When you meet Mei

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The Silken Web Caverns were your home, they were the only place you felt safe. Today was like all the other days. Spider Queen was plotting revenge, Syntax was trying to help her and Huntsman and Strong Spider were laughing and goofing about. You were a spider demon, just like them. You sat in one of a hundreds of webs reading a book. You found it while wondering the caverns and it peaked your interest. You were getting entranced into your book when the booming voice called.

"Y/N!" Spider Queen yelled. It rattled you so much that you fell from your web. You quickly straightened up and bow to your queen. "Y-yes my queen". "We're going to need more supplies. Would you be a doll and go get them for us?" Spider Queen says with a wave of her hand.

"Yes my queen" you said again with a nod. Syntax glares at you as he hands you a list. Your head sunk into your shoulders at the glare. You had no idea what his problem was, you didn't step out of line or talk back to the others. You walk away and up the walls, leaving through a hole in the ceiling.


You were sneaking through the shadows through the city trying to find what was on the list. The list was a grocery list, very special and incredibly important. You stood on a rooftop as you looked over the city, you were slightly scared of the humans. Spider Queen had always told about how awful they were in comparison to spider demons. But you kind of enjoyed watching them from the underground. You could understand them better, learn and adapt from them. Your eyes rake over the streets. Your eyes catch a boy in orange and a girl in green.

They looked familiar, but you couldn't quite place them. But suddenly the girl in green turned back and looked up at you. You froze, you could see her concerned face. She frowned and said something to the male in orange, before running up and after you. You started to panic, you knew the consequences if Spider Queen knew you revealed your cover. You started to run up and over the buildings. You breath was getting heavy, you stopped and catches your breath. You look back, nobody thankfully. You smiled slightly, maybe the girl saw something else?

But suddenly a green sword swung inches away from your head. You reeled back and yelped. "Oh great. More spider demons" Mei said. "Wait no I-". Mei started to swing at you with her sword again. You continued to evade and duck from the blade as it jabbed and slashed towards you.

"Please stop I-gah!" you yelled. You lost your footing and tumbled down onto another rooftop. You groaned as you rubbed your head and got back up. Mei hopped down, "Ugh, this is no fun!" she whined playfully. You frowned at the comment. You shot a web out and she stuck to the wall behind her, dropping her sword.

"Woah! Hey!". You scuttled over to her and waved your hands downwards, trying to shush her. You sighed as you shot a web over her mouth. She yelped and yelled but the web drowned her voice. "Would you please calm down? I don't want to hurt you" you said a in soft and calm voice. Mei stopped thrashing and gave a confused look. You gave a nod and smile, "Yes. I don't want any harm. I was just watching you and your friend. I only came here for food, for me and my queen". Mei raised a brow as she listened. "I promise you I wouldn't try to hurt anyone" you reassured her.

"Now, can you promise me you won't make any noise?". Mei looked off before nodding to you. You peeled off the webbing from her mouth and she smiled at you. "Ok" you said as you slowly back away. But Mei quickly breaths in, as if she was about to start screaming. You brace, but she chuckles.

"Nah, I'm not gonna do that to you. You actually seem nicer than the other spiders" Mei said with a shrug. You chuckled at Mei, nervously. "Sorry. Let me get you out" you say. You start to cut at the webbing and it all fell off her. Mei grabbed her sword off the ground and rested it on her shoulder.

"So want me to help you?". You were stunted, didn't she try to attack you like a minute ago? "Why?" you said cautiously. "Why not. Consider it payment and as a apology for hehe trying to attack you" Mei says as she rubs the back of her neck. You blush slightly but nod and smile. "Very well. Thank you". "Oh yeah! I'm Mei!" Mei says as she sticks her hand out for a shake. You look at it confused but shake it, "Y-Y/n" you stutter. You turn back and start walking away from her. "Uhh, where are you going?" "To the market..." you said unsure. "No don't go there. I know a better place!" she says with enthusiasm.


You try your best to hold onto all the bags, Mei just smiles as she watches you. You got back up and onto the rooftop and Mei follows. "Well, here you go" Mei says as she hands you the two other bags. "Thank you" you says as you scoop them up. "I appreciate this Mei. But I have to get going. My queen is not a patient waiter" you say with a smile. Mei giggled, "Understandable. She sounds so bossy...Will I see you again?" Mei questioned while rocking on her heels. "You want to see me, again?!" you yelp in surprise. "That is what I said, right?" "Yeah. That would be nice" you say with a soft smile. You turn back and disappear into the night as Mei watches you. An interesting encounter to say the least.

Hope you enjoyed!

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