Macaque's thoughts on you

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The shadows calmed Macaque, I mean darkness was his whole shtick. As Macaque leaned over a rooftop he saw the city's bright lights. It was soothing, people rushing to their homes to head to bed. Even though Macaque thought nothing was on his mind. Something was, you. You were a interesting person. Was that how he would put it? I mean you did confuse him for The Monkey King, soooo...

Either way, he found it quite funny how you tried to use a umbrella as a weapon. He chuckled at the thought. You did look like a idiot, and he would have easily defeated you. He also didn't get the chance to say sorry for sneaking in. He just need a place to rest and recharge. Actually... you kinda reminded him of the kid. Naive, interesting, draw in the people around you with a... interesting aura? Blankly you were interesting. But it confused him why, you weren't a demon you were just a normal looking mortal. So why?

Macaque shrugged and continued to jump from one rooftop to the next. He reached the top of the tallest building in the city and relaxed, overlooking everything. The breeze felt nice against his fur. Then again the thought of you came up. He didn't know why but he used his vision, that he stole from Monkey King, to see you. And you were still in your room, asleep, hugging the blanket that he threw on you before he left. Macaque let out another chuckle.

You look adorable in his eyes, he just sat there on the rooftop head in hands staring at you from that far distance. Was this weird? Yes. Did Macaque think so? Nope! He thought this was normal. He debated with himself, should he meet you again? His life was always filled with danger and he didn't want to bring someone like you into the mix. But he also thought how helpful you could be. He could come back anytime he was hurt, maybe you would understand.

Besides he needed that cupcake recipe. Those were amazing! His vision returned to normal and he walked back in forth in thought. Make friends with you, get to know you and have one person who listens to him? Or leave you behind, forget that it ever happened and move on with his life? Macaque stoped pacing and stared at your apartment. This was the stupidest argument he has had with himself, and all over a mortal. He sighed, he would think about it and just like that he disappeared back into the shadows.

Sorry again if this is short
Idk why I added in the cupcake recipe lol

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