Tang's thoughts on you

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It had been two full days and he was still debating if he should deliver the book himself, send it in the post or even do anything. You hadn't called or anything, but then again you didn't exchange numbers. He was over at Sandy's boat house, having a party with the others over a power MK recently unlocked. It was mid day and the bay was rather peaceful. But as much as Tang was infatuated with Monkey King and MK's powers. He just didn't feel like himself.

He was on the deck and staring out into the city, the sun hit the windows of the buildings in a perfect glitz. Still the bright light of the sun, made him think of you. You were so pretty in his eyes, your smile, your hair, the way you stuttered. Just perfect. But he still did feel bad about bumping into you and making you miss your train. That moment was a part of his 'stupid Tang' memories. Because, he felt stupid. He should have looked where he was walking and you had so much food that it made him feel even more bad. He also thoughts back to when you came to Pigsy's noodles. He had never paid full price for two full bowls of noodles.

He'll say it, he is a bargainer, a bit of a cheapskate maybe, but paying for it all just for lunch, willingly, was something he had never done for himself or another. He enjoyed talking to you, and he was still wrapping his head about the book you left. Was it in one of yours bags or did it fall out of somewhere else? He had zero clue, all that concerned him was giving it back. He sighed, "Tang!". He whipped around in fright, to see Pigsy confused. "What are you doing up here? I thought you'd be gushing over the kid's new power" Pigsy says pointing down below the stairs where the party was going on. "I would be but I have other thinks on my mind" Tang simply says fixing his glasses. Pigsy scooted over to him and gave a welcoming smile.

"Thinking about that girl?". "Wha- who- Y/n... nononononono! Maybe... yes" he says in defeat as he says his shoulders. Pigsy gave a signature roar of laughter at his friend, girls weren't talked about much, but when they, do it's mostly about how hopeless they are with them. "I just- I want to give that book back to her" Tang says as he dangles his arms over the railing. "Well, give it back to her. It ain't that complicated" Pigsy says as he folds his arms and shrugs. "I know, but like- when was the last time I've talked with a girl?" Tang says flailing his arms about. "Today. You were talking with Mei almost a hour ago". "No! I mean like I girl that I really really care about?". Pigsy scratched his chin and thought, and he couldn't remember. Tang only ever talked to Mei and some female costumers before, but this was unlike anything he had ever seen.

"Alright, fair point. How about this, we get Mei and MK to find Y/n's house and deliver the book to her?". "Ehhhh, is that really a good idea? I mean, no offence to them but the two of them are-". "Children" Pigsy simply stated. Tang frowned a little, "Yes, children". "Ok then, how about the second option?" Pigsy says as he leans of the boat's railing. "Second option?". "Yeah, the second option is you let me handle your situation" Pigsy says with a almost unsettling smile. Tang groaned, "Do I get any details as to what you'll do?". "Nope. So would you rather Mei and MK deliver the book to her door step, talk about how you've got the hots for her and make you the biggest fool in the world? Or my option?" Pigsy says as he raises his hands, showing off the options. Tang was sweating, what could he do?! Both of them sounded bad, but did he have much of a choice?

Poor little monkie nerd
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