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You were very tired, you didn't do much today but you still felt tired. So you obviously went to bed early, only to wake up at very early hours of the morning to your phone. You groaned, your mind jumped to the thought of Red Son texting you due to something dumb. You leaned over and picked up your phone.

"MK?" you said tired and a little surprised as you see that he was the one who texted. You assumed he would be fast asleep by now, you unlocked your phone and sat up a little bit.

"Are you awake?" the text said. You sighed but smiled and responded with, "I am now. Everything ok?". You got a text almost immediately back. "Can't sleep. I have a lot of my mind" it read. You started to wake up more, did he have a nightmare or did something happen?

"Do you want me to come over?" you texted, he texted back with a smiley face. You gave a chuckle, you understood that it was a yes. You got out of your bed and simply teleported to his room, not nothing to get dressed into anything different and staying in your pj's. You turned over and speak in a joking, "Good Morning, what's up?". MK sat on his bed, his hair was ruffled and his pyjamas were crumpled. You could see he was tired and stressed, it was clear as day, but he put on a small smile.

"Hey babe" he said in a hushed voice. Even his voice sounded tired. You walked over and sat down next to him, he sighed and leaned himself into your shoulder. "You look like you haven't slept in weeks MK", MK gave a hum of agreement.

"Yeah. A lot has been on my mind", "Good things or bad?", "Ehh bit of both" he said with a shrug. "Y'know me. The monkie kid, being Sun Wukong's prodigy blah blah blah you know the story" MK says sounding more and more groggy with every word.

"Hehe ok then, would it help you if I stayed here?" You said as you played about with his messy hair. "Is that ok?", he says as he looks to you. "Totally" you said. You pull MK up and further down the bed so you both laid down with your head on the pillow. MK wriggled as you adjusted yourself so you were both in a comfortable position. He poked his neck through the crook of your neck, he could feel your hair tickling his nose. It made him relax more. He could feel the way you held him in a close and comfortable manner, he could also feel your hands slowly heating his body up with your powers. It made him very drowsy.

"Get some sleep ok" you said softly as you snuggled closer to him. But he didn't respond, that was until you heard the soft snores of MK. He was already out and sleeping, you sighed in relief that now he could properly rest. You rubbed your hands up and down his back in a slow motion and the feeling of MK holding you close made you feel nice and tired too. You were aware that your own bed would be nice but having MK with you, in a comforting and warm i brace was so much better.

Hope you enjoyed!

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