Season 3 Arch (100k Special)

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You were away on a training exercise, alone. Your parents had sent you out to perfect your flame even though you felt there was something more to it than that. You told MK you were leaving for a bit with no way of communicating but he understood, as of then it had been a good week and it was really peaceful. But for a while you had felt a pit in your stomach, as if something was wrong. Your anxiety got the better of you and you returned home, early. But when you arrived it was a interesting sight.


You yell out down the hallway, "Father? Mother? Red Son!". You made it into the dinning hall to see your family, they stood in a circle formation and gave a annoyed look to you, but what stood out was that they were in their pyjamas. You sunk your head down and walk over to them, "Father, what is going on?". "What is going on?", DBK sneered, "What is going on is that monkey kid stole my ring!". Princess Iron Fan sighed as she gave a concerned look to you, "The monkey kid is going after the Samadi Fire. And he took our ring". You frown in confusion, you could understand it was MK. But blatantly stealing from your family?

"No, there must be a more logical explanation than this. MK wouldn't just-". "Well he did. And he stole one of my vehicles as a getaway" said Red Son annoyed. "There is hole in the entire side of the fortress. How do you not see that?!". You simply purse your lips unsure, you just didn't notice it... "Either way. There is nothing we can do. Let's just hope that what they are doing is for the greater good of them, and not Sun Wukong" DBK said as he turned away. "What?! But Father-" you call out. DBK quickly turns around and glares at you. You jump but look down at the floor, he sighs apologetically. "We will talk about what happened with you in the morning. But for now all us need some rest". You watch as your father walks off, Red Son puts his hands in pj pants and walks away too. "Come on dear" Princess Iron Fan says as she gives you a little nudge, as you both walk to your rooms.


You were not going to sit by and let MK do that. So you what you believe was for the best, you were going to follow him. You packed everything you could into your satchel and snuck out of your room and into the garage. You snuck about and smiled once you found your own ride. It has a motorcycle, Red Son had begrudgingly made it for you and it was like your own pride and joy. You quickly grabbed your keys and hopped on but the light switch flicked on causing you to jump. "And what exactly do you think you are doing Y/n?" Red Son said as he crossed his arms.

"Red Son, brother...what a pleasant surprise" you said giving a wide smile. "You're going after Noodle Boy aren't you?". "Uhh no. I was-yeah I was, I'm going after him". Red Son went over to you as you hopped off your bike, "I just know there is a logical explanation for all of this". Red Son sighed, "I know you find him 'endearing', but I just came to warn you about something". "Being?". "The Dragon girl. There was something off about her when I grabbed her. She..." Red Son looked at the floor as he tried to find his words. "I'll question her about it. Don't worry" you say with a small smile as you hop back on. "Wait", you look down at him and see him looking away, he held up a helmet for you. You smiled and placed it on your head. "I'll be back as soon as I can!" you yell as you switch on the engine and speed off.


You had been driving for hours now and there was no sign of him or his friends. Your frowned as you continued to stare out into the vase desert. "Come on MK. You got to be out here" you mumble to yourself. You skid to a stop at the top of a dune and look out, you gasp as you see a hint of white and blue, a van with a cat atop it's roof. You smile wide, "MK!". You speed down and down the dune as sand and dust kick up into the air. You speed forward the truck wasn't going too fast so you had pretty good time. You drive up to the door and knock on it, the window rolls down and you see Tang poke his head out. "Hello Mr Tang" you said with a smile. His glasses go crooked and his face has a look of shock.

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