Sun hid behind you slightly, very unsure of what to do. "Is that Sun Wukong? The Monkey King..." your father questioned with a small frown. "Yes" you said defeated as you step to the side to show off Sun. He gave a concerned look to your parents. "And I take it that you two know each other on a more, personal level". "Yes" you said now becoming very frightened about the road they were going down.

Your father hummed as he adjusted his glasses. "Listen Mr and Mrs Dragon, Y/n's parents? Can I call you that? A-Anyway, I can assure you nothing bad has happened-" Sun explained as he stepped forward a ready to defend your relationship. But your father held up a hand, causing Sun to stop talking. "We are already aware of your relationship". "What?!" you both yell. "But of course. Mei and MK told us, they even showed us those adorable couple pictures she took" your mother said as she smiled. You and Sun look over the balcony and glare at the teens. MK and Mei whistled and pretended to not hear your conversation from above.

"Either way. We are happy for you both" your mother said with a smile as she holds her hands together. "Uh thank you!" Sun said with a more cheerful tone and you simply smile and hold his hand. Your mother started to walk away again, but your father's smile turned into a frown again. He marched right up to Sun's face and pointed at his chest. "Now you listen hear Wukong. If you even try and do anything to her I will bury you so far in the ground that you will-" you father said in harsh whisper. But was quickly pulled away by your mother. "Ok that's enough chatter tonight. You two enjoy yourselves! Oh and Y/n, don't push this one away" your mother said finally dragging your father away from you and Sun.

"I'm not going too" you mumble to yourself. Sun was still reeling from the threat your father had made. But he shook his head and chuckled, "So, I see everyone else is having fun". "Mmm yeah they are". "Then would it be to much to ask if I may have this dance, m'lady?" he said with a low bow and extending a hand to you. "You may, kind sir" you said as you smile and take his hand. You both walk down the stairs and see out of the corner of your eye Mei and MK gawking at you both like high schoolers. But you smiled as you looked back at Sun, you were glad your parents accepted you both. Even though it was strange relationship. But you two worked it out, and danced the night away. Together in each other's arms.

Hope you enjoyed!

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